Introduction to Popular American Culture Argumentative Essay Example
Introduction to Popular American Culture Argumentative Essay Example

Introduction to Popular American Culture Argumentative Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (872 words)
  • Published: July 13, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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Pop culture artifacts from these categories used daily influence our actions. In a recent collection of items and observation of diverse advertisements, I investigate what it is about advertisements that drive us to items of desire. I-HOP and Carl’s Jr. are famous dining establishments that offer values of convenience and pleasure. Food is an essential part of life. Dining out allows people to take a break from their busy work schedule and relish a night out with worry of cooking or cleaning. Victoria Secrets and Cover Girl are beauty trends. Beauty trends permit women to feel special, and this is a perpetual American obsession.

P90X, Nutrisystem, and Fiber One cereal are health trends but have the same effect as beauty trends. Again, health and beauty is a significant part of American life and these products allow people to improve th


emselves by aiding in the process. Entertainment trends are the most prevent trends in America. Americans work hard to play hard. Chargers football, Angel’s baseball, Disneyland, Budweiser, Wii video game console, Transformers, and Spongebob are all social and entertainment trends. These trends enable people to bask and alleviate the tensions of everyday work life.

These given example are just a small fraction of today’s popular culture all too common for the average person to notice. Trends incorporate themselves into American society lifestyle with the help of the mass media and there is no slowing down in sight. Affects of Trends Budweiser, which has a slogan of “The American Lager,” is one of the most popular brands of American influence. Budweiser advertises that people will have more amusing and fun occasion while drinking their beer. Several

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reasons suggest why many people in America drink Budweiser beer.

People in America drink Budweiser because this beer is made in America, it is less expensive than other popular brands and they love the taste. Whatever the case, people of America love this product and advertisers intended it to be that way. Another famous American name is Carl’s Jr. Americans love burgers and Carl’s Jr. advertisements are one of a kind. The controversial commercials use beautiful models that eat their burgers and make it seem to the viewers that if people eat their burgers they could look like these women. Obviously this is not true but still these commercials persuade many people to purchase their products.

Trend Influence on Children American pop culture influence children and teenagers a little differently. Children learn and absorb much of the information around them daily, thus helping them to formulate their own ideas (Nixon, 2010). Marketers plant the seed of brand recognition in young children, in hopes that the seeds will grow into a lifetime relationship (Media Awareness Network, 2010). Children represent an important demographic to marketers because they have their own purchasing power; they influence their parents buying decisions (Media Awareness Network, 2010).

Children cannot identify what advertisers are doing to them. According to the Media Awareness Network (2010), Advertisers use “Pester Power”, which refers to children’s ability to nag their parents into purchasing items they may not otherwise buy. Every day I hear those famous words out of the children mouths in my daycare “I want that”! Most every commercial they come across, those exact words are used. Some of the items more popular with children are

Spongebob, the Wii game console, Disneyland, Carl’s Jr. , and Transformers.

These products along with many other popular children’s products influence and shape the young minds of our children. Utilizing the positive aspects of popular culture can help teach today’s youth morals and values, but it is important for parents to realize that there are negative influences in popular culture, and it is there responsibly to teach their children to take advertising at face value, and as a form of entertainment. Purchasing Power American pop culture has very little effect on my decision-making process. I realize what advertiser’s try to portray about the products they advertise.

I am not the type of person who purchases a product because of its popularity. My mind intercepts the desires of want and thoughts of logic take over in the sense that I look at cost and what the product does and not what the advertisers dictate. Retailers are aware that many people purchase products because of brand name when the generic brands are made by the same manufacturer. I could not fathom paying hundreds of dollars for a pair of name brand jeans or a name brand handbag when I can obtain about the same item for twenty or thirty dollars for a generic brand or a brand name that is not as well known.

American popular culture is the culprit of these issues and if people would stop and use some logical thinking before purchasing high priced, name brand items then large businesses would not be able to sell products for a hefty profit. Summary People of America need to realize that popular culture is not everything.

If people step outside and get involved in their own lives and the lives of others in their community, they will suddenly find themselves surrounded by more positive influences and experiences than they will ever find on the Internet or television (Nixon, 2010).

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