Knowledge Management System Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Knowledge Management System?
Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a system designed to capture, organize, store and share knowledge within an organization. It enables organizations to make their knowledge available to employees and customers in a consistent manner. KMS can be divided into three main components: 1. Knowledge capture – This involves capturing knowledge from existing sources such as books, reports, surveys, and interviews with experts or customers. The goal of this step is to identify the type of knowledge that exists within the organization. 2. Knowledge storage – Once the knowledge has been captured it is then stored in an appropriate format for easy access by users across the organization. This could include relational databases, content management systems or web-based portals that allow users to easily search and access information related to their needs. 3. Knowledge sharing – This involves making the stored information available to users in order for them to benefit from it as quickly as possible. Sharing can take place electronically through intranet sites or social media platforms or through face-to-face meetings or seminars where experts provide advice on specific topics related to the organization’s operations and strategies. A well-implemented KMS will help an organization increase its efficiency by allowing employees quick access to relevant information when they need it most and enabling faster decision making processes due to improved communication among team members throughout the organization on various topics.