Diplomacy and Politic in World Essay Example
Diplomacy and Politic in World Essay Example

Diplomacy and Politic in World Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1054 words)
  • Published: January 17, 2022
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Globalization is the art of integration, interaction between organizations, countries, and people for the sole purpose of international trade facilitated by information technology transformation. An open economy will not work with Keynesian policies but requires a well-researched framework to deal with emerging benefits and potential disruption on the global economy.

Globalization immensely contributed to global recession according to a section of economists. Globalization influenced the recession by changing the supply of labor in developing nations to experience massive supply that affected the local and by extension international markets (Herting, 2012). The technological advancement and the effects of globalization a case in point is China that was unable to respond to the threat posed by increased labor supply. The local domestic markets could not absorb the wealth created locally which in turn so an influx in the United St


ates markets.

Globalization required the global trade players to institute efficient mechanisms to combat the effects of the benefits accrued to enable the economy to respond to changes. The handling of the benefits of an open economy will determine avoiding of a possible recession and economic crisis in the future of international markets.

Winning a national election does not give credence to group that exhibits terrorist activities. Hamas and Hezbollah have been in the past involved in radicalism and have close relationship to terrorist groups. The winning of local elections in a country should never vindicate a state that has previously engaged in radicalism that inspires world terrorist groups and organization networks.

The United States of America should take an intelligent approach in dealing with such governments and not tolerate crusaders of terrorism at any cost. The governments believe in international terrorism t

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advocate and propagate their agenda in global geopolitics. Democracy as much as it is good for countries it has portrayed shortcomings in nations such as Lebanon. Democracy operates on the principle of the majority and popular candidate will have their way but disregard the quality of such group’s ideology (Wistrich, 2010).
Hezbollah and Hamas as governments of sovereign status should not be labeled as terrorist until when credible investigations link them directly to terrorist activities. The United States is justified in protection of their liberty and any threat posed to national and international security deserves sanctions and exclusion from the international community. Cooperation is an option when a country acts in good faith but by supporting terrorism despite the sovereignty of a state such, a country is a liability to international peace and security.

The best policy is a mix of diplomatic engagement and upon failure; sanctions will serve as strategic complement to discourage obtaining of nuclear weapons. North Korea and Iran do not inspire trust of the international community to handle nuclear weapons, as they are potential threat to international peace and stability.

The governments of North Korea and Iran lack an elaborate good governance structure that can operate and establish a nuclear program in manufacture of weapons. The countries are capable of striking their enemies and neighbors at the slightest provocation that may prove to be a recipe for international stability. The global community is in consensus for establishments of safeguards for any nuclear program as the consequence of misuse of such weapons are to grief to contemplate (Urbain, & Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research 2008). Diplomatic engagement will provide an opportunity for

North Korea and Iran to prosecute their case as to why they should acquire nuclear weapons state status. If the international community finds no merit in their case and they unilaterally decide to proceed with the nuclear program they qualify as subjects of international sanctions.

North Korea and Iran have no option but to comply or learn to employ trust and accommodation with the West. The Soviet Union decided to work on trust and avoid the conflicts with the West who influences the international geopolitics to lobby states to institute sanctions that cripple ones economic stability. The global community deserves cooperation of all nations in one voice, as dissents are perceived as a threat to international peace.

We all share the same environment regardless of our status in the international community. The destruction of the environment by one party affects other nations collectively as the effects affect the universe in one accord. Countries should understand that pollution of the environment has far much damaging effects to the existence and sustainability of productive harmonious living.

The world does not enjoy consensus in matters environmental conservation because of the varied strategic interest and economic level of countries (Torr, 2005). The developed economies are industrialized hence contribute tremendously to the degradation of the environment. Countries with great economic power rely on industries and other environmentally unfriendly methods for manufacturing to produce products for consumption and export (Urbain, & Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research 2008). The developed countries cannot fathom the possibility of denial on their production due to an environmental concern. The Less Developed Countries suffer by experiencing the ramifications of environmental pollution for actions they are not extensively

guilty of contributing.

The international Less Developed Countries should lobby against environmental pollution in the International arena and push the developed countries to institute measures of production that have no tilt to the environmental features to affect the people negatively. Global warming, climate change, droughts, and other environmental defects because of pollution can be prevented upon consensus and sharing of the resolve to avert environmental degradation.

The Less Developed Countries have a case in the global arena to push and advocate for policies that will prevent pollution. The need to conserve the environment is alive and inevitable to ensure world peace and security. The earlier the world agrees in one resolution to unite against environmental destruction the better for harmonious coexistence and ultimate peace. We all belong to the same ecosystem and destruction on one end plays a major role in affecting the other regions of the universe.


  • Urbain, O., & Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research. (2008). Music and conflict transformation: Harmonies and dissonances in geopolitics. London: I.B Tauris in association with the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research.
  • Herting, S. (2012). Globalization. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag.
  • Torr, J. D. (2005). Weapons of mass destruction: Opposing viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.
  • Wistrich, R. S. (2010). A lethal obsession: Anti-Semitism from antiquity to the global Jihad. New York: Random House.
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