The Power Of Thought Without Reflection Malcolm Gladwell Essay Example
The Power Of Thought Without Reflection Malcolm Gladwell Essay Example

The Power Of Thought Without Reflection Malcolm Gladwell Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (435 words)
  • Published: May 3, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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The book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell grabbed my interest and motivated me to read it right away. And I made the correct decision. It begins with an intriguing case study featuring a distinctive artwork called korus. This piece of art was discovered and brought to a museum for potential sale. The museum's team of art specialists meticulously examined and analyzed the statue, ultimately confirming its genuineness. However, the curator, uncertain about this verdict, sought the viewpoint of another group of experts.

The first group of individuals erroneously thought the statue was genuine, while the second group immediately recognized it as a fake. How did the second team manage to accurately determine the truth? Why were the initial judgments of the first group so incorrect? Can we always be correct when making quick assessments? How can we learn to make


decisions unconsciously? Additionally, why do we sometimes struggle to explain our best choices to others? To address these questions, Malcolm Gladwell utilizes various case studies in his book, such as gambling, speed-dating, war games, and music.

The preferred case study involves a psychologist who can accurately predict whether a married couple will divorce in the future with a 95% success rate. This prediction is made by observing a one-hour video of their conversation. To comprehend how this forecast is made, it is recommended to explore an extraordinary book that delves into brain function and the inner workings of our minds during initial interactions. Additionally, this book offers insights into the reasons behind certain behaviors that are often inexplicable.

The text discusses how the book Blink challenges our conventional idea of bein

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cautious and deliberate by highlighting the advantages of acting swiftly. The term "Blink" refers to intuitive thinking, a phenomenon that we all encounter. This form of thinking is present even when we are unaware of it. If the aforementioned arguments do not convince you to read the book, maybe this quote will catch your interest: "Our world demands decisions with sources and references, and if we express our emotions, we must also be ready to explain why we feel that way."

Underestimating the significance of our spontaneous judgments and their inexplicable nature is a mistake. Acknowledging that we can possess knowledge without fully comprehending its origin and occasionally benefiting from trusting this innate understanding is crucial. Malcolm Gladwell's book Blink: The Power Of Thinking Without Thinking emphasizes the importance of embracing this concept to improve our decision-making skills. This captivating and thought-provoking book provides a psychological viewpoint that has the potential to alter our perception of the world, as it did for me. Enjoy!

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