Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Essay Example
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Essay Example

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (967 words)
  • Published: May 8, 2022
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ADHD, short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a condition characterized by the persistent occurrence of hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity at varying intervals.

ADHD is a condition that starts during childhood and continues into adulthood. About 66% of children diagnosed with ADHD will still have the disorder as adults. As individuals age, the symptoms of ADHD generally decrease. Some children may have a combined type of ADHD, where two or more symptoms happen simultaneously. Children with ADHD often face difficulties functioning well at home and in school, which can restrict their capacity to build friendships. If not addressed early on, ADHD can impede work and academic performance, ultimately impacting emotional and social growth.

The higher prevalence of ADHD in boys compared to girls poses a challenge in diagnosing the disorder in girls. This is because inattentiveness, which is the


main characteristic of individuals with ADHD, can also be present in unaffected girls. Furthermore, if one person is diagnosed with ADHD, there is a 25 to 35% chance that another family member will have the same disorder. The objective of this article is to outline the symptoms of ADHD, describe the diagnostic process, and discuss potential therapeutic approaches for addressing this condition.

There are two main types of ADHD symptoms: inattentiveness and impulsiveness/hyperactivity. People with this disorder often face difficulties related to one or both of these categories, although it should be mentioned that there might also be other symptoms linked to ADHD.

Difficulties can arise in various areas of people's lives, including social interactions, academics, employment, and domestic environments. If there is no impulsivity or hyperactivity diagnosis, this condition is referred to as ADD. The lack of obvious symptoms

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often leads to the underrecognition of ADD. However, ADHD symptoms are more readily identifiable in younger individuals.

ADHD is frequently diagnosed in children under six years old, impacting their social life both at home and school. Inattentiveness, which includes being easily distracted, making careless mistakes (particularly in academics), forgetting or misplacing belongings, struggling to concentrate on long or boring tasks, having trouble following instructions or listening attentively, frequently switching tasks or activities, and facing challenges with task organization, is a prominent symptom of ADHD. Children with ADHD often display multiple symptoms from this group.

The symptoms of impulsiveness and hyperactivity encompass an inability to remain seated in a calm environment, constant fidgeting, difficulty concentrating for extended periods, excessive physical movements, impatience, excessive talking, acting without considering consequences, lack of danger awareness, and interrupting conversations. These symptoms can lead to various challenges in an individual's life, particularly in children. Common issues include academic struggles, strained relationships with peers and adults, and disciplinary problems. Additionally, children with ADHD may also face other co-occurring conditions such as anxiety disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder depression epilepsy and sleep problems.

It can be difficult to identify symptoms of ADHD in adults because there is limited research on this disorder specifically in adults. Since ADHD begins in childhood and is diagnosed later in adulthood, it can be challenging to pinpoint adult symptoms. However, it has been noted that ADHD symptoms change as individuals transition from childhood to adolescence and into adulthood.

As young individuals with ADHD transition into adulthood, they may face additional challenges like dyslexia and depression. Experts have identified common symptoms of ADHD, such as inattention to details, poor organizational skills, difficulty

prioritizing or concentrating, frequent misplacement of belongings, restlessness, forgetfulness, impulsive speech, trouble staying quiet, interrupting others while speaking, and struggles with stress management. Moreover, individuals with ADHD might exhibit a short temper and irritability. It is recommended that behavior therapy be implemented early after the diagnosis of ADHD in children since it has been proven effective.

Behavior therapy aims to eliminate undesirable issues and promote positive behaviors, making it applicable for teachers in schools and parents at home. Both can utilize this strategy to tackle and resolve problems that impact students in classrooms or their children.

Experts in behavior therapy can successfully improve the parent-child relationship and reduce negative behaviors in children. With their essential guidance, therapists can eliminate negative behaviors and foster positive ones. Additionally, they assist children in enhancing their communication skills, leading to better understanding within relationships.

Polanczyk et al (2007) state that cognitive therapy is effective in helping children with ADHD by addressing their behaviors and thoughts. This therapy involves communication to teach problem-solving skills. Another therapy, psychoeducation, encourages discussing issues to improve understanding and eliminate the disorder. It's important to note that ADHD is a childhood-onset disorder that persists into adulthood.

To prevent the progression of ADHD as individuals grow older, it is crucial to address this disorder in its early stages and provide proper care for individuals with ADHD. This is vital in order to prevent feelings of isolation.


  1. American Academy of Pediatrics. (2001). Clinical practice guideline: treatment of the school-aged child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatrics, 108(4), 1033.
  2. Kooij, J.S., Boonstra, A.M., Swinkels, S.H.N., Bekker, E.M., de Noord, I., ; Buitelaar, J.

The article "Reliability, validity, and utility of instruments for self-report and informant report concerning

symptoms of ADHD in adult patients" by K. (2008) in the Journal of Attention Disorders analyzes the reliability, validity, and usefulness of instruments used to assess symptoms of ADHD in adults. The authors referenced in this article are Polanczyk and de Lima.The article titled "The worldwide prevalence of ADHD: a systematic review and metaregression analysis" was published by S., Horta, B. L., Biederman, J., ; Rohde, L. A. in 2007.The American Journal of Psychiatry includes an article by J. Y. Yen, C. H. Ko, C. F. Yen, H. Y. Wu, and M. J. Yang.The Journal of Adolescent Health (2007) states that Internet addiction is associated with psychological symptoms such as ADHD, depression, social phobia, and hostility. This information can be found in volume 41(1), pages 93-98.

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