Breast Self Examination Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Breast Self Examination?
Breast self-examination (BSE) is an important tool for women to use in the detection of breast cancer. BSE consists of examining one’s own breasts, feeling for lumps or other changes that may signify the presence of cancerous cells. Implementing a regular routine of BSE can help detect signs and symptoms early enough to increase chances of successful treatment and survival. The best time to do a BSE is typically once a month, during the same time each cycle, several days after your period ends. During this exam, it is suggested that you stand in front of the mirror with your arms by your side and visually inspect both breasts from all angles: top-to-bottom, side-to-side, and inside arm towards outside arm. Make sure to note any visible changes such as skin dimpling or puckering; redness; discharge from nipple(s); swelling; or any lumps or bumps in either breast. After performing a visual inspection, it is recommended that you lie down on your back with one arm above your head while using two fingers from the opposite hand to perform circular motions over each breast area systematically from top to bottom then side-to-side in order to feel for irregularities in texture or shape which could suggest something abnormal beneath the surface. It may be helpful here if you imagine dividing each breast into four quadrants starting at 2 o’clock going clockwise around until 12 o’clock – so as not miss any areas when performing this part of the examination process. If anything unusual has been found during either step of this process it should be reported immediately to a physician who can then provide additional advice on further steps needed for diagnosis purposes (e.g., mammogram). Knowing how our bodies normally look and feel helps us become more aware if we notice any sudden changes taking place – making Breast Self Examination an important tool every woman should routinely utilize.