Social Psychologists Study Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Social Psychologists Study?
Social psychologists study how people interact with one another and the factors that influence their behavior. This includes topics such as group dynamics, conformity, prejudice and aggression. They also look into how people’s attitudes shape their interactions with others, and how social norms affect how individuals act in certain situations.Social psychologists examine the ways that beliefs, values, influences and other elements of society can impact an individual’s behavior. They explore why some people are more likely to engage in certain activities than others, or why some groups of people may be more vulnerable to certain types of discrimination or prejudice than others. Social psychologists also investigate the effects of media messages on individuals and groups within our society. They analyze the impact that different forms of media have on our thoughts about ourselves and others. Additionally, social psychologists research different aspects of interpersonal relationships such as attraction, love and communication styles. In addition to studying individuals within a society as a whole, social psychologists also often focus on specific populations such as minorities or those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds who may be more prone to certain types of negative behaviors. These researchers attempt to understand why these specific populations behave differently than other members in the population in order to figure out possible solutions for reducing harmful outcomes for these groups. Overall, social psychology helps us better understand human behavior by providing insight into what motivates us and shapes our interactions with each other in both positive and negative ways.