Compare and Contrast Classical Greece and Han China Essay Example
From 600 BCE to 600 CE. known as the classical period. Greece and Han China began to develop. These imperiums were highly of import and successful. However. despite their success. Classical Greece and Han China had major similarities and differences in their political. technological and economic/environmental positions. These societies were similar in the fact that they emphasized certain edifices being built. such as urban centres. or universities. Both reinforced systems to do certain facets of life easier as good. The Greeks built aqueducts and the Chinese built a system of roads within their society. They were both besides similar in the fact that both civilisations experienced population growing during the classical period. which led to enlargement. Although they had multiple similarities. these societies had their differences every bit good.
Politically. Greece was non unified they were divided into separate city states. where as
...China was unified. Technologically. The Greeks focused more on constructing up their ground forces and remaining strong. while the Chinese worked on merchandises that could better their mundane lives. and had less to make with the protection of their civilisation. Besides. they differed economically/environmentally. Greece’s chief points of trading were grapes and vino. China’s chief export was silk. Although they had many similarities. Classical Greece and China’s differences outweighed these similarities.
Politically. these societies had major differences. Greece was non unified. and was separated into separate city states. Each city state was called a Polis. Each Polis included an urban centre and its rural district. an acropolis. agora. public buildings/establishments and bastioned walls. Each Polis was besides alone and different because they developed independently. Thingss in each Polis such as traditions. economic systems. faith
and political systems were different. A different individual was the “ruler” of each Polis. Polis’s besides had a different. distinguishable signifier of authorities as good.
In Han China. they were non divided! China was unified by Shi Huang Di. Since the imperium was unified. they were able to concentrate on bigger and more of import political promotions. The full imperium followed Confucian doctrine. which believed that deep down. worlds were capable of making good workss. They had a standardised currency for trade. which made it easier for trading to take topographic point. The imperium even had a Civil Service system which was non-existent in Greece.
The Civil Service system was put in charge of responsibilities that regulated the society and kept it in balance. They besides conducted the Civil Service Exams. which a citizen could take in order to travel up in society. This was China’s signifier of societal mobility. However. these civilisations had little similarities. Both societies stressed the importance of holding certain edifices constructed. such as urban centres and universities. These edifices were extremely of import for these civilisations because they helped the societies carry out the values that were of import to them. Urban centres offered a topographic point to run into. while universities were a site where 1 could travel to go more knowing.
Technologically. these civilisations were besides different. The engineerings that they were able to develop or that were of import to them was based chiefly on their location geographically. In Classical Greece. they focused on constructing up a strong military base to fend off the environing civilisations of Egypt. Persia ( Turkey ) and Rome. They did this by developing their
engineerings in things such as ship edifice. preparation skilled crewmans. and developing their naval forces for trading and combat. However in Han China. they were far less concerned about their military/army base because they merely had to worry about their mobile neighbours! They had clip to develop engineerings such as the cross-bow. the first seismograph ( the tool that is used for foretelling temblors ) . they built A Batch of roads. specialized in paper devising. and they besides popularized silk.
The popularisation of silk was really of import because it was the chief merchandise that China used for trade! The Chinese even made their paper out of wood bark. which is partially how we make our’s in today’s society! This shows how technologically advanced Han China truly was. Despite these huge differences. Classical Greece and Han China had a few similarities. Both societies built certain systems that made life easier for their society.
In Classical Greece. they built aqueducts. which were brick H2O pipes. These pipes were used to transport H2O throughout the society. In Han China. a system of roads was built. These roads made it easier to transport goods for trade. and had other utilizations as good. Although the existent engineerings may hold been different. the one end that they shared was similar- to do life easier!
From the economic/environmental point of position. Greece and Han China had some major differences. Geographically. Greece was a peninsula. They had entree to many natural seaports. and Han China did non. along the Silk Road of Han China. people frequently died of thirst. Greece was besides wasn’t far from societies such as Egypt. Persia and Rome. Being so
near allowed for cultural diffusion to be present in Greece. Classical Greece’s major trade merchandises were grapes and vino. They frequently traded these to acquire the goods that they needed. Greece even had events such as the Olympic Games.
The Olympics even brought the divided city states together for a brief clip. despite competitions they might hold had! In Han China. their society was based on agribusiness. However. in Greece. the land wasn’t fertile plenty to farm. This was a major difference since agribusiness was such an of import portion to China’s society! Another large difference between the two was the Silk Road. It was China’s beginning of trade. and they frequently traded their chief export. silk on the Silk Road. Despite all of the merchandises the Silk Road gave China. such as Equus caballuss ( China’s most coveted merchandise ) . it besides came with a down side.
Many diseases were spread on the Silk Road from Europe! This resulted in diseases coming back to Han China. they didn’t merely stay on the Silk Road! Despite their major differences economically/environmentally. there were some similarities. One of these similarities was that both civilisations experienced population growing. which led to enlargement. The Han period in China was largely a period of population growing. enlargement. and migration! This was the same for Greece. These societies were making so good in footings of trade. and being able to back up the population and go more advanced led to this population growing!
It is a great accomplishment that these civilisations were able to last so long despite all of the adversities they were faced with such as disease and invasions. Yet. they
were so advanced for their clip that they seemed untouchable! Greece and Han China were largely different despite their civilisations enduring so long and being so successful.
Their ways politically. technologically. and economically/environmentally worked for whatever jobs that they were exposed to where they lived. which is what made them thrive. Their positions besides shaped the bequest that they would go forth on the universe! Particularly in footings of things that we use today such as route systems and paper devising! These promotions are the things that are so of import. and still hold us larning about Classical Greece and Han China today!
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