Challenges to Validity and Reliability Essay Example
Challenges to Validity and Reliability Essay Example

Challenges to Validity and Reliability Essay Example

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Challenges to validity and reliability In the based that the research question where answer by the survey show that there was a validity and reliability upon it. The challenges to gain the validity through out the entire research were less. The research question has to be reworded to gain the specific answers the research need from the sample. This also did affect that data from which the sample may be miss lead or confuse by the miss wording.

The analysis would have be an error without rewording parts of the research question.The reliability of the research is mostly base on the validity of the entire process. Reliability is a measurement that yields consistent results over time is said to be reliable (StatPac, 2010). The challenge was based on the misunderstanding when a select sample found miss wording wi


thin the survey question.

This gave a challenge to change and revise the research question. Since part of the data depended on the survey, the question has to be clear to the sample. This did cause some random error toward the research question.It may it clear that certain research question had to be reworded to obtain a better analysis with less error in the public research sample. Outline to minimize challenges The challenges where based on the rewording of the research question, and the additional information from the data sample of the survey.

In order to minimize the challenges to have validity the following steps where applied. First, it was important to take a group of individual to respond the first draft of the survey. Their feedback gave an idea of what information was missing, and what questio

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was confusing.Secondly, reword the research question to gain the available answer from the survey accurate. The survey was an important part of the research.

As part to minimize the challenge when it came to reliability, the technique use where a test-retest measure of reliability can be obtained by administering the same instrument to the same group of people at two different points in time. This help to evaluate where were the error, and the fresh looks gave a different perspective of the survey administrated.Secondly, as researchers the way to determine the challenges are minimize there was a use of internal consistency. This help sees what needs in the research question from the survey was. The outlines to minimize the challenges are: 1. Select group for testing 2.

Feedback from sample testing 3. Redraft the survey 4. Internal consistency method 5. Survey support research questionsReference StatPac (2010). Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Employee opinion Surveys. Retrieved from http://www.

statpac. com/customer-satisfaction. htm#validity on June 18, 2010

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