If we as human beings do not even make an effort to take better care of the oceans, then life may slowly die out.
We may be killing our own species and not even realize it. There are a few solutions we have come up with and put into effect, but without others the effects will not be as successful as they could be. In order for us to realize exactly what we can contribute to this search for a solution we have to; understand the ocean and how it affects our ecosystem, know the background of the oceans pollution, know about ocean pollution, and to have knowledge of what exactly is being done to prevent ocean pollution. If we make it our responsibility now to put a complete end to this pollution we will be one step closer to a safer
...future. The first step towards a safer future is to understand the ocean and its history.
The fact that the ocean covers 71% of the earths surface alone is enough of a reason to make it our duty to make a difference? The oceans are traditionally into four large basins. The Pacific, being the largest, is almost as large as all the others put together.
The Atlantic is a little larger than the Indian, but the two are about the same in depth. The Arctic is the smallest and the shallowest of the four oceans. Certain Geographical processes that occur beneath these waters not only affect the marine life, but dry land as well.
These processes occur over hundreds of millions of years. To us as human beings this is beyond our lifetime,
but in the blink of an eye solid rocks flow like liquid, entire continents move across the face of the earth, and mountains grow from flat plains. This is all possible due to the ocean.[1] The second step is to realize the background of ocean pollution. Pollution in our oceans is a serious problem. It is the number one killer of our sea animals.
Most of the waste that is dumped is plastic, which takes hundreds of years to break down. Everyday millions of animals are caught in fishing nets and six pack beer rings. Although many believe that only fish are affected by getting caught in these the truth of the matter is that animals such as birds, turtles, dolphins, and seals are also killed.
The animals are slowly suffocated by rings as well as cans, fishing lines, nets, kite strings, and ropes. Or, as stated by the National Wildlife Federation, they die from accidental consumption, which means they accidentally swallow and choke on these things. Garbage is not the only threat to the safety of our oceans though, other thing such as oil spills.
More than 60 million gallons of oil enter the oceans every year. This is usually not reported because of the fact that the oil seeps from oil-bearing rock layers into the ocean as part of a natural process. These are only a few causes of ocean pollution, but do they still exist. Of course they do!! [2] The next step is to understand that fact that these problems occur today. These are not situations that only occurred in the past, but that occur now and are a lot worse than
they were.
The fact that there was a huge increase in the amount of industrial, municipal, and domestic garbage dumped into the oceans in the past few years is clearly a reason for us to make it our responsibility to want to stop ocean pollution. The ocean is a not a dump and need not be treated like one. Around the world, untreated sewage flows into coastal waters, carrying organic waste and nutrients that can lead to oxygen depletion, as well as disease-causing bacteria and parasites that require closing beaches. Imagine the unintentional amount of oxygen that we are deprived of all due to the amount of raw sewage that flows into our oceans. Its ridiculous and completely uncalled for.[3] The last and most important way to prevent ocean pollution is to become familiar with the actions that other people are taking to demolish ocean pollution and build on that.
This can be done by helping others become aware of the problems. By helping them to realize that each and every time they ride the ocean waves they are swimming in a sea of garbage and harmful chemicals. Many online petitions have also been created in order to stop ocean pollution. It is often the little things that we as human beings can do to create a safer future. It should be our responsibility to take a stand for our oceans. If nothing is done now to prevent any further ocean pollution think of how the oceans will be in 20 years.
They are not going to make a change on there own therefore we must make a change. Even if it is as
little as recycling your plastics rather than dump them. We can make a difference.
[1] Ellis, History of the oceans, p.
1 [2][2] Wild, Ocean Pollution, p. 3 [3] Cornish, Ocean Pollution, p.1
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