Industrial Engineers: in Demand in the Society Essay Example
Industrial Engineers: in Demand in the Society Essay Example

Industrial Engineers: in Demand in the Society Essay Example

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  • Pages: 16 (4180 words)
  • Published: November 30, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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ABSTRACT The field of Industrial Engineering (IE) involves decision-making and working across various businesses. IE has developed methods like "key-ways" to minimize assembly time by ensuring proper part orientation and reducing errors and correction time. As companies embrace management philosophies focused on continuous productivity and quality improvement, the demand for industrial engineers is increasing in the competitive global market.

Industrial engineers, specialized in productivity and quality improvement, are the only engineering professionals dedicated to this field. The demand for industrial engineers is increasing. Many individuals mistakenly believe that "industrial engineer" only refers to those involved in manufacturing, causing misunderstandings.

Industrial engineers possess expertise in optimizing manufacturing processes and enhancing productivity and quality in service industries. They incorporate individuals into system design, taking into account physical and physiological factors that impact individual and group p


erformance. The fundamental principle of industrial engineering is to identify the most efficient methods for operating systems and strive for ongoing improvement. This field plays a vital role in aiding organizations to efficiently expand during prosperous times, as well as consolidate and reallocate resources during periods of austerity.

Industrial engineers working in manufacturing and related industries collaborate closely with management. As a result, they require some knowledge of organizational behavior, finance, management, and other related business principles. The field of human factors and work systems merges traditional areas like work measurement and design with the analysis and evaluation of the human element. This includes considering physiological and psychological factors when designing products and work systems. One project in which industrial engineers may be involved is designing the admissions procedure at a hospital. This involves conducting surgery studies, assessments, and redesigns within the surgery department. Onsite

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hospital visits are undertaken to observe and interview individuals to gain an understanding of how patients flow through operating rooms. These visits aid surgeons and anesthetists in improving their own efficiency levels. Industrial engineers are responsible for such projects in the surgery department for anyone requiring surgery studies, assessments, or redesigns.

Effective layouts are built on the flow of materials being produced or conditioned. As the number and diversity of parts or products grow, flow analysis becomes more complex and the methods of analysis also change. The materials handling and plant layout are closely intertwined, and it is rare to plan or modify one without impacting the other. Individuals in the workplace often endure physical stress from repetitive manual tasks, such as filling envelopes.

Repetitive movements, uncomfortable postures that need to be maintained for a long time, and excessive force when grasping objects are the causes of workplace problems. Time and motion studies can determine and control the level of physical strain on workers. The Gilbreth System of Therbligs revolutionized the study of work methods by introducing new techniques. Despite some modifications, such as adding two Therbligs (Hold and Plan) and eliminating one (Find), the system has mostly remained unchanged since its creation. However, continuous improvement was always intended by the Gilbreths for the Therblig system, which has indeed occurred. Therbligs have found application in various types of work, including robotics and interactive computer systems. Even if not directly utilized, this method has served as a framework for analyzing other aspects of work.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The researcher is grateful to the individuals listed below for their significant contributions to the completion of the project:

To Mr. Emmanuel P. Fria, Technical

English Professor, thank you for giving us the opportunity to study and gain new knowledge. Your guidance in problem-solving has been invaluable, and we sincerely appreciate your constant encouragement in our personal growth.

Thanks to Mr. Reymehl Gregorio for providing the researcher with the layout used in making a research paper and to Ms. Alejandria Gundran for giving information regarding the topics covered by the course Industrial Engineering.

The researcher would like to express gratitude to Thierry Lee Aquino, Ms. Jenifer Mance and Ms. Rachelle Vinas for being her companions throughout the semester and for inspiring her in completing this research. The researcher would also like to thank her parents, Mr. Rene and Mrs.

Angie Dimaliuat is acknowledged for their continuous support, guidance, and understanding in allowing the researcher to work on this project daily. The researcher also expresses gratitude to God Almighty for providing guidance and knowledge throughout the entire project.



Industrial engineering, recognized globally in industry, commerce, and government, encompasses a broad range of tasks aimed at designing, implementing, and maintaining management systems for efficient operations. These activities include all engineering and management functions that do not clearly fall under other categories (Ferrell, 1992). Therefore, industrial engineers strive to create cost-effective high-quality goods and services that are readily available and well-designed to meet customer satisfaction.

