Effects of having nearby computer shops Essay Example
Effects of having nearby computer shops Essay Example

Effects of having nearby computer shops Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (895 words)
  • Published: February 12, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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The text examines the significance of computers in achieving academic success and the detrimental effects of excessive computer usage on student studies. It emphasizes that although computers offer access to information and aid in developing writing skills, some students prioritize activities like gaming, browsing websites, and making online friends over studying. The researchers conducted a study to assess how computer shops near a university affect the academic performance of maritime education students. A major concern is that many students develop unhealthy habits when using computers, leading to academic issues. According to Lowing (2004), students have developed patterns of spending excessive time engaging in unnecessary online activities such as visiting pornographic websites, watching explicit videos/images, participating in cyber relationships, experiencing information overload, becoming addicted to computer games, and engaging in net


compulsions rather than focusing on their studies. An increasing concern is the rising involvement of students in internet pornography. A survey conducted by Map Institute of Technology researchers found that two out of 16 first-year students admitted to regularly viewing sexually explicit content. This indicates a tendency for students to prioritize internet pornography over their academic responsibilities (Lowing, 2004). Involvement in internet pornography can be seen as a behavioral addiction.

Individuals who are addicted to certain behaviors not only become dependent on the activity itself, but also on the emotions they feel while engaging in it (Young, 1998, p.17). It is important to note that male students often seek power and influence online, whereas female students view the internet as a means of finding friendship and romance (Lowing, 2004). Additionally, some individuals believe that becoming a prostitute could provide financial support by relying on a

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partner to meet their needs and desires (Lowing, 2004).

A recent study conducted at Boston College indicates that regular computer use can impact a student's performance on standardized tests, especially if there is easy access to computer shops near the school. This negative effect on academic outcomes may be attributed to students spending more time using computers for recreational purposes rather than studying. In order to enhance computer literacy, schools have made computer education mandatory.

Computers have become an essential learning tool as they enable students to store numerous books in one device. Moreover, online degrees offered by various universities prove highly beneficial for individuals living in remote areas or facing disabilities. Online education offers great flexibility and convenience by allowing individuals to obtain degrees without having to leave their homes. Furthermore, computers are extensively employed for training purposes in many companies.However, computers also have drawbacks such as negative effects on eye health and decreased activity levels due to prolonged sitting. The easy accessibility of online information has led to students relying on downloading instead of actively researching, resulting in laziness in their education. The text discusses the advantages and disadvantages of students using computers, as well as the impact of nearby computer shops on academic performance. Students often use computers for mathematical calculations without solving problems. Parents should monitor their children's browsing habits because some websites may not be suitable for them. Drawbacks include the risk of identity theft and transferring computer viruses between systems. Some schools have reported complaints about students spending excessive time in computer shops instead of attending school, but the Department of Education recognizes internet access benefits for research purposes, especially for

students without internet at home. This access is seen as a positive shift away from negative behaviors like drinking and smoking among young students. Critics argue that computer shop owners are indifferent to potential negative effects on academic performance because it brings more business.The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects, benefits, and drawbacks of having computer shops nearby and explore appropriate actions that institutions should take on this matter. Specifically focusing on Capitol University, the study investigates how nearby computer shops impact the academic performance of Bachelor of Science in Maritime Education students during the 2013-2014 academic year. The definition of terms and research methodology are also provided. In the context of exploratory research, where the problem and scope are not yet clearly defined, researchers employ this approach to become familiar with the topic and generate testable hypotheses. Additionally, conducting exploratory research allows for concept evaluation prior to costly implementation in the market. This study specifically examines the impacts of nearby computer shops on first-year students' academic performance at Map Institute of Technology during the 2013-2014 academic year. The presentation of results and discussions follows the sequence outlined in the problem statement. The study explores both advantages and disadvantages associated with having nearby computer shops, revealing that some students develop a dependence on computer gaming as a result. To address this issue, seminars, activities, programs, etc., were organized by the guidance office to support these addicted students.The research findings and reports indicate that the placement of computer shops is a crucial factor in students' addiction to computers, resulting in their neglect of studies. By examining data from actual situations, specifically focusing on

how computer addiction impacts academic performance, researchers gain a thorough understanding of these effects on first year students at Map Institute for Technology. The study also reveals that out of the 16 students involved, 11 are classified as computer majors. Among this group, nine students expressed discontentment with their grades in major courses during the initial semester. Additionally, five students admitted to regularly neglecting studying and relying heavily on computers.

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