Complete Physical Examination Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Complete Physical Examination?
A complete physical examination is a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s overall physical health. It includes taking the patient’s medical history and performing examinations to assess their overall condition. The purpose of this exam is for doctors to detect any underlying or undiagnosed conditions that may be present in the body, such as infections, heart problems, or other diseases.When conducting a complete physical examination, the doctor will typically begin by inquiring about the patient’s medical history, including any illnesses they have had in the past and any medications they are currently taking. This information can provide insight into potential issues that may require further investigation or testing. The doctor will also perform a variety of tests on the patient to determine their general health status including measuring vital signs (such as pulse rate and blood pressure), checking reflexes, inspecting skin for abnormalities and examining eyes and ears for signs of infection or trauma. In addition to these tests, the doctor may also order X-rays or CT scans if needed to get an inside look at certain areas such as organs or bones in order to identify additional possible health concerns. A urine sample could also be taken during this time which can provide details regarding kidney function and other important information related to internal organ functions. Depending on what is found during these tests, further screening with blood work may be recommended so that more specific information can be attained regarding various aspects of one’s health from cholesterol levels to cell counts within the body’s systems. Overall, a complete physical examination provides invaluable data that allows doctors not only detect existing conditions but also monitor changes over time so steps can be taken before potentially serious health issues arise down the road . It is therefore highly recommended that individuals schedule regular checkups with their primary care physician for optimal wellness throughout all stages of life.