NCLEX practice questions Endocrine disorders – Flashcards

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When thyroid hormone is administered for prolonged hypothyroidism for a patient, what should the nurse monitor for? a. angina b. depression c. mental confusion d. hypoglycemia
A. angina
A patient comes to the clinic with complaints of severe thirst. The patient has been drinking up to 10L of cold water a day, and the patient's urine looks like water. What diagnostic test does the nurse anticipate the physician will order for diagnosis? a. complete blood count (CBC) b. fluid deprivation test c. urine specific gravity d. TSH test
b. fluid deprivation test
What clinical manifestations doe the nurse recognize would be associated with diagnosis of hyperthyroidism? (select all that apply) a. A pulse rate slower than 90 bmp b. an elevated systolic blood pressure c. muscular fatigability d. weight loss e. intolerance to cold
The nurse is caring for patient with hyperthyroidism who suddenly develops symptoms related to thyroid storm. What symptoms does the nurse recognize that are indicative of this emergency? a. heart rate of 62 b. blood pressure 90/58 mmHg c. Oxygenation saturation of 96% d. temperature of 102 F
What pharmacologic therapy does the nurse anticipate administering when the patient is experiencing thyroid storm? (select all that apply) a. acetaminophen b. iodine c. propylthiouracil d. synthetic levothyroxine e. dexamethasone (Decadron)
a, b, c
The nurse assess a patient who has an obvious goiter. What type of deficiency does the nurse recognize this is most likely the cause of this? a. thyrotropin b. iodine c. thyroxine d. calcitonin
b. iodine
What breakfast items would the nurse recommend when assisting with the breakfast menu for a patient with hyperthyroidism? a. cereal with milk and bananas b. fried eggs and bacon c. orange juice and toast d. pork sausage and cranberry juice
d. pork sausage and cranberry juice
A patient is suspected of having a pheochromocytoma and is having diagnostic tests done in the hospital. What symptoms does the nurse recognize as most significant for a patient with this disorder? a. blood pressure varying between 120/86 and 240/130 mmHg b. heart rate of 56-64 bmp c. shivering d. complaints of nausea
a.blood pressure varying between 120/86 and 240/130 mmHg
A patient is diagnosed with overactivity of the adrenal medulla. What epinephrine value does the nurse recognize is a positive diagnostic indicator for overactivity of the adrenal medulla? a. 50 pg/mL b. 100 pg/mL c. 100 to 300 pg/mL d. 450 pg/mL
d. 450 pg/mL
The nurse is caring for a patient with hyperparathyroidism and observes a calcium level of 16.2mg/dL. What interventions does the nurse prepare to provide to reduce the calcium level? (select all that apply) a. administration of calcitonin b. administration of calcium carbonate c. IV isotonic saline solution in large quantities d. monitoring the patient for fluid overload e. administration of a bronchodilator
a, c, d
A patient is ordered desmopressin (DDAVP) for the treatment of diabetes insidious. What therapeutic response does the nurse anticipate the patient will experience? a. a decrease in blood pressure b. a decrease in blood glucose levels. c. a decrease in urine output d. a decrease in appetite
c. decrease in urine output
The nurse auscultates a bruit over the thyroid glands. What does the nurse understand is the significance of this finding? a. the patient may have hypothyroidism b. the patient may have thyroiditis c. the patient may have hyperthyroidism d. the patient may have Cushing disease
c. the patient may have hyperthyroidism
A patient with a history of hypothyroidism is admitted to the intensive care unit unconscious and with a temperature of 95.2 F. A family member informs the nurse that the patient has not taken thyroid medication in over 2 months. What does the nurse suspect that these findings indicate? a. thyroid storm b. myxedema coma c. diabetes insipidus d. syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)
b. myxedema coma
The nurse on the telemetry floor is caring for a patient with long-standing hypothyroidism who has been taking synthetic thyroid hormone replacement sporadically. What is a priority that the nurse monitors for in this patient? a. symptoms of acute coronary syndrome b. dietary intakes of foods with saturated fats c. symptoms of pneumonia d. heat intolerance
