Domestic Violence and Trauma Essay Example
Domestic Violence and Trauma Essay Example

Domestic Violence and Trauma Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (655 words)
  • Published: March 30, 2022
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Most families and individuals that have gone through domestic violence usually experience problems of healing both emotionally and physically from several traumas. The traumas usually affect the body, spirit and mind. Experiencing these effects is natural and an important step is to acknowledge the effects in order to begin a healing and restoration process. This essay looks at how trauma affects victims of domestic violence and how the victim can overcome them.

Domestic Violence and Trauma

According to Gerdes, (2012), people who undergo domestic violence tend to experience mental, physical or spiritual shifts that can become worse if no action is taken. Statistics in United States reveal that about three in ten women and one in ten men who faces physical violence or rape reports to at least one effect that is related to violent behavior in the rel


ationship. Despite the victims experiencing similar kind of abuse, trauma response may be different between them. Figley, (2012), suggest that the varying response of trauma may be influenced by various factors like the number of times abusive incidents occur, severity degree and impact on physical health. Effect of domestic violence also depends on the natural reaction of a person to stress and methods of dealing with situations of stress.

Whenever, a physical danger threatens one’s control or ability to escape, victims often enact a survival instinct that is natural. Body trauma may lead to dissociation, shock and other types of involuntary responses during the time the period is taking place. Most of the people who undergo traumatic events may discover that it may take a long time for one to re-adjust after the event (Morewitz, (2004). Some people experience effects after a

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violence that may last or not last while for others the effects appear in waves and the effect is not felt until shock associated with the event disappears.

Domestic violence may have serious effects on the thinking and interaction with their surroundings. Stress as a result of domestic violence may not only cause immediate physical damage but also the mental shifts that happen when the mind is attempting to process trauma and protect the body. According to Gerdes, (2012), domestic violence affects a person’s thoughts, behaviors and feelings and can also impact the mental stability of a person. Those who survive domestic violence are known to experience anxiety, depression and post traumatic stress disorder.

To avoid or reduce the effects associated with domestic violence some of the victims decide to leave the relationship. Those who choose to stay may face rejection from the society especially family members and close friends who get tired of listening to complain and nothing is done by the victim to change his or her situation. Banyard, Edwards & Kendall-Tackett, (2009) argue that it is hard for a victim to make his abuser happy and hence can also not make them to be mad. It is hard to control the action or words of an abuser and it is thus important to make one’s decision regarding the situation.


Domestic violence greatly contributes to trauma of the victims who may decide to abandon the relationship. To minimize the risks involved such as depression and physical injury leaving the relationship is always a better option. Victims need to always have a safety plan since actions of abusers are unpredictable and one can never know the next

move of the abuser. Moving to the outside world will also help in the healing process rather than staying in isolation.


  1. Banyard, V. L., Edwards, V. J., & Kendall-Tackett, K. A. (2009). Trauma and physical health: Understanding the effects of extreme stress and of psychological harm. London: Routledge.
  2. Figley, C. R. (2012). Encyclopedia of trauma: An interdisciplinary guide. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE.
  3. Gerdes, L. I. (2012). Domestic violence. Detroit: Greenhaven Press
  4. Morewitz, S. J. (2004). Domestic violence and maternal child health: New patterns of trauma, treatment, and criminal justice responses. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
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