Industrial engineers play a crucial role in improving people's lives and contributing to nation-building. In today's industry, the goal is to produce cost-effective goods that are both well-designed and efficient for consumers. This requires industrial engineering, which involves researching, developing, evaluating, improving, and implementing integrated systems that encompass various manufacturing elements such as manpower, money, machines, materials, moment, and methods. Industrial engineering

is a specialized field focused on studying methods that has evolved over time (Wikipedia, 2008; W.K. H., 2002).

Becoming an industrial engineer (IE) places one in an exciting field of engineering that focuses on productivity improvement worldwide. It is a field that deals heavily with human aspects of work as with today's sophisticated tools of work. Industrial engineering sets itself apart from other engineering disciplines by its broader scope, as problem-solving techniques are applied in almost every kind of industry, business, or institution. IEs can be found in banks, hospitals, government institutions, transportation, construction, social services, manufacturing, and logistics at all levels (Brennan et. al., 2007).

The background of the study discusses how industrial engineers determine the most effective ways for organizations to utilize various factors of production. They serve as a bridge between management and operations. These engineers study the product, design systems, and use mathematical analysis to meet requirements.

The statement of the problem outlines the study's aims, which include identifying the pioneers and remarkable industrial engineers in the field, as well as their contributions and benefits. The study also aims to determine the role and functions of an industrial engineer. It poses several specific questions to address these objectives.

The objective of the study is to highlight the importance of industrial engineers in various industries worldwide. The focus is on recognizing the pioneers and remarkable engineers who have made significant contributions in the field and have greatly benefited engineering as a whole.

The main focus of their works is to apply them in industrial production. Because Industrial Engineering is not as widely recognized as other engineering fields, the aim of this project is to raise awareness about

Industrial Engineering. This project can make a small contribution towards acknowledging the significance of Industrial Engineering.

D. Significance of the StudyThis study will provide benefits for the following: 1.

Students who are about to graduate from high school will find this study beneficial as it will assist them in selecting a college course. The project identifies remarkable industrial engineers who have made significant contributions in the field of engineering.

Future Industrial Engineers

The functions and activities outlined in this project can help students study and focus, eliminating confusion about their chosen career when they enter the workforce.

This study focuses on the pioneering work of Frank Gilbreth and his wife Lillian Gilbreth, notable industrial engineers who have made incredible contributions to the field. It also examines the role and function of industrial engineers.

F. Methodology The difficult part of selecting a research topic is complete, and now we face the challenge of finding the specific information required, which is akin to solving a puzzle or embarking on an exciting treasure hunt. If any aspect of this process will be enjoyable, it is undoubtedly this one. The methods employed for conducting this research paper are outlined below: 1. Reading materials Undoubtedly, books, magazines, encyclopedias, and other written or printed media remain highly valuable resources for research purposes.

These materials not only provide an overview of current devices, including their subject matter, functions, capabilities, and features, but also offer insight into potential development and likely improvements for these devices. This information can serve as a starting point for further discoveries, not just for the discussed device but also for other devices that employ similar concepts. Additionally, the Internet has proven to be a

valuable resource for students.

Net surfing allows users or researchers to access a wide range of information on their desired topic online. Patience is crucial in effectively using the Internet, as it offers numerous websites dedicated to a single subject.

CHAPTER 2 Historical Background of Industrial Engineering

In the early 20th century, valuable knowledge about industrial production was gained through research and studies. This knowledge focused on the efficient methods used by factories in manufacturing goods and led to the introduction of scientific management techniques. Early pioneers in industrial engineering soon realized that these concepts and techniques could also be applied to other operating systems such as manufacturing and production (W. K.H., 2002). Management pioneers emerged during and after the Industrial Revolution in England and the United States.

Frederick W. Taylor, also known as the "Father of Scientific Management," initiated the revolution in factory work in America and Europe with his final book titled "The Principles of Scientific Management" published in 1911 (Ferrell, 1992). In this book, Taylor introduced a formula for achieving maximum production. After Taylor's groundbreaking work, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth played a crucial role in highlighting the importance of motion study. They identified and isolated the fundamental movements involved in all human activities and referred to them as "therbligs" (Gilbreth spelled backwards) (Ferrell, 1992). These "therbligs" later became the basis for research that led to the development of time measurement methods still widely used by industrial engineers today.

