Causes of Social Inequality Essay
Causes of Social Inequality Essay

Causes of Social Inequality Essay

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  • Pages: 5 (1271 words)
  • Published: December 27, 2021
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Inequality is a prevalent issue that has stuck with humanity through the years. Every society has definitions and aspects that are meant to shape and develop their views on the societal structure and distinctions in the society. There are different forms of social inequality; however, income inequality is the most prevalent form in the society. The unequal distribution of wealth and income in the society leads to inequalities such as privileges, social power, and other social goods and services in the society. Societies have had to fight with inequality as people aspire to acquire more and elevate their social status and standing in the society. Although there have been differences in the classification through the years, the effects of social inequalities in the society are similar. There are different patterns that can be identified in inequality as t


he society endears to place itself in a position where it can take advantage of different aspects in the larger society. Global inequality is also a reality in the present world where every country looks to use its resources and power to dominate over others. Inequality leads to slow economic development and growth and is detrimental to the well-being and welfare of the society. Social inequality leads to an imbalanced and poor society due to the decadence in moral standards and practices among society members.

Social inequality is a term used to refer to a situation where a society has unevenly distributed resources through the allocation methods and norms of the society. Social inequality has been heavily discussed and debated throughout the centuries since in every society there is a different in the social classes mainly differentiated by wealth.

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Every society has a model of allocation that matches the perceptions and beliefs of the people that is as a result of the differences in allocation methods (Urry, 2012). The socioeconomic status differs among people in the society and the gap has increased with the income inequality gap increasing. In a world where there are people who struggle to make ends meet and do not have enough there are others who have resources that can match the wealth of several countries. The level of income inequality in the society has therefore, led to poor living conditions for many people in the society. The society is widening and a scramble for the few resources has led to problems in the society as people look to gain more from the resources available. The society has been divided in terms of the amount of wealth one possesses. In the past theorists were dividing people into two groups that is the rich and the poor. Karl Max believed that there were the owners of capital and the laborers who were striving to work and gain from their employers (Kvist, 2010). The divisions were as a result of studying the society and finding that there were only two groups who operated and divided themselves in different social classes. However, this has since changed with the society being divided into high, middle and lower classes. The divisions can be further divided a factor that has led to an increase in the level of inequality exponentially. The level of imbalance is now more pronounced and it is only leading to poor living conditions and societal vices for many as opposed to a

few who live luxurious lives.

One of the main patterns of inequality that has had devastating effects to the people is inequality in health. There are a lot of people in the present society who do not have access to health services. The problem is more prevalent in the less developed countries where poverty affects the people. The health sector is mainly driven by resources as the health institutions and facilities need resources to give the best level of medical care. Research and drugs also require a significant injection into the sector. Lack of income has seen the best services and level of care being a preserve for the rich who are only a small portion of the total population. In developed countries as they look to curb on the level of inequality in health they implement a universal health care system that provides for all citizens in the country (Gallo et al, 2012). However, the best hospitals and care facilities are still a preserve for the rich since they have a larger insurance coverage and the means to access health from private healthcare systems. The developed countries also have a lot of people who do not gain access to health care facilities especially people who belong to the lower class facilities.

Racial and ethnic inequality has also been a detrimental factor towards the development and peace among different societies. Every society or race looks to stamp its position and authority in the society creating a major problem for individuals. The social constructs are in many cases determined through the racial background and profile although these traits and social position are ascribed characteristics that are achieved at

birth. The split along race and ethnic background has seen countless loss of lives and destruction in the society. This form of social inequality escalates violence since it objectifies individuals or societies thereby creating inferior beings. The objectification of the people leads to massive deaths like was the case in Nazi Germany where millions of Jews were killed. Gender inequality is also one of the patterns of inequality that is detrimental to the society. Gender inequality manifests in societies that value one gender than the other and in most cases it is the female gender that is looked down on (Baumann, 2011). The females are deemed to be weak and not in equal footing as the male. This form of inequality has been in the society for years as a male chauvinistic society has prevalently ruled the world. Although in most of the Western countries the level of inequality is lower, more needs to be done to ensure that this form of inequality is significantly reduced. The changes that have to be instituted need to be geared towards achieving the set goals and objectives of having an equal society and critically reducing social inequality on grounds of gender. Global inequality is an indicator of the detriments of social inequality in a society (Deguen and Zmirou-Navier, 2010). The more developed countries have abolished social inequality inclinations and are looking towards a more balanced nation. Low corruption and other vices characterize these countries hence their position on the world map in terms of power and control. Social inequality slows down development and critically affects the strength and well-being of the people.
In conclusion, social inequality is a vice

in the present society that should be completely eradicated. It is however, impossible to achieve this feat since individuals are different and achieving similar levels is impossible. Every government or society however, should look to ensure that they have reduced the level of inequality to achieve a more progressive and developed society.


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