The Pocket Man: The Child Abuse Case Essay Example
The Pocket Man: The Child Abuse Case Essay Example

The Pocket Man: The Child Abuse Case Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1020 words)
  • Published: October 21, 2021
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According to the article, ill-treatment of children is one of the most intricate factors mirroring the world today. Further, the article illustrates the criminal case centered on the pocket man and the child abuse in the Norway settings. The Norway police arrested the pocket man in 2008 after 32 years of searching the culprit linked to numerous child abuse perspectives and assaults.

The article further points out that the first incidence the pocket man engaged in child sexual abuse took place in 1976. In consonance with Gottschalk (2011), the pedophile acts are a psychiatric medical disorder where an adult usually experiences sexual attraction or affiliation to prepubescent children approximately 11 years or lesser. The article goes further ahead to outline that the pedophile acts in the realm of Norway country defines sexual traits conducted on a child estimated to be 16 years


or younger. Therefore, the acts of the pocket man amount to criminal mechanics. Illustratively, the pocket man made an orifice in his trouser pouch through which the little boys penetrated their hands to access his penis through touching approach. Moreover, he seduced a couple of boys in the several vicinities and the police mapped him as perilous serial criminal. In addition, the articles incorporate pocket man as the nickname of Erik Anderson fueled by the public and press because he made an artificial an aperture in his dungarees pocket.

Lastly, the article explains the major parameters that are considered in the police investigation platforms based on the shreds of evidence provided by revealing that problem definition requires sound understanding and approach decision. Furthermore, the investigation technique and implementation and the performance evaluation are taken int

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account by the police officers. Conclusively, Erik Anderson assaulted more than 100 boys in the 32 years frame

Argument for the Defendant

May it charm the court, my lord, ladies and gentlemen of the jury; my name is Kelly Edwards appointed to represent Mr. Anderson, in this case and I am at this spot with some distinct lawyers, on the left side is John Kay and on the right hand side is Ken Jefferson and you will discern from them.

My client, Erik Anderson, has been charged with child abuse in the domain of the sexual assault and the pedophile acts. Therefore, we will systematically avail evidence to you that Mr. Anderson did not commit the alleged crimes. Firstly, in consonance with police investigations, my client is accused of making an aperture in his trouser pocket through which the boys integrated to touch his penis (Gottschalk, 2011). However, the information provided does not constitute any conceptual and theoretical frameworks that indicate he made the hole in his trouser. My learned friends, the jury, are supposed to present physical evidence to substantiate the claims.

Evidently, the police investigation vividly outlines the different methods employed in gathering information for the purpose conviction of the Mr. Anderson. My honors, the investigation approaches, and implementation constitute various interludes that interfere with the fundamental rights of my client. For instance, Chancellor, (2014) asserts that the child communication and interviews by police do not provide an absolute evidence as children can easily be manipulated and compiled by the police and the family member to give false information.

My lord, the interviews for the witness that include the neighbors and the family are not sufficient. My client postulated

that within the neighborhood, he had powerful enemies and some of them have come to provide their testimonials thus the credibility of the case significantly influenced. My honors, jurors, ladies and gentlemen thank for your time and hearing from me.

Arguments for the Prosecutors

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Ken Jefferson, and I am representing North Carolina State. In the case brought before the court, Mr. Anderson's criminal allegation forms proactive and profound vessels centered on the concrete evidence. In addition, the child sex abuses are intricate issues that require collective responsibility to address it to the latter.

The evidence provided by the Mr. Anderson offers a milestone to the criminal justice. The preliminary evidence using the photos and the video footage indicate the many circumstances the Mr. Anderson wore unique trousers with a hole in the pocket through which the young boys could touch his penis. This is not only child sex abuse but also interferes with the society ethics and morals. Thus, using the section 195 of the law, any person who engages in sexual behaviors with a young person child below 14 years of age is susceptible to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years (Gottschalk, 2011).

Basing my argument on the witness and child interviews, there is sufficient evidence that Mr. Anderson literally assaulted more than 100 little children in line with numerous complaints and even the public and the press nicknamed him "the pocket man". Using the section 196, third and fourth paragraphs respectively, the action of the accused amounts to criminal offenses that leads to imprisonment based on the evidence provided (NCTSN, 2009). Conclusively, Mr. Anderson is found guilty and imprison

for 10years.

Career Prospects for the Attorneys /Prosecutors

Career prospects for the attorneys / prosecutors are a real issue in the world today that simulates lawyers and advocates. In addition, the potential employers are the individuals, businessmen and the government's agencies. Further, the lawyers advise and represent people in different to influence the final verdict. Besides, the prosecutors or defense attorney go on adequate training and education platform to equip them with versatile knowledge. Ideally, most of them are perceived to dig deep in the education mechanics with Doctoral or profession degree. Likewise, the business is guided by the sophisticated individuals' thus intricate requirement for qualification purposes. Lastly, the median annual salary for lawyers estimated $114,970 in May 2014 (United States, 2014).


  1. Chancellor, A. S. (2014). Investigating sexual assault cases. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  2. Gottschalk, P. (2011). Police service in the value shop configuration: The Pocket Man. International Journal of Law and Management Int Jnl Law Management, 53(6), 435-447.
  3. NCTSN. (2009). Child sexual abuse criminal case. Retrieved on 11th Jan 2016 from :<
  4. United States. (2014). Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2009. New York: Skyhorse Publishing
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