Performance Management Process At The Balme Library Essay Example
Performance Management Process At The Balme Library Essay Example

Performance Management Process At The Balme Library Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1058 words)
  • Published: September 26, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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In working out your responses to the treatment inquiry, you should take illustrations from your ain experience or happen appropriate instances on the Web that you can discourse. Credit will be given for mentions you make to relevant illustrations from existent companies.A

Read Case 2-3, Performance Management at the University of Ghana, on pages 48-49 of the text. Measure the public presentation direction procedure at the Balme Library and explicate what could be done to better the execution of one specific constituent that has non been implemented efficaciously.


Performance Management ( PM ) Process is uninterrupted and flexible and consists of the undermentioned interconnected constituents: `` requirements, public presentation planning, public presentation executing, public presentation appraisal, public presentation reappraisal and public presentation reclamation and recontracting '' , Aguinis (


2009, p. 32, fig. 2.1 )

The Balme Library, University of Ghana 's public presentation direction system has the undermentioned defects in its procedure:

There was deficiency of systematic occupation analysis at Balme Library. Job analysis is an indispensable portion of a PM system ; it features what constitutes the responsibilities for a peculiar occupation, without this cognition, it becomes hard to cognize what should be evaluated. Job analysis helps with the information on cognition, accomplishments, and abilities ( KSAs ) that is required to work on a peculiar occupation and it is an every bit of import tool required for mensurating public presentation which makes the constitution for occupation success much easier. Aguinis, ( 2009, pp. 33, 35 & A ; 37 )

A good administration's PM system must hold a occupation description ( JD ) for every occupation. In the administration I work for every occupation has a JD

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The JD is one of the documented information that is placed in the advert when there is the demand to make full a vacant place ; it contains the demands for the occupation place.

At the Balme Library, obscure evaluations were done, and once more employees are wholly rated utilizing the same signifier irrespective of their occupation duties. The usage of `` general behavior '' as a evaluation point without farther elucidation of what is meant by general behavior '' is non an ideal manner of evaluation. Evaluations should be done without ambiguity; there should be no confusion as to the significance of any word or phrase. Not all size fits all. It is non advisable to utilize the same tool ( signifier for evaluation ) for all the employees, what is suited for evaluation forces on occupation 'A ' may not be suited for evaluation forces on occupation 'B ' non 'C ' ( ibid, p. 34 )

At the Balme Library, ends were set without the understanding of and engagement of employees. The public presentation planning phase should affect both the supervisor and the employee. The ideal is to get down each public presentation rhythm with the treatments between employee and manager/ supervisor and these treatments are normally centered on:

  • Results - the countries of employee 's answerabilities need to be clearly set out in footings of ends to accomplish, acceptable and unacceptable public presentation degrees,
  • Behaviours - consists of the competences expected to work successfully on the occupation ; the acceptable and unacceptable behaviors to exhibit,
  • Development program - the countries that need betterment and the needed competences for the occupation are identified ;

programs to bridge spreads noticed between competences and public presentation are charted. ( ibid, pp. 38-39 )

In the administration, I work for, during the one-year appraisal meetings, each employee together with his or her direct supervisor set SMART aims. Targets are listed each holding a timeframe within which the marks is to be met. It is the duty of the employee to do certain that the timeframe set is realistic to accomplish marks put. Employees have the duty of doing certain that public presentation meets marks.

Balme Library had no public presentation reappraisal meetings or any signifier of feedback; this so is a great defect. There will non be a manner of cognizing how good or otherwise the library employees have performed or are executing. Harmonizing to Armstrong ( 2003, pp. 496-497 ) public presentation reappraisal meetings are conducted for the undermentioned grounds:

  • 'To buttocks consequences against in agreement marks,
  • To give feedback on public presentation,
  • To farther encourage betterment through constructive unfavorable judgments,
  • To make an enabling forum for exchange of positions between employees and supervisors on accomplishments, unmet marks and doing betterment programs where necessary,
  • To hold on action programs to be implemented by single employees or with the support of supervisors/managers ' .
  • Managers/ supervisors in a command to avoid giving negative feedback chorus from keeping review meetings with employees ; this attitude has corrupting consequence on 'good performing artist ' and should be avoided.

Employee evaluations are sometimes done by other individuals instead than the direct supervisors at the Balme Library. This besides is a nonportion of an ideal PM system. The most suited individual to transport out evaluations on an employee's public

presentation is the direct supervisor or director. The reappraisal of public presentation of employees does non take topographic point in twenty-four hours but facts are gathered over clip normally by the direct supervisor of an employee.


The Library 's mission and strategic ends should be made known to all stakeholders,

The cognition of the occupation is every bit of import ; every occupation should hold a written occupation description,

Every word or phrase that is used in the procedure should be clear to all ; it should non hold any ambiguity,

The supervisors and the employees should work together from the planning phase ; this will guarantee employees engagement in the full procedure and will every bit give employees a sense of belonging,

Performance reappraisal meetings are a must ; and feedback should be done more often as this will enable the supervisor to rectify unacceptable behavior in 'good clip ' and non at the terminal of the public presentation rhythm when it might be 'too late ' to rectify the state of affairs ; developmental programs can be made to better employees. Aguinis, ( 2009, pp. 31-46 )


The execution of an ideal PM system at the Balme Library University of Ghana will decidedly convey about noticeable betterments that would be of great benefit to both the employees and the University Community.


  1. Aguinis, H. ( 2009 ) , 'Performance direction ' . 2nd erectile dysfunction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall
  2. Armstrong, M. , ( 2003 ) , 'A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice ' , 9th Edition Kogan Page
  3. Writer: Chidera Muagba
  4. Posted day of the month: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:40:57 AM


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