a. symptoms of acute coronary syndrome
A patient taking corticosteroids for exacerbation of Crohn's disease comes to the clinic and informs the nurse that he wants to stop taking them because of the increase in acne and moons face. What can the nurse educate the patient regarding these symptoms? a. the symptoms are permanent side effects of the corticosteroid therapy b. the moon face and acne will resolve when the medication is tapered off. c. those symptoms are not related to the corticosteroid therapy d. the dose of the medication must be too high and should be lowered
A patient has been taking tricyclic antidepressants for many years for the treatment of depression. The patient has developed SIADH and has been admitted to the acute care facility. What should the nurse carefully monitor when caring for this patient? (select all that apply) a. strict intake and output b.neurologic function c. urine and blood chemistry d. liver function tests e. signs of dehydration
a, b, c
The nurse is admitting a client diagnosed with primary adrenal cortex insufficiency (Addison's disease). Which clinical manifestations should the nurse expect to assess? a. moon face, buffalo hump, and hyperglycemia b. hirsutism, fever, and irritability c. bronze pigmentation, hypotension, and anorexia d. tachycardia, bulging eyes, and goiter.
c.bronze pigmentation, hypotension, and anorexia
The nurse is developing a plan of care for the client diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) who has developed an infection in the adrenal gland. Which client problem is highest priority? a. altered body image b. activity intolerance c. impaired coping d. fluid volume deficit
d. fluid volume deficit
The nurse is planning the care of a client diagnosed with Addison's disease. Which intervention should be included? 1. Administer steroid medications. 2. Place the client on fluid restriction. 3. Provide frequent stimulation. 4. Consult physical therapy for gait training.
1. Administer steroid medications.
The client is admitted to rule out Cushing's syndrome. Which laboratory tests should the nurse anticipate being ordered? 1. Plasma drug levels of quinidine, digoxin, and hydralazine. 2. Plasma levels of ACTH and cortisol. 3. A 24-hour urine for metanephrine and catecholamine. 4. Spot urine for creatinine and white blood cells.
2. Plasma levels of ACTH and cortisol.
The client has developed iatrogenic Cushing's disease. Which statement is the scientific rationale for the development of this diagnosis? 1. The client has an autoimmune problem causing the destruction of the adrenal cortex. 2. The client has been taking steroid medications for an extended period for another disease process. 3. The client has a pituitary gland tumor causing the adrenal glands to produce too much cortisol. 4. The client has developed an adrenal gland problem for which the health-care provider does not have an explanation.
2. The client has been taking steroid medications for an extended period for another disease process.
The nurse is performing discharge teaching for a client diagnosed with Cushing's disease. Which statement by the client demonstrates an understanding of the instructions? 1. "I will be sure to notify my health-care provider if I start to run a fever." 2. "Before I stop taking the prednisone, I will be taught how to taper it off." 3. "If I get weak and shaky, I need to eat some hard candy or drink some juice." 4. "It is fine if I continue to participate in weekend games of tackle football."
1. "I will be sure to notify my health-care provider if I start to run a fever."
The charge nurse of an intensive care unit is making assignments for the night shift. Which client should be assigned to the most experienced intensive care nurse? 1. The client diagnosed with respiratory failure who is on a ventilator and requires frequent sedation. 2. The client diagnosed with lung cancer and iatrogenic Cushing's disease with ABGs of pH 7.35, PaO2 88, PaCO2 44, and HCO3 22. 3. The client diagnosed with Addison's disease who is lethargic and has a BP of 80/45, P 124, and R 28. 4. The client diagnosed with hyperthyroidism who has undergone a thyroidectomy two (2) days ago and has a negative Trousseau's sign.
