Cancer Care Approaches
Cancer is basically a collection of diseases that include unrestrained cell growth. Since this unfettered cell separation as well as growth, it leads to the malignant tumors formation that invades bordering body parts. Cancer as well spread to distant areas of the entire body through the bloodstream system.
As a result the need to determine the root cause of cancer becomes a complex process, however various studies carried out indicate that tobacco use, obesity, microwave radiations, and environmental pollutants tends to increase the risk of health problems. Hence, primary discovery of cancer is tremendously important as it allows for early treatment hence stopping the aspect of progression of the disease process.
The most efficient method on cancer care is the most incorporative approach which is most widely used by cancer patients today since it’s depicted as most compre
...hensive. This method is used by integrative oncology which tends to be a combination of conventional therapies and complementary therapeutic approaches. Since it’s a combination, the approach often tends to provide cover nutrition, traditional Chinese medicine, natural and botanical products, acupuncture as well as mind-body therapies (Foglino et al, 2016). As such it includes the best predictable therapies with the array of effective complementary mode put in place at the moment.
It’s regarded as personalized care approach in cancer treatment since it seeks out the total and unique requirements of every patient while maintaining the target tumor. This approach, reports urge that most adults and children with the problem of cancer in United State tend to use complementary medicine which is quite costly.
More so it is known that survivors of cancer have a higher likelihood of using complementary therapie
unlike the general population in their life time. This is basically done majority of the people so as to improve their sense of overall wellness, pain, energy, for greater immune function, insomnia and physical distress. In many occasions survivors of cancer turn these therapies since they are not satisfied with the medical treatments, which in the long run do not help them.
As such this novel method helps in provision of evidence on the benefits, effectiveness and harms of the different therapeutic options for the case of many decades now without giving it this name. This approach spurs eagerness about pinpointing the foundations of disease, more principally cancer, at the molecular level and the recommended therapies with regard to the new discoveries. Thus the natural remedies are regarded being the great source of hope for their use as the new generation develops (Foglino et al, 2016).
Diagnosis of cancer
This refers to the process by which a doctor establishes the cancer presence via screening or symptoms observation. Monitoring and screening of the symptoms does not entail a doctor to examine the samples of tissue, however, therapeutic tests are necessary when examining and establishing suspected cancer in a patient.
The medical test most commonly used are endoscopy, ultrasound, and blood draws such as in the case of biopsies of the area in question, marker tests, X-rays, computed tomography scans, and the use of pap-smears (Naz & Sajjad, 2016). Effective and efficient diagnosis confirms cancer presence, establishes the cancer progress, as well as looking for the suitable method of treatment. Particular symptoms to look as in the case of cancer are an abnormal lump anywhere in the body, bleeding from anywhere
or coughing up of blood, breathlessness, voice change, change in bowel habits as well as unexplained pain.
Staging of cancer
After diagnosing cancer, staging is done according to the severity of the cancer. Thus, staging refers to the fortitude of the cancer progression level. Staging helps the doctor to plan effectively for the appropriate treatment, estimate the level of prognosis, be in positions to establish the medical trials, and offer the basis for the case of information as well evaluation for the providers. This aids in establishing the site of primary tumor, size and number, involvement of lymph nodes, cell type as well as grade of the metastasis and tumor (Naz & Sajjad, 2016).
The steps are in most cases, local, regional, as well as distant. The complex the numbers actually means that the disease has from its original site to the other organs within the body.
Complications of cancer
The complications of cancer entails being inconvenient, painful, embarrassing, discouraging or even fatal. Considering the mental aspect, cancer increases the danger of mood complaints as in the case of anxiety and depression. More so various studies suggest that cancer can run the risk of suicide with regard to the general population. As such on physical level, the main outstanding problem is pain.
Thus in circumstances where the lump spreads far enough, it results into pressure on the nerve of the corresponding tissues. Pain can be depicted as being somatic, visceral or neuropathic. Hence, somatic pain entails that a specific muscle, skin or bone in a specific area has been damaged, visceral pain indicates damage as in the case of organ tissue while the neuropathic aching means damaging of the central nervous
system. In addition other physical complications are nausea, fever, itchiness, sexual problems vomiting as well as high calcium levels in blood (Font et al, 2016).
Side impacts of cancer management
The conservative cancer treatment modes always are accompanied by various side effects. The radical cancer surgery often results in mutilation, organ loss or limb or widespread rehabilitation. Chemotherapy thus leads to the bone marrow destruction and its significances, lung and kidney, hair loss, and damage to the heart. It can also lead to the production of nausea, numbness as well as fatigue. Thus, radiation therapy can eventually injure the skin or adjacent organs in place.
Physical ways to lessen cancer effects
The patient is advised to be active as possible but should as well have rest or sleep when really tired. As such is often advisable to treat pain and not the patient to endure such pain (Font et al, 2016).
As a result, he/she should immediately inform the doctor in charge about any pain experienced since he can recommend massage or prescribe medicine depending on the kind of pain felt. In case of nausea, the patient ought to evade certain foods or simply use anti-nausea medicine. In circumstances of constipation, the patient is fortified to be active or workout as well as eat high fiber foods regularly. The patient with anaemia are advised to balance rest with activity, drink and have a good feeding, thus saving energy and also consult the physician in charge. The patient facing hair loss is fortified to keep his or her hair clean, treat their hair gently as well as wear wig.
Psychological ways to lessen cancer effects
These are stress management as well as easing
training which is aimed at reducing the contrary side effects of cancer treatment being enacted. As such it utilizes the aspect of relaxation training aimed at achieving the objective by learning how to be able to relax certain biofeedback. This training is intended at assisting cancer patients learn problem solving as in the case with the disease, treatment and the various side effects as well as increasing the feeling of control over the disease. The method is as well aimed at addressing specific problems which result from the same treatment (Font et al, 2016).
Compliance problems are also dealt with using this method of reducing cancer side effects which often affect the success of the treatment. It also deals with the concept of misconception and fears of the disease, its outcome, treatment as well as the patient’s ability to cope.
- Foglino, S., Bravi, F., Carretta, E., Fantini, M. P., Dobrow, M. J., & Brown, A. D. (2016). The relationship between integrated care and cancer patient experience: A scoping review of the evidence. Health Policy, 120(1), 55-63.
- Font, C., Fernández-AvilĂ©s, F., Calderon, C., GarcĂa-Fernández, T., Arab, N., Pineda, E., ... & Viladot, M. (2016). Home management of acute medical complications in cancer patients: a prospective pilot study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(5), 2129-2137.
- Naz, S., & Sajjad, Z. (2016). Diagnosis and Staging of Ca. Ovary: A comparative study between Computed Tomography and Ultrasound. PJR, 26(2).
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