The United Nations, also known as the World body, is primarily established to ensure peace and security among nations.
It was the third generation of the organizations Achaean League and subsequently League of Nations. The principal organs and subsidiary bodies of the UN are included under the regular budget of the UN, as authorized by the General Assembly. The General assembly, while having the powers to discuss matters relating to peace and security matters, can pass resolutions with two thirds majority, may refer such matters to security council, a committee of five permanent members, China, France, Russia, UK and USA, and ten elected members of the General Assembly for a two year term members (known as Great Power unanimity or veto power of each). The purpose of the UN can be briefly summarized as:
- To maintain international peace and secu
...rity and to take effective collective measures to that end.
- To develop friendly relations among nations.
- To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of economic, social, cultural and humanitarian character and in promoting respect for human rights.
- To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
With the idea of concert, the covenant and character of UN was drafted in the closing days of the second World War on the basis of proposals worked out by the USA, UK, USSR and their allies in the war.
The United Nations (UN) aimed to establish international order post-war. However, the presence of western states and the Soviet Union with veto powers in the Security Council often hindered progress on peace and security matters. With the end o
the Cold War, the UN assumed a significant responsibility, particularly in terms of bilateral and internal peace efforts. This responsibility grew after terrorists affiliated with Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda groups hijacked three planes. In response, the United States (USA) and United Kingdom (UK) jointly launched an attack on Afghanistan's Taliban government for harboring bin Laden after they refused to surrender him. The Allied forces, supported by UN Security Council members including Russia, are currently engaged in pursuing bin Laden.
The UN's involvement and capacity are uncertain. Prior to April 2000, the UN had carried out 53 peacekeeping missions. Resolving conflicts between countries, such as in Rwanda and Palestine, have been more successful than resolving conflicts within them. Examples of successful mediation in interstate conflicts include Korea, El Salvador, East Timor, and Cambodia.
In the post-Cold War era, the UN has taken on new roles in peace operations like peace building and peace enforcement. In recent intra-state conflicts like Bosnia and Kosovo, fighting involves regular armies as well as undisciplined militias and armed civilians with unclear chains of command. These conflicts often resemble low-intensity guerrilla wars without defined frontlines and are driven by ethnic factors. Civilians suffer the most as they become both victims and targets.
9. The collapse of state institutions has caused a paralysis of governance and a breakdown of law and order, resulting in anarchy. The UN has examined the situation from multiple perspectives, including Human Rights, humanitarian aid, economy, and politics.
10. The UN's humanitarian agencies work to assist civilian victims of war. However, the warring parties often hinder or prevent their efforts, and there is no agreement among these parties regarding a peace-keeping
11. In such circumstances, the role of the UN has become significant yet unpleasant. This study aims to analyze the future functions and responsibilities of the UN in a world where conflicts are unavoidable.
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