3. The client diagnosed with Addison's disease who is lethargic and has a BP of 80/45, P 124, and R 28.
The nurse writes a problem of "altered body image" for a 34-year-old client diagnosed with Cushing's disease. Which intervention should be implemented? 1. Monitor blood glucose levels prior to meals and at bedtime. 2. Perform a head-to-toe assessment on the client every shift. 3. Use therapeutic communication to allow the client to discuss feelings. 4. Assess bowel sounds and temperature every four (4) hours
3. Use therapeutic communication to allow the client to discuss feelings.
The client diagnosed with Addison's disease is admitted to the emergency department after a day at the lake. The client is lethargic, forgetful, and weak. Which intervention should the nurse implement? 1. Start an IV with an 18-gauge needle and infuse NS rapidly. 2. Have the client wait in the waiting room until a bed is available. 3. Obtain a permit for the client to receive a blood transfusion. 4. Collect urinalysis and blood samples for a CBC and calcium level.
1. Start an IV with an 18-gauge needle and infuse NS rapidly.
The nurse manager of a medical-surgical unit is asked to determine if the unit should adopt a new care delivery system. Which behavior is an example of an autocratic style of leadership? 1. Call a meeting and educate the staff on the new delivery system being used. 2. Organize a committee to investigate the various types of delivery systems. 3. Wait until another unit has implemented the new system and see if it works out. 4. Discuss with the nursing staff if a new delivery system should be adopted.
1. Call a meeting and educate the staff on the new delivery system being used. Autocratic style is one in which the person in charge makes the decision without consulting anyone else
The client diagnosed with Cushing's disease has undergone a unilateral adrenalectomy. Which discharge instructions should the nurse discuss with the client? 1. Instruct the client to take the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid medications as prescribed. 2. Teach the client regarding sexual functioning and androgen replacement therapy. 3. Explain the signs and symptoms of infection and when to call the health-care provider. 4. Demonstrate turn, cough, and deep-breathing exercises the client should perform every (2) hours.
3. Explain the signs and symptoms of infection and when to call the health-care provider.
The client diagnosed with a pituitary tumor developed syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Which interventions should the nurse implement? 1. Assess for dehydration and monitor blood glucose levels. 2. Assess for nausea and vomiting and weigh daily. 3. Monitor potassium levels and encourage fluid intake. 4. Administer vasopressin IV and conduct a fluid deprivation test.
2. Assess for nausea and vomiting and weigh daily
The nurse is admitting a client to the neurological intensive care unit who is postoperative transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. Which data warrant immediate intervention? 1. The client is alert to name but is unable to tell the nurse the location. 2. The client has an output of 2,500 mL since surgery and an intake of 1,000 mL. 3. The client's vital signs are T 97.6 F, P 88, R 20, and BP 130/80. 4. The client has a 3-cm amount of dark-red drainage on the turban dressing.
2. The client has an output of 2,500 mL since surgery and an intake of 1,000 mL. pt could be developing diabetes insipidus due to head trauma
Which laboratory value should be monitored by the nurse for the client diagnosed with diabetes insipidus? 1. Serum sodium. 2. Serum calcium 3. Urine glucose. 4. Urine white blood cells.
1. Serum sodium. client will have an elevated sodium level as a result of low circulating volume
The nurse is discharging a client diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. Which statement made by the client warrants further intervention? 1. "I will keep a list of my medications in my wallet and wear a Medic Alert bracelet." 2. "I should take my medication in the morning and leave it refrigerated at home." 3. "I should weigh myself every morning and record any weight gain." 4. "If I develop a tightness in my chest, I will call my health-care provider."
2. "I should take my medication in the morning and leave it refrigerated at home."
The client is admitted to the medical unit with a diagnosis of rule-out diabetes insipidus (DI). Which instructions should the nurse teach regarding a fluid deprivation test? 1. The client will be asked to drink 100 mL of fluid as rapidly as possible and then will not be allowed fluid for 24 hours. 2. The client will be administered an injection of antidiuretic hormone, and urine output will be measured for four (4) to six (6) hours. 3. The client will be NPO, and vital signs and weights will be done hourly until the end of the test. 4. An IV will be started with normal saline, and the client will be asked to try to hold the urine in the bladder until a sonogram can be done.
