The Linguistic Variation Between Male and Female Essay Example
We are even a task which Is focuses on this topic and to find out whether is there any differences In the linguistic variation between males and females. There are some fact said that males and females have differences In many ways especially In physical and mental since they were an infant. Thus, to prove what we have assumed, we already choose randomly some of Corporate Communication's students which are four males and four females as our main respondent to complete this project. Linguistic variation is about the usage of the language.
The usages of the language refer to the social factors which is different language in a different time and he same meaning of the language but in the different forms of the sentence structures.
Thus, the variety of the languages depends on whether the speakers have s
...uperiority to speak with a large vocabulary and grammar. So, this can relate on how efficient they used vocabulary and how well they speak. In addition, language variety is more on how speaker responds with each other so that we can overview on how fluent the speaker dominant the language.
The mall factors that contributed the linguistic variation are based on the social class, working experiences and secondary education background of the speaker. Social class Is observed based on their life background and where they come from which is depends to the current places they live at. On the other hand, working experiences also contributed in how fluent and effective speaker speak or responds with others.
Next factors, secondary education background of the speaker whether they are from the rural area school or from urban school
which is located in the busiest urban middle.
Moreover, gender is main important role in linguistic variation and there are huge differences between both genders. As Malaysian, our first language Is Basis Malaysia and English are known as our second language. Thus, our project are focuses on how well they can respond on our question surveys in second language and how many words have been used by male main subject in our project because of their proficiency in the usage of English language. Their course itself shown that they are more to communication skills, so we think that they are the best subject to observe.
We interviewed them and see how well they respond to our questions interview that contains five questions that related to their recent activities which is Array. In this project, we come up with a lot of information that we found during our interview. 1. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT The purpose of the project is to . I.
Determine whether the different gender contribute to the linguistics variation among the Corporate Communication students Semester Three. I'.
Determine whether the different social class, working experiences and secondary education background contribute to the linguistic variation among the Corporate Communication students Semester Three. We had done our interview among Corporate Communication's students of Semester Three and we found a lot of information towards our project. There are eight peoples that had been interviewed, four of them are male and others are female. There are five questions; IQ : How was your Array going? Q: How was your preparation for Array? Q: Do you still get edit Array? How much? Q: What dishes during Array
you like the most?
Q: In your opinion, if you could get RAM 10 000 of budget for Array, what would you spend on? What will you do with that money? We used digital camera and recorder to record for the answers.
It's easier to us to make observation because we can play it again and again. We interviewed whenever we met them, for example in front of Somas, cafe, lobby and Student Square. From our female interviewees, there are five people who labeled as Fl, IF, IF, and IF. We have done with our interview in a week. Other than asking questions, we also gave them the form of Preliminary Background of The Interviewee.
It is a back up information that can be use to relate on the factors that affected their linguistics variation.
We asked them to tick on the gender; male or female, hometown; city or village, secondary school, and any working experience; yes (please state) or no. It sis enough for us to do our report based on the information given. Fl answered IQ with "Illuminable, so far so good, I have fun with my family and all my friends come to my house. Koala. She answered Q with "My preparation was so not good ala, all cookies were bought at shops, I don't make it by myself.
And then my cloth, only one cloth.
" She answered Q with "I'm so sad because I don't get many money because I'm so old, maybe my face not look like baby face, so my money just 100 something. " Then, she answered Q with "Oh of course I like rending and setup.
" She answered Q with "Oh I want to go to Korea with my family! " IF answered IQ with "So far so good. I think because this year I array with my family at KILL and fun with my new baby.
" She answered Q with "Preparation for array ere fun, I go with my sister to buy accessories at home, and I buy carpet, cookies, and clean house.
Something likes that. " Then, she answered Q with "For this year I get from my family 100 above, and from my cousins father, I get 50. " She answered Q with "Ha I like rending. Especially I like rending and kuaka lode, and rending Maya, setup, kuaka lode.
" She answered Q with "l will give my mother one thousand, or two, three and I spend that money with my family to buy new clothes and buy something new la. And and, sampan dalai bank. " IF answered IQ with "Okay, my array was fun, the most exciting and anticipated moment in my life because my family are gathering back so it is fun. For unite. She quite austere because I didn't focus much on my material, it's quite austere preparation for array because for me, array is about togetherness, it's not about material, or ball array, or shih array or something. " She answered Q with miss, I did.
