The Buerthday Parrty Essay Example
The Buerthday Parrty Essay Example

The Buerthday Parrty Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (273 words)
  • Published: January 25, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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Throughout the years, the idea that "Education is the chief defense of a nation" has bolstered my faith in the importance of obtaining a quality education. This belief remains steadfast and unwavering.

Regrettably, the concept of education has undergone a transformation since my elementary school days. The rise in private schools and colleges annually has resulted in a substantial surge in educational expenses as these institutions prioritize profit-making. In contrast, during my academic journey, education was held in high esteem. However, presently, it is perceived as a lucrative business. A worrying trend that prevails within the current educational scenario is the prevalence of private coaching classes.

The fact that people attend both school and coaching centers to learn the same material, and pay a considerable amount of money for it, is confusing to me. It causes me to question


the necessity of tuition in achieving quality education. Sadly, only those with financial resources can afford extra education in today's society. Some teachers even neglect their students in class and encourage them to seek private tuitions instead. This leads to tuition centers earning more revenue than institutes that train students, ultimately draining rather than educating these individuals.

To remedy the flaws in our education system, we must continue to support tuition. The system has not met expectations, leading students and teachers to seek private coaching. Despite schools offering ample resources such as reference books and internet access, they still fall short.

Consequently, the query arises regarding the rationale for selecting private tutoring and it is vital to comprehend the numerous advantages that have been demonstrated repeatedly if you choose to participate in one.

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