My Expectations of the Automotive Repair Industry Essay Example
My Expectations of the Automotive Repair Industry Essay Example

My Expectations of the Automotive Repair Industry Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (450 words)
  • Published: March 14, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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My expectations of the automotive repair industry are to learn everything I need to know about fixing a car from the simplest thing to the most complicated. My goals are to go to school and study what I like to become a better person and try to succeed in life. Also I want to transfer from Citrus College to a UC and major in business and hopefully one day have a chance to run a shop with my father.

The personal sacrifices that I will go through are that I will need to take time to do homework and study instead of being out with my friends partying and doing what we do for fun, to wake up early and be in class on time and ready to learn, I will also have to cut my evening short to get enough rest to go to school th


e next day and be completely focused this will be my biggest challenge because for my last two years of high school I only went to school for two hours and got no homework or ever did class work.

I think that in order to succeed in the automotive repair industry u have to have a good character to work with the customer and coworkers because it is a job where communication is very important. Pay expectations are that the middle 50 percent of technicians earned between $11. 31 and $20. 75 per hour. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $8. 70, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $26. 22 per hour. Many experienced technicians employed by car dealers and independent repair shops receive a commission based cos

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of labor which is charged to the customer.

Under this method, weekly earnings depend on the amount of work completed. ("http://www. salary. com/mysalary. asp") The Training needed to become an automotive technician can be done at a community college program to receive an associate degree or certificate with training over 2 years by building up the automotive training with instruction in English, basic mathematics, computers, and other subjects. Some students earn repair certificates in one particular skill and opt to leave the program to begin their career before graduation. "http://education-portal. com/").

I think that new technicians get a lot of pressure on them because they are new in the industry and really have to show employers that they know exactly what they’re doing and won’t be a problem in the future. Also as a new technician we have to go in expecting to learn something new not that we know everything. My expectations in the automotive industry are to make enough money so I can pay to major in business and hopefully one day own a shop with my father.

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