Erm, okay. In Juror Barr, we have this culture where as we grow older, we get more money. So, if one family gives me 10 bucks, so I have six uncles and aunties so it's quite much la. " Then, she answered Q with
"What I have to say, ERM. Longing, taupe demean rending and kuaka lode because that is the most popular and prominent dishes in Juror. She answered Q with "Okay that is a lot of money actually.
Let me think, give me 10 seconds. Okay, first and foremost I will have half of this to be save into my ASP because, well it can be use for business and stuff. Well, it can also be % of it. So we are talking about 7000. So, another 3000, it will be spend on my family, I will definitely buy my mum new ball array, and will go to charity as well, but it won't be that charity who we saw these kids begging for money from we don't even know where they came from right.
So it will be sources to active foundation of children shelter or children home like in Chow Kit, we have Ways Salaam. SO we can give some money to that organization as well. So I think it would be all. But family first.
Family and charity first. " IF answered IQ with "My array is going great, because all my relatives are going back to hometown so, yeah it's great. " She answered Q with "My preparation for array is, actually is very simple because actually I'm growing up. So I don't have anything else to buy like new cloth or what so ever.
So it's simple la.
She answered Q with "Sadly, I Just get it from my parents only, its cost like 200 only. " Then, she answered Q with "My dishes during array that I like the most is
NASA mitt and also rending Maya with some kuaka Kananga. " She answered Q with "Okay, if I get 10000 of budget for array preparation, maybe I use that money to give my relatives some edit array and also help them to buy new clothes for my nephews and also my family. " From our male interviewees, there are four of them who labeled as MI, MM, MM and MM. MI answered IQ with "Well.
" He answered Q with "How was preparation for array, great!
He answered Q with "No, I'm old enough to get edit array. " Then, he answered Q with "Err, I think setup. " He answered Q with "I'll cut it to five pieces of part. First, I will keep it for my ASP account and maybe half of that money I will keep it for my investment and half again for the orphan. Thank you.
" MM answered IQ with "Err, normal because I don't have any preparation for array. " He answered Q with "Like I said before this, I don't have any preparation for array. " He answered Q with "Erm nope, because I'm a student college. " He answered Q with "Leman with rending. Then, he answered Q with "Maybe I'll pay my edit engaging, then maybe Juke I prepare for array ala, guan edit TU unto prepare for array.
" MM answered IQ with "Err normal, nothing happened, because I sleep at that day. " He answered Q with "Preparation? Erm, I don't know nothing. " He answered Q with "No, I don't get edit array. " Then, he answered Q with "Rearm, NASA Dagon.
" He answered Q with "I will pay my subject course fees and I will share with my brother MM answered IQ with "Okay, nothing special for my array. " He answered Q with "Preparation for array, normal and okay la.
He answered Q with "l don't get any edit array for this year. Then, he answered Q with "Err, rending, leman. " He answered Q with "l will pay my study fees for college, and spend part of my money in my bank. " 1.
4 DISCUSSION Based on our finding, we found that male and female speak differently in many ways including speech, language and vocabulary. There are a lot of differences in language between male and female. First and foremost, based on our finding and observation, we found that female speak more than male. When they have problem, they need to talk to someone to make they feel secure and safe.
Therefore, in every classroom there are always have hose groups of female students that always make noise and talk too much while male students will speak only when necessary. Research has shown that female talk almost three times as much as male, with females talking on average 20,000 words a day and males Just 7,000. Based on our finding, the female speakers talk on average 618 words and male speakers Just 176 words. So, it's true that female speak more than male. The truth is female like to talk.
Then, we found that female use more standard form of language compare to male.
Male usually use vernacular form of language which is not officially. From our interviewed, the female speaker use
standard language such as 'austere', 'surprisingly, togetherness', and so on. Our male speakers keep using simple words that had been used in daily life such as Well', 'normal', 'okay and others. Other than that, female speak more fluently than male. From our finding, we Male speakers take time to answer the questions.
They think first and sometime, they have no idea to talk about some topics such as about the preparation for Array. We all know that male have not really cared about the clothes, decoration and others.
However, when male speak, they usually focus of specific area. For example, they like to talk about sports and business while female like to speak about their feeling including their emotions.
For example, when male talk about football matches, they just talk about the game only. But, when female talk about football matches, they will also talk about the players, the gossip of the players and so on. However, male only involve with emotions when it's come to watching football or playing games. For example, when their favorite team win or lose, they will express themselves with emotions.
It is because this is the only time that it is okay to be emotional in front of heir buddies. Other than that, we found that female speakers are easy to corporate rather than male speakers.
