Vocational Rehabilitation Essay Example
Vocational Rehabilitation Essay Example

Vocational Rehabilitation Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (268 words)
  • Published: August 22, 2018
  • Type: Paper
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Associated with high costs and frequent absenteeism in the workplace, traumatic amputation is a devastating occupational injury. Anxiety reactions, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, grief, body image disturbances, and excessive pain are common after such an injury. It is important to understand each of these forms in order to address the resulting psychological effects appropriately.

Experiencing work related amputation can lead to the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms, which is a common clinical problem. Such amputation can cause psychological adjustment challenges and require rehabilitation. To address this issue, counselors should apply Post Psychosocial Assessment and Intervention Strategies, Cognitive Behavior Strategies, and Return to Work Issues and Intervention to aid in settling posttraumatic stress disorder. Additionally, counselors should contribute to research to help solve this problem based on researched facts.

It should be noted that vocational rehabilita


tion services have a strong connection to both job satisfaction and consumer satisfaction, similar to other businesses or services. While research on human service professionals is limited, prior studies have demonstrated a positive correlation between performance and job satisfaction. As a result, measuring VR counselors' productivity and incorporating measurements of consumer satisfaction is critical. In attaining this objective, employee contentment is vital as it has a direct impact on customer fulfillment. Studies conducted in various industries have established an explicit relationship between counselor effectiveness, job satisfaction, and client happiness.

Research has shown a correlation between customer perception of service and employee attitude towards their job, leading to increased job satisfaction among employees. This ultimately results in higher levels of consumer satisfaction with services provided, including within the human services industry such as vocational rehabilitation.

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