Reaction Paper Critical Essay Example
Reaction Paper Critical Essay Example

Reaction Paper Critical Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (415 words)
  • Published: April 12, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Remarkable Smiles (Nowelyn S. Reazol) "Being a child happens only once". It was the stage of life that I or most of us want to go back. The stage of plays, innocent mind, problem free, young and carefree. I was once a child and the event that I'm always looking forward every year is Christmas. Every Christmas, I received gifts from my parents and godparents. I wished then that everyday will be Christmas so that I'll be able to receive many gifts.

Looking back on the past brings me great joy as I reminisce about the years of receiving and the happiness it brought to my young heart. In recent times, the emphasis has shifted from solely receiving gifts to also giving them. This transformation was evident during a special outreach program called Adopt-a-Child, which was coordinated by first-year


students of AB English on December 17, 2011. We extended an invitation to children from San Pedro, Jaro to come to WVSU and experience the joys and happiness that accompany an early Christmas celebration. The event proved to be incredibly successful.

From a personal standpoint, I witnessed the joyful expressions of children aged 5 to 7 years old. I heard their delightful laughter and saw their adorable smiles when they arrived at school. I had a great time joining them in playing games. The immense fun was not only felt by the "adopted" children, but also by the students who organized the outreach. Their contagious laughter showed how happy they were as we took them on a tour of SM Iloilo and gave them snacks to satisfy their hunger.

The atmosphere exuded happiness as it radiated from the children'

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faces, but waned upon our separation and their return to their parents. The memory of their smiles and the twinkle in their eyes when receiving gifts brings me solace. Despite exhaustion from a day packed with activities, the conclusion was joyous. Nonetheless, not all facilitators experienced contentment; some felt annoyed or frustrated by the unruly and mischievous child entrusted to them. Nevertheless, such behavior was to be expected.

Having patience with young children is important because it prevents us from getting annoyed and wanting to send them away. However, I strongly believe that Christmas is especially meaningful for kids. Although the event was intended to bring joy to them, it was ultimately us who felt immense happiness. The smiles of these children will always be etched in my memory. This activity fulfilled my desire to experience childhood again.

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