3. The client will be NPO, and vital signs and weights will be done hourly until the end of the test.
The nurse is caring for clients on a medical floor. Which client should be assessed first? 1. The client diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) who has a weight gain of 1.5 pounds since yesterday. 2. The client diagnosed with a pituitary tumor who has developed diabetes insipidus (DI) and has an intake of 1,500 mL and an output of 1,600 mL in the last 8 hours. 3. The client diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) who is having muscle twitching. 4. The client diagnosed with diabetes insipidus (DI) who is complaining of feeling tired after having to get up at night.
3. The client diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) who is having muscle twitching. early sign of sodium imbalance pt could state seizing
The nurse is planning the care of a client diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Which interventions should be implemented? Select all that apply. 1. Restrict fluids per health-care provider order. 2. Assess level of consciousness every two (2) hours. 3. Provide an atmosphere of stimulation. 4. Monitor urine and serum osmolality. 5. Weigh the client every three (3) days.
1. Restrict fluids per health-care provider order. 2. Assess level of consciousness every two (2) hours 4. Monitor urine and serum osmolality.
The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with diabetes insipidus (DI). Which intervention should be implemented? 1. Administer sliding-scale insulin as ordered. 2. Restrict caffeinated beverages. 3. Check urine ketones if blood glucose is >250. 4. Assess tissue turgor every four (4) hours.
4. Assess tissue turgor every four (4) hours.
The unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) complains to the nurse she has filled the water pitcher four (4) times during the shift for a client diagnosed with a closed head injury and the client has asked for the pitcher to be filled again. Which intervention should the nurse implement first? 1. Tell the UAP to fill the pitcher with ice cold water. 2. Instruct the UAP to start measuring the client's I & O. 3. Assess the client for polyuria and polydipsia. 4. Check the client's BUN and creatinine levels.
3. Assess the client for polyuria and polydipsia.
The nurse is admitting a client diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Which clinical manifestations should be reported to the health-care provider? 1. Serum sodium of 112 mEq/L and a headache. 2. Serum potassium of 5.0 mEq/L and a heightened awareness. 3. Serum calcium of 10 mg/dL and tented tissue turgor. 4. Serum magnesium of 1.2 mg/dL and large urinary output.
1. Serum sodium of 112 mEq/L and a headache.
The male client diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secondary to cancer of the lung tells the nurse he wants to discontinue the fluid restriction and does not care if he dies. Which action by the nurse is an example of the ethical principle of autonomy? 1. Discuss the information the client told the nurse with the health-care provider and significant other. 2. Explain it is possible the client could have a seizure if he drank fluid beyond the restrictions. 3. Notify the health-care provider of the client's wishes and give the client fluids as desired. 4. Allow the client an extra drink of water and explain the nurse could get into trouble if the client tells the health-care provider.
3. Notify the health-care provider of the client's wishes and give the client fluids as desired. this is an example of autonomy (the client has the right to decide for himself).
The client is diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Which signs/symptoms should the nurse expect the client to exhibit? 1. Complaints of extreme fatigue and hair loss. 2. Exophthalmos and complaints of nervousness. 3. Complaints of profuse sweating and flushed skin. 4. Tetany and complaints of stiffness of the hands.
1. Complaints of extreme fatigue and hair loss.
The nurse identifies the client problem "risk for imbalanced body temperature" for the client diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Which intervention should be included in the plan of care? 1. Discourage the use of an electric blanket. 2. Assess the client's temperature every two (2) hours. 3. Keep the room temperature cool. 4. Space activities to promote rest.