It's hard for us to find male speaker among Corporate Communication students. Female speak more polite compare to male. From our finding, female speakers speak more softly and aware about others' feeling. Based on the researches, female speakers like to apologize in their speech or conversation. Female also use poetic and various superlatives,
metaphors, and generalizations more than male.
That had been some researchers said that female speak literally, therefore they are quite faster in learning language. In our interview, female speakers speak in full sentences while answering the question. For example, the question is "What dishes during Array you like the most? " Then female speakers will answer with "My dishes during Array I like the most is..
.. " It's different with male speakers, they answered with "l like rending" or Just one word, "rending". It shown that male Just speaks directly what they want to say and answer the question in a short sentence.
Thus, in our opinion we assume that male and female speak differently according to the three factors that affecting the way they speak which are working experience, Social status and education background. Besides that, these three factors are the main factors which affecting on how they speak. Based on our findings, there are a lot of factors that affected the language variation between male and female which is working experience, social status and education background. For example, our male interviewee, who is labeled as MI speak a lot when answering the last question which is strategic question.
He answered Q with "I'll cut it to five pieces of part. First, I will keep it for my ASP account and maybe half of that money I will keep it for my investment and half again for the orphan. Thank you. " We think that is because his working experience influence his way of speaking.
Although he came from village, he can speak fluently because of his education's background that influences him the most.
In addition, he answers the question with full sentences and the sentences are well structure. On the other hand, the female speaker, who is labeled as Fl, speaks less than other female speakers.
She answered Q with short answer, "Oh of course I like not have any working experience. Based on these factors, we can see that the way hey speak are depends on their working experience, social status and education background.
All these factors somehow or rather influence the way they speaks and how they answer the question survey given. Moreover, female speak with their emotion rather than male speaker. Based on our discussion, we find that these three factors are strongly support the reason why the both speakers respond differently and this is shown that both gender have different perspective and interest on something.
Hence, as for conclusion we find that the way of the speakers respond is based on the working experience, social tutus and education background that effecting on how the speakers speak and respond. In addition, these three factors are the main factors why the language variation between male and female of Corporate Communication semester three KEPT Koala Lump occurred.
1. 5 CONCLUSION In nutshells, based on our finding and discussion, it is true that male and female speak differently. The factors that contribute to the differences are social status, working experience and education background of the both speaker.
The result of our project is female speaker speak more than male speaker because female use tankard language and complete sentence to answer the questions given, while male just answer only few words and not using a complete sentence.
Female speaker
also use standard words which is not basic words or the main common words that we used in our daily conversation, while male speaker Just use basic words to answer sentences and in a proper way while the male speaker only answer it as to satisfy the question only with a short answer.
We can see the differences when female speaker answer the question with detailed information but the male speaker Just give a simple answer. While based on the facts that have been proved by us and others, we believed that male and female always speak in that way because of the low status of them and based on their social pressure on them to talk or speak like that. Plus, they find that it is too formal to them to talk that way. Furthermore, male always used the basic words in their daily life while answering some question because of they feel unsure to give the good answer to the interviewee.
In the other word to understand them, they are having a lack of mastery in vocabulary and they tend to speak using the basic vocabulary that they know better than using complex words. Besides that, female will apply their sake of politeness that finally will contribute to characterizing their female's language. This is why the female always speak using a standard language because of the manner of the language will put them into a power in the society and politeness will reflect on their personalities.
The way in both of male and female used their language is not straightforward but Just through their identities and their ideology to admit that both gender
and their language have some variables based on the social status, working experiences and secondary education aground. Moreover, it also based on their knowledge on how to respond to the main issues given.
We find that these three major factors are the main sources that influence them the most. Thus, we have proved that gender is contributed to the main important role in linguistic variation and there are really huge differences between both genders.
Both genders speak differently according to their own understanding and it is based on their knowledge. In addition, both genders speak well when they speak with the common topic that they like the most and familiar to them.
Both genders have efferent interests and this is prove when the male speaker find difficulties to answer our interview question that is not their interests to talk about while the female are very expert and fluent on respond to the question given.
However, there are many other possibilities that could be the reason of the linguistic variation between male and female and why both of the speakers tend to speak the way they want. The possibilities will be the main reason why both speakers have different way of deliver and respond on their speech. It could be possible that they tend to speak like that u to their interests, proficiency in the topic, social status and many terms that contributed linguistic variation between male and female occurred. On the other hand, there are many possibilities of other reason why linguistic variation takes place.
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