Malpractice: Surgery and Basic Human Right Essay Example
Malpractice: Surgery and Basic Human Right Essay Example

Malpractice: Surgery and Basic Human Right Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (404 words)
  • Published: August 27, 2018
  • Type: Case Study
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The Vicente Sotto Scandal, as many have tagged it, is actually about medical malpractice. The video shows a gay named Jan Jan, 39 years of age who had a can of Black Suede inserted in his behind. The patient claimed that his partner in bed forced him to do it. The Vicente Sotto scandal participants (doctors and nurses) are already under investigation, which should only be the case because they have violated one basic human right (i. e. , the right to privacy). A human rights violation hould not go unpunished in my opinion.

The Vicente Sotto scandal is a testimony of medical malpractice wherein doctors, nurses and other health workers are not allowed by law and ethics to divulge information about their patients. That is one provision the Patient's Bill of rights, it happened at the Vi


cente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu, Philippines. The hospital administrators are also looking into this since the evidence is clear that the doctors and nurses did something terribly rong to their patient. . 26-year-old Victoria Deraco died in a government-run hospital iafter she was given the wrong blood type in a procedure that was supposed to save her life. Deraco had Just given birth by caesarian operation when she was transfused with type A blood at the East Avenue Medical Center in December 2004. The procedure was done three times before attending doctors realized that her blood type was B. Due to the mistake, the young mother slipped into a coma and died in January 2005.

Her family is now locked in a court battle against doctors, medical personnel and officials of the East Avenue Medica

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Center to seek Justice for Deraco's death - one of a growing number of horror stories resulting from medical negligence or incompetence in Philippine hospitals. But the fight has not been easy since the Philippines does not have a medical malpractice law that would govern such cases and make efforts by complainants to run after negligent or incompetent practitioners less tedious and xpensive.

Foreign Malpractice 1 . Focusing on 54 patients who filed claims for a medical malpractice claim, found that 69 percent of the foreign objects left behind after surgery were sponges and 31 percent were medical instruments. At least thirty-seven (37) of those patients required corrective surgery and one died. a woman had a surgical sponge inside her abdomen for more than two years. She kept going back to the doctor with complaints of back pain, incontinence, and

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