Music Therapy Flashcards, test questions and answers
Discover flashcards, test exam answers, and assignments to help you learn more about Music Therapy and other subjects. Don’t miss the chance to use them for more effective college education. Use our database of questions and answers on Music Therapy and get quick solutions for your test.
What is Music Therapy?
Music therapy is a type of therapy that uses music to improve the physical, mental and spiritual health of individuals who are dealing with physical, emotional or social difficulties. Music therapy can be used to help people develop, maintain and improve their communication skills, self-expression, problem-solving skills, creativity and interpersonal relationships. It can also be used to reduce stress and anxiety, manage pain levels and even aid in physical rehabilitation.The idea behind music therapy is simple: by listening to certain types of music we are able to access feelings and emotions that may otherwise remain dormant. Music therapists use this knowledge as a tool for therapeutic intervention by creating an environment in which individuals feel safe enough to explore the powerful potential that lies within them. Music therapists use different approaches depending on the individual’s needs including improvisation techniques such as songwriting or playing an instrument; analytical techniques such as exploring how music reflects one’s life experiences; psychotherapeutic approaches such as relaxation exercises; educational methodologies such as teaching musical concepts; or medical interventions designed specifically for people with special needs or medical issues. Music therapy has been used successfully in a variety of settings including hospitals, hospices, schools and care centers for people with disabilities or illness. It has also been found effective in treating depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dementia-related behavioral symptoms and eating disorders among many other conditions. Research indicates that there are numerous benefits associated with engaging in music therapy ranging from improved cognitive functioning (e.g., memory) to enhanced mood states (e.g., happiness). The power of music has long been recognized by cultures throughout history but only recently have we begun using it therapeutically on a wide scale basis. If you think you might benefit from exploring what music therapy has to offer then talk to your doctor about possibly setting up an appointment with a certified music therapist today.