According to Ferrell (1992), Gilbreth's work in motion study was previously seen as theoretical and impractical. However, in 1927, H.B. Maynard, G.J. Stegemerten, and S.M. Lowry published "Time and Motion Study," emphasizing the significance of motion study and effective

methods (Ferrell, 1992).

In motion study, the motions used in performing productions or processing operations are analyzed to determine the fundamental elements of movement, and then any unnecessary motions are eliminated, necessary motions are simplified, and the most favorable motion sequence for maximum efficiency is established (Niebel, 1999). It is then followed by “Methods engineering”.Many engineers were working on finding better ways to improve operations during the 1930’s (Ferrell, 1992). The scope of the industrial engineering function began to expand rapidly in the years immediately following World War II and has continued to expand since then (Ferrell, 1992).

Activities of Industrial Engineers Management

Management was one of the earliest disciplines to emerge in human history. It is traced back at least as far as early Egyptian times.

Management involves the processes of managing, training, and directing, as well as being an organizational or administrative process. It is considered a science, discipline, and art. It also refers to the group of people responsible for running an organization (Hicks, 1994). The efficient execution of management functions is crucial. Frederick W. Taylor is credited with initiating the development of scientific concepts in management as described in numerous modern texts.

Frederick Taylor, also known as the "Father of Scientific Management" and the "father of Industrial Engineering" (Niebel, 1999), has made significant contributions to these fields. It is important to distinguish between production management and industrial engineering. Production management focuses on teaching management students about the concepts and techniques specific to analyzing and managing production activities. On the other hand, industrial engineering is an engineering degree program that deals with analyzing, designing, and controlling productive systems, which can produce either products or services. While production

management primarily focuses on managing within a production environment, with less emphasis on analyzing and designing productive systems (Babcock & Moise, 2002).

Industrial engineering students learn about the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems involving people, material, equipment, and energy. Unlike industrial engineers, they are not in charge of operating the systems they create. Conversely, operations research concentrates on optimal decision making and modeling of deterministic and probabilistic systems in different fields like government, business, engineering, economics, as well as natural and social sciences. These applications frequently require allocating limited resources and benefit from analysis provided by operations research.

The contribution from operations research, which involves scientific analysis, is primarily derived from the following: (1) The process of structuring a real-life situation into a mathematical model, abstracting the essential elements to seek a solution that aligns with the decision makers' goals. This requires considering the problem within the context of the entire system. (2) The examination of solution structures and the development of systematic procedures to obtain them. (3) The creation of a solution, which may include mathematical theory, that yields an optimum value for the system's measure of desirability. This allows for the comparison of different courses of action by evaluating their measure or desirability (Hiller & Lieberman, 1986).

Mass production, also known as Fordism, was first introduced in the United States in the early 19th century. This production method, utilized by industrialist Henry Ford, involves the creation of standardized goods for a mass market. It relies on dedicated machines and moving assembly lines, utilizing unskilled and semi-skilled labor in various tasks within large factories. Meyers (1993) describes it as a process that emphasizes tight labor

discipline and fragmented jobs. The efficiency of mass production stems from the deliberate and systematic application of ideas.

Skilled industrial engineering and management are required to achieve the maximum benefits of mass production (Meyers, 1993). Facilities planning and design encompass the arrangement and orientation of physical facilities, including storage and supporting services used in production. This includes ensuring adequate space, cleanliness, skilled labor, and utilities. Evaluating the availability and cost of land, raw materials, and power is also important (Turner, 1993). Transportation facilities play a crucial role in plant layout. Work sampling is a work measurement technique that involves intermittent observations of work activity or delays.

The purpose of observing times is to determine the amount of time spent on activities or delays. This information can be converted into an Average Time or Normal time for each activity if effort ratings were included in the observations. Work sampling is a cost-effective method that provides frequent information at a faster rate than stopwatch techniques. Analysts take a large number of observations at random intervals during work sampling studies. L.H. C. was the first to apply work sampling.

tippet in the British textile industry. Later work sampling known under the name “ratio – delay” study and received a considerable attention in this country. Materials handling Material handling is defined simply as moving material. Material handling has affected (positively) working people more than any other area of work design.

