Modern Times Linked With Scientific Management Theory Essay Example
The movie Modern Times- the Factory by Chaplin is a renowned film that depicts the history of US in 1936. Chaplin got an inspiration of the movie from the Great Depression that hit USA in 1936 that made workers suffer from injustices under capitalism (Cravens, 2009). The movie, Modern Times –The Factory is satirically constructed as a way of mocking of the state of affairs that were present in the US in 1936. The Scientific Management theory is an instrumental tool that can be used to elaborate more on how satire was employed in the movie. Taylor the founder of Scientific Management theory was a fundamental scholar that raised controversies on how management was an integral part of workforce that either had a positive or negative impact on workers (Modaff, Butler, & DeWine, 2012). Taylor argued that for workers to be efficient t
...hey needed to be provided with the right workload according to their capacity and extra workload was deemed to be inefficient as workers produced less. Efficiency of work could be enhanced through careful selection and training of workers by managers for effective performance of tasks. Proper remuneration was a great motivation for workers to perform more with the promise of high wages but however, unmatched remuneration with output was likely to negatively impact on the productivity of the worker as argued by Taylor (Modaff, Butler, & DeWine, 2012). Additionally Taylor argued that work performance was an overall responsibility of every individual and through equal division of tasks a lot could be achieved than leaving the whole task to a single individual.
From the view of the movie, Modern Times, the US was undergoing through
difficult times during 1936 gravitated by the Great Depression (Cravens, 2009). The Great Depression had a great impact on the economic, industrial, scientific, and political landscape of US. Increased capitalism as a result of economic strain can depicted from the film in terms of how employees were motivated for high profits at the expense of the workers in case where factory workers underwent forced labour illustrated with Chaplin screwing nuts at an alarming speed without rest (YouTube 2016, 0:40). It was in 1936 in the US history that there was increased industrial unrest as workers complained of forced labour and low pay as shown by the striking workers that made Chaplin to be arrested. Communism call for sanity in the US marked the political environment to overthrow capitalism. Additionally, this period coincided with the machine age that revolutionalised the scientific world in terms of machine use.
The movie, Modern Times is a show of the how capitalism due to economic strains turned people into machines without dignity. The unjust treatment of workers in the 1936 led to increased industrial strikes as workers raised concern over force labour and low wage. From the view of the organisational management theory, Chaplin wanted to show how the management had high expectation in their workers in terms of productivity without laying down the strategies on how the actual work could be achieved (Miles, 2012). The dysfunctions within the organisation were the cause of the much unrest that faced many industries as it was the case with the many times Chaplin was arrested by the police (YouTube 2016, 10:50). Communism arose at this time due to the view of how the
capitalism was taking a toll on the workers in terms of organisation management.
The “Modern Times” depicts “times” in terms of transition from one time to the other. From the film, Chaplin is arrested as the mastermind behind the communist demonstration as a show of changing times where people felt that there was need to end capitalism and assume communism. Towards the end of the “The Factory scene, Chaplin convinces Ellen that the struggle was not over despite the many arrests with an assurance of victory at the end as they walked down the road depicting the changing times (YouTube 2016, 13:20). The “Modern Times” from the perspective of the relative theory illustrates the many changing things that the twentieth century has on the twenty first century and how people are reacting towards the changes (Stewart, 2005).
- Cravens, H. (2009). Great Depression: People and perspectives. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO.
- Miles, J. A. (2012). Management and Organization Theory: A Jossey-Bass Reader. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
- Modaff, D. P., Butler, J. A., & DeWine, S. (2012). Organizational communication: Foundations, challenges, and misunderstandings (3rd ed). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon
- Stewart, M. (2005). The special theory of relative time (plural): The presence in the quantum world : gravity has been conquered. New York: iUniverse.
- YouTube,. (2016). Chaplin Modern Times - Factory Scene (HD - 720p). Retrieved 8 February 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfw0KapQ3qk
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