Conducting Successful Library and Internet Searches Essay Example
Advancements in information technology have given students and researchers unprecedented access to primary source materials for academic research. Online resources allow students to easily conduct comprehensive research on any topic. However, the challenge lies in finding the appropriate material within a limited time frame. Failing to recognize the potential distractions of the Internet or library networks can result in wasting valuable time.
Here is a five-step search strategy to optimize the utilization of network resources for successful library and internet searches:
- Analyze your topic to identify the optimal starting point.
- Choose the suitable initial source.
- Modify your approach according to new information acquired.
- Avoid getting trapped in an inefficient strategy.
- Consistently improve and adapt your search techniques.
To return to previous strategies with better knowledge, refer to the link for further details about the strategy mentioned above. Additionally
..., a list of important sites for online academic and library research can be found at Table-1. It is important to critically evaluate the quality and authenticity of online sources. To do this, consider the following points (“Primary Sources,” 2006):
- Determine the publisher and author of the source material.
- Examine why the material was published online and if the author mentions original sources.
- Verify access to the material as authenticated online resources are usually not free.
In order to uphold academic integrity, it is crucial to maintain academic honesty. According to the definition provided in the 1997 New Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of English Language, plagiarism refers to "the unauthorized use of another author's language and thoughts while presenting them as one's own." Plagiarism encompasses various violations and forms of errors.
Many students opt to utilize pre-existing documents in order to evade the challenging task of researching and managing acquired material
Nevertheless, it is crucial for students to comprehend the ramifications of plagiarism. At Alexia, we take plagiarism extremely seriously and any student found guilty may face severe consequences. To avoid negative outcomes, students must appropriately acknowledge any borrowed materials by giving credit to the original source. This includes attributing another individual's idea, opinion, or theory; any non-common knowledge facts, statistics, graphs, or drawings; quotes from someone else's words; or rephrases of someone else's words. There are various referencing styles available such as APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.
When citing references, it is important to properly document all sources using Footnotes, Endnotes, or Parenthetical References. Additionally, a Bibliography, References, or Works Cited page should be included at the end of the research paper to list all sources used. Of the three methods for documenting sources (Footnotes, Endnotes, and Parenthetical References), Parenthetical References is the simplest and is sometimes referred to as Parenthetical Documentation or Parenthetical Citations.
Distance learning refers to situations where the instructor and learner are separated by time or distance. A variety of technological options can be used for distance learning, such as voice, video, computer-based systems, prints, and outreach programs where university faculty and students travel to specific sites.
The essential skills for effective distance learning primarily involve the proper use of the Internet. Persistence and determination are crucial for a successful distance learning experience. Other important skills include communication, reading, and information management.
Reading course materials can sometimes be dull. Students often lose interest and need techniques to stay engaged in their studies.
SQ3R is a technique that gives purpose to reading and allows students to maximize their reading experience ("SQ3R," 2006). This
technique can be broken down into the following steps:
SURVEY - Evaluate the structure or organization of the chapter. This involves reading the introduction, main headings, and the summary. Additionally, it is beneficial to review the questions at the end of the chapter as they assist in identifying crucial parts of the chapter.
QUESTION - Transform each heading and subheading into a question.
This passage highlights the importance of having a clear focus and using effective reading, reciting, and reviewing strategies to enhance retention. Time management can be particularly challenging for students, especially those with additional responsibilities like child care or family obligations. Financing one's own studies can also make it difficult to manage time effectively. Occasionally, students may prioritize extracurricular activities over essential work, but sometimes sacrifices need to be made, such as skipping a weekend trip to meet a friend in order to meet assignment deadlines.
Here are some additional tips for effectively managing your time (“Manage your time wisely,” 2006): Clear your schedule and avoid making commitments that don't fit into it. Stay focused and motivated by creating a work area free from distractions, such as phones and TVs, and committing to remain there according to your schedule. Remember to keep your goals in mind and always prioritize your tasks.
Before starting a task or assignment, it is important to prioritize the tasks and consider the due date. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure a clear understanding of the task as confusion can lead to wasted time.
Receive help if necessary. Break the task into smaller segments. Calculate the required time to complete the task. Splitting a lengthy project into phases makes it
easier to handle. Flawlessness is not crucial, as students may feel overwhelmed by striving for perfection.
Understanding the instructor's expectations and aiming for excellence is crucial. Setting and achieving goals is essential for a purposeful life at any stage. Without a clear destination, one's journey will lack direction. Students need to identify their desired accomplishments and pursue them with determination, establishing both long-term and short-term goals.
The ultimate destination in life is the long-term goal, while the intermediate steps needed to reach that goal are known as the short-term goals. Research has shown that writing down goals and action plans increases the likelihood of achieving them. To establish both short-term and long-term goals, follow these steps:
- Identify - Determine what aspects of your life need to be changed or what achievements you desire.
- Be Specific - Provide precise details and describe the goal using tangible terms.
- Ensure Achievability - Create a brief inventory of obstacles that may hinder your progress towards the goal.
Creating a concise list of resources and benefits that will contribute to achieving the goal is essential. Additionally, formulating a comprehensive Plan of Action with ordered steps and target deadlines is crucial. It is important to establish a time frame for completing the action plan in stages, and to set measurable and realistic objectives to assess goal attainment. Identifying potential obstacles and distractions, such as financial difficulties, family obligations, lack of motivation, or disabilities, is a significant part of setting and achieving goals. However, with proper identification and a well-designed plan to address them, these obstacles can be overcome, allowing for focused pursuit of the primary goal.
“Primary Sources on the Web. ” (2006).
Instruction and Research Services Committee. Retrieved
August 23, 2006 from http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/History/RUSA/“Plagiarism.” (2006). Indiana University. Retrieved August 24, 2006 from http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/plagiarism.
shtml"SQ3R." (2006). Strategy and Success. Retrieved August 24, 2006 from ttp://www.accd.edu/sac/history/keller/ACCDitg/SSSQ3R.htm
"Manage your time wisely." (2006). Bucks County Community College.
The text was obtained on August 24, 2006 from http://www.bucks.edu/~specpop/time-manage.htm Table-1 Important Links for Academic and Library Search on Internet Strategies for conducting online academic and library search: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/Strategies.html Internet Search Tools: http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Help/searchdetails.html How to choose a Search Engine or a Directory: http://library.albany.edu/internet/choose.html The Internet Public Library: http://www.ipl.org/div/websearching/ Largest Online Library Containing Thousands of Books, Journals, Magazines and Newspapers: www.questia.com Academic Journals - Finding Them Online: http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/academic/sources/journals/f...
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