Today, we can say that work material handling equipment has eliminated the physical drudgery from work. Like any business expense, material handling equipment must be cost justified. The funds to pay for this equipment must come from the savings on labor, material,

or overhead costs, and these funds must be covered in two years or less (achieving a 50 percent Return on Investment or higher) (Meyers, 1993). Quality control (QC) refers to the examination of product quality as part of a larger system.

Quality control involves determining the cost and acceptability of different quality levels and providing tools to achieve desired quality goals. It aims to integrate controllable aspects of policies, planning and administration, design, procurement, production, customer experience and feedback, corrective action, and employee selection, training, and motivation (Turner, 1993). The term "Industrial Engineer" is often misunderstood as only relating to manufacturing. However, it also includes service industries (Lamar University, 2000).

Industrial Engineers play a crucial role in enhancing cost-effectiveness and job security in various operations and plants (Hicks, 1994). Their expertise extends to resolving a wide range of problems in industry, business, and government. Among various industries, manufacturing employs the largest number of industrial engineers who strive to minimize production costs through the adoption of cutting-edge technologies like automation, robotics, computer science, and integrated manufacturing (Hicks, 1997). Industrial engineers design systems that improve efficiency, effectiveness, and the overall work environment. They have a dual responsibility: enhancing human capabilities in managing and controlling production systems while ensuring the safety and well-being of workers. In today's competitive world, these engineers must apply their creativity to find the best possible solutions (Dalhousie University, 2006). By analyzing factors such as manpower, machines, materials, methods, movement, and money, industrial engineers help organizations boost productivity and profitability.

Industrial engineers possess the necessary skills to tackle work-related issues, such as (1) creating and choosing production equipment and tools and specifying their operating procedures; (2) designing

plant facilities, including machinery arrangement, materials handling equipment, and storage areas; (3) reducing costs through detailed analysis of all production and supporting elements, suggesting improved methods; (4) setting labor performance standards; (5) assessing job skills, establishing a wage scale for skilled work; and (6) developing and implementing production and quality control procedures (Niebel, 1999). Consequently, the field is projected to grow by 20 percent over the next decade, surpassing the average increase seen in other occupations (U. S. Department of Labor, 2007). Enriquez (2007) adds that the demand for industrial engineers is currently strong and consistent.

Industrial engineers (IEs) have the ability to work in various fields or disciplines and often hold high-level job assignments or positions. They specialize in improving processes and as a result, IEs often get promoted to managerial positions. In order to compete in an increasingly competitive world, companies adopt management philosophies focused on continuous productivity and quality improvement. IEs contribute to this by enhancing manufacturing practices, providing high levels of customer service, ensuring product quality, increasing production efficiency, improving workplace safety, and helping companies reduce costs associated with new technologies (Lamar University, 2000).

Contributions to the field of Industrial Engineering include the implementation of Time and Motion studies. A Time and Motion study aims to reduce the number of motions involved in a task to increase productivity. One well-known experiment focused on bricklaying, where Frank Gilberth analyzed the job and managed to reduce the motions required to lay a brick from 18 to about 5. This not only increased productivity but also decreased fatigue for the bricklayer (Wikipedia, 2008). The concept of motion and time study encompasses various aspects, including determining the

time required for human and/or machine work using a specific method, developing materials to effectively utilize this data, and systematically determining favorable work methods (Meyers, 1994). Time measurement plays a significant role in comparing alternative methods, while work measurement refers to some of the techniques used for time measurement.

The motion study aspect encompasses various procedures aimed at eliminating waste movements and consistently producing good products (Meyers ; Stewart, 2002). It is a cost-saving measure that can significantly reduce manufacturing costs in a plant.

The technologies used are the tools, methods, and study that are employed to develop new methods, correct ineffective habits, analyze processes and operations, and create appropriate combinations of people and machines for production (Niebel, 1993). Time-and-motion studies were first introduced in the early 20th century in the United States as a way to evaluate industrial performance by analyzing the time spent in various motions during a job or series of jobs. These studies became widely adopted to improve work methods by breaking down different phases of work. Gilbert invented micromotion study, which utilizes a 16-millimeter industrial camera to record events at a faster speed than normal (1000 frames per minute) so that the time between frames is 0.001 minutes. This technique is used for analyzing short and highly detailed operations that move too quickly for effective visual observation.

