Improving Student Performance Depends on the Teacher Essay Example
In the field of education there are many challenges that may be faced in the teachers assigning to their areas of teaching. These challenges may be from different areas(Copland, Garton, & Burns, 2014). The teachers are therefore are supposed to be responsible in their area of practice to ensure that the students’ performance is improved. There should be good management skills that should be applied to manage these problems to enable solving of these problems. Assigning of teachers to their best areas will not only make them comfortable but also productive in their work.
In my internship I will be interested in the mentoring of the students(Malmgren, Ottino, & Nunes Amaral, 2010). According to the society that we are living in, many children may be affected by the environment that they face making t
...hem to change their personality. There should be mentorship program meant for the realization of the student support. This will make the management to be able to learn the habits of the students and even be able to control them. Personally I will devote my tine to see into it that I will be able to attend to as many students as possible for their mentorship. This will help the students in all the areas that they will require support.
During my internship period, I will be interested in practicing the leadership qualities in the education sector. This is due to the many ways that the schools need the leaders that direct the ways to the bright success of the student. Personally this will be my interest to know how to manage the activities around education sector, to improve students’ performance. This will b
made possible by the implementation of the teachers assigning. Teachers are able to be productive when they are located in their best areas in the teaching career. They will also be motivated to doing their best to achieve success. Through this process there will be great academic success in the schools due to a well-motivated workforce.
In my internship I would love to get into close relation with every work mates and even the students. This will enable me to learn quickly the real deal in the education sector. It is also easier for me to be able to apply the skills that I have learnt from my courses. This will be a life changing activity where I will acquire the real experience of the work, therefore I shall be ready to encounter the challenges that might be there. Through the strong support from my mentor I will be able to work to my best. I would also wish to manage changing the negative mentality of the students who have the negative mentality of education, this will be through the mentoring program that I will be holding for the students giving the encouragement and the advice that they require.
In order to ensure that I accomplish my mission I will be attending all the set meetings in the school. Through the meetings I will be able to forward my ideas for the school management to put considerations on them. This will make the ideas that I have not only be had but also thought about. And due to the fact that they are means of improving the students’ performance they shall be greatly dwelt with. Diversity in
learning program will be achieved in many ways. I will also make sure that I am available to the students who need the mentorship lessons and be friendly to them to encourage continuity in the need of the mentorship. This will make it possible for many to feel free to visit for the advice.
After the meetings and if my methods get approved I will provide the manager my record of work and the original copy of the ideas to sign for me indicating that I was the originator of the ideas. This will provide enough evidence of my work. I will also request the student that visit for the mentorship program to fill in a questionnaire, this will provide the users feedback on the services provided.
There is great importance in knowing the progress of my activities in the internship. This will make it possible to know if they are of relevance to the school or not. During the attachment program I will involve some methods of data collections that will provide me with the information that I will require to evaluate my work.
These methods will include; application of questionnaire, observation and interviews.
Questionnaire. This method will target the students that I will handle in the mentorship program who will be involved in a short questionnaire willingly. This method has several advantages over the others and thus I will make more use of the method than the others. The advantages are; it is time saving, the answers that are required are straight forward making it simple for the users to answer the questions at a very short time(Boynton, 2004).
Observation. In this method, I will observe the management
if they will be making changes to the theory that I will introduce to the on the issue of teachers assigning. I will also be observing the students behavior and their progress after the mentorship lessons. This method will give me fist hand information that will be very reliable for my evaluation.
- Boynton, P. M. (2004). Administering, analysing, and reporting your questionnaire. BMJ?: British Medical Journal, 328(June), 1372–1375. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.328.7452.1372
- Copland, F., Garton, S., & Burns, A. (2014). Challenges in Teaching English to Young Learners: Global Perspectives and Local Realities. TESOL Quarterly, 48(4), 738–762. http://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.148
- Malmgren, R. D., Ottino, J. M., & Nunes Amaral, L. a. (2010). The role of mentorship in protégé performance. Nature, 465(7298), 622–626. http://doi.org/10.1038/nature09040
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