The camera was used as a timing device to measure motions or elements. By examining consecutive frames, typically with the help of a frame counter attached to the projector, it was possible to analyze detailed human activity in terms of individual work elements (Meyers ; Stewart, 2002). To display the analysis of a micromotion study,

a "simo chart" is utilized. Micromotion studies require a significant amount of film, so a technique called memomotion study, similar to time lapse photography, was developed. This technique involves longer intervals between successive frames (Meyers ; Stewart, 2002).

The use of video cameras has become common in recent years for recording worker performances as part of time studies. If there are any concerns about the efficiency of prior performance ratings in establishing time standards, they can be reevaluated by reviewing the recorded worker performances. Time study performance ratings were previously determined onsite before recording the worker performances on video tape. Since these ratings could not be reviewed at a later date, they often caused disputes when questioning the resulting standards. The term "Therblig" was coined by Frank and Lilian Gilbreth, who are credited with pioneering this area and spelling their name backwards, with the exception of the letters "T" and "h" (Meyers, 1994).

The term therblig refers to the amount of time it takes for a worker to complete one of the fundamental motions during a manual task. This set consists of 18 elements that describe standardized activities (Niebel, 1993). The following is a list of these elements:

Search (S):

This element is used to locate a required tool, part, or object.

The demarcation line, symbolized by "F", represents Find which signifies the end of the Search cycle. Even if we do not frequently or necessarily use this Therblig, it should remain accessible as it may be significant in a future application of the system. Select is symbolized by "SE".

This component is essential for selecting from multiple search results. The action of grasping objects is represented by the

symbol "G". Similarly, the action of taking hold of an object and bringing it under control is represented by the symbol "H". Finally, the therblig of holding is required to maintain control over an object after it has been successfully picked up.

Position, symbolized by “P”, is the fundamental operation element necessary to prepare the transporting device and/or object for the next basic operation.

Assemble, symbolized by “A”, is the essential operation element required to bring multiple parts into a predetermined relationship and permanently join them in their respective positions. It also encompasses the reverse operation of "disassembly".

Use, symbolized by “U”, denotes the action of utilizing the prepared transporting device or object.

The text discusses some basic operation elements for processing parts or materials. These elements include disassemble (DA), inspect (I), and transport loaded (TL).

Disassemble, symbolized by "DA", is the act of converting the form utility of a part or material. It is the opposite of the assemble motion and can be used to correct a mistake in assembly or remove a part from a jig or clamp used during use or assembly.

Inspect, symbolized by "I", is the act of comparing a part with a pre-determined standard. This operation element requires the use of fine senses and may be assisted by a suitable gauging device.

Transport loaded, symbolized by "TL", refers to the action of transporting a loaded material or part.

This is the basic operation element required to move the hand or other transporting device loaded or moving against resistance. Transport unloaded, symbolized by “TU”. This is the motion of moving the hand that is not carrying any load from the point of Release Load, to the next function

within the sequence. It can also be considered as the hand motions involved between Select and Grasp, where the eye identifies the object and the hand moves towards it to grasp. This Therblig is a non-productive one, and therefore, it should be minimized.

Pre-position for next operation, symbolized by “PP”, is the fundamental element needed to prepare the transporting device and/or an object for the next basic operation. Release load, symbolized by “RL”, refers to the act of letting go and relinquishing control over an object. Unavoidable delay, symbolized by “UD”, denotes a delay that cannot be avoided.

This is the fundamental operation element that occurs when there is a work stoppage caused by machine breakdown, lack of raw materials, waiting for work tickets from the production control office, or similar reasons. It is represented by a page labeled "AD" to depict avoidable delay. This element arises when there is no planned delay in the sequence of motions, yet a delay still occurs. It is represented by a page labeled "PL" to depict planning. This element is used when determining the method to be used for operation. Typically, in repetitive tasks that are frequently performed, the operator will momentarily hesitate before continuing.

Rest to overcome fatigue, symbolized by "RTOF", is the fundamental operation element necessary for a worker to recover from excessive effort. The Therblig is employed in the examination of motion economy in the workplace. Timing is conducted for each of the Therblig units in a process, typically down to the millisecond. These timings can be compared to established values for standard workplace tasks, and the findings can be utilized to optimize manual labor by eliminating unnecessary

movements (Mundel ; Danner, 1994). Appendix Remarkable Industrial Engineers A.

Frank Gilbreth Frederick Taylor, known as the Father of scientific management, was born in 1865 into an upper-class liberal family.

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