1. Discourage the use of an electric blanket. external heat source should be discourage because they increase the risk of peripheral vasodilation and vascular collapse
The client diagnosed with hypothyroidism is prescribed the thyroid hormone levothyroxine (Synthroid). Which assessment data indicate the medication has been effective? 1. The client has a three (3)-pound weight gain. 2. The client has a decreased pulse rate. 3. The client's temperature is WNL. 4. The client denies any diaphoresis.
3. The client's temperature is WNL.
Which nursing intervention should be included in the plan of care for the client diagnosed with hyperthyroidism? 1. Increase the amount of fiber in the diet. 2. Encourage a low-calorie, low-protein diet. 3. Decrease the client's fluid intake to 1,000 mL/day. 4. Provide six (6) small, well-balanced meals a day
4. Provide six (6) small, well-balanced meals a day
The client is admitted to the intensive care department diagnosed with myxedema coma. Which assessment data warrant immediate intervention by the nurse? 1. Serum blood glucose level of 74 mg/dL. 2. Pulse oximeter reading of 90%. 3. Telemetry reading showing sinus bradycardia. 4. The client is lethargic and sleeps all the time.
2. Pulse oximeter reading of 90%.
Which medication order should the nurse question in the client diagnosed with untreated hypothyroidism? 1. Thyroid hormones. 2. Oxygen. 3. Sedatives. 4. Laxatives.
3. Sedatives.
Which statement made by the client makes the nurse suspect the client is experiencing hyperthyroidism? 1. "I just don't seem to have any appetite anymore." 2. "I have a bowel movement about every 3 to 4 days." 3. "My skin is really becoming dry and coarse." 4. "I have noticed all my collars are getting tighter."
4. "I have noticed all my collars are getting tighter."
The 68-year-old client diagnosed with hyperthyroidism is being treated with radioactive iodine therapy. Which interventions should the nurse discuss with the client? 1. Explain it will take up to a month for symptoms of hyperthyroidism to subside. 2. Teach the iodine therapy will have to be tapered slowly over one (1) week. 3. Discuss the client will have to be hospitalized during the radioactive therapy. 4. Inform the client after therapy the client will not have to take any medication.
1. Explain it will take up to a month for symptoms of hyperthyroidism to subside.
The nurse is teaching the client diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Which information should be taught to the client? Select all that apply. 1. Notify the HCP if a three (3)-pound weight loss occurs in two (2) days. 2. Discuss ways to cope with the emotional lability. 3. Notify the HCP if taking over-the-counter medication. 4. Carry a medical identification card or bracelet. 5. Teach how to take thyroid medications correctly.
1. Notify the HCP if a three (3)-pound weight loss occurs in two (2) days. 2. Discuss ways to cope with the emotional lability. 3. Notify the HCP if taking over-the-counter medication. 4. Carry a medical identification card or bracelet.
The nurse is providing an in-service on thyroid disorders. One of the attendees asks the nurse, "Why don't the people in the United States get goiters as often?" Which statement by the nurse is the best response? 1. "It is because of the screening techniques used in the United States." 2. "It is a genetic predisposition rare in North Americans." 3. "The medications available in the United States decrease goiters." 4. "Iodized salt helps prevent the development of goiters in the United States."
4. "Iodized salt helps prevent the development of goiters in the United States."
The nurse is preparing to administer the following medications. Which medication should the nurse question administering? 1. The thyroid hormone to the client who does not have a T3, T4 level. 2. The regular insulin to the client with a blood glucose level of 210 mg/dL. 3. The loop diuretic to the client with a potassium level of 3.3 mEq/L. 4. The cardiac glycoside to the client who has a digoxin level of 1.4 mg/dL.
3. The loop diuretic to the client with a potassium level of 3.3 mEq/L. potassium level is low, loop diuretics cause potassium loss in the urine, therefore nurse should question this order
Which signs/symptoms should make the nurse suspect the client is experiencing a thyroid storm? 1. Obstipation and hypoactive bowel sounds. 2. Hyperpyrexia and extreme tachycardia. 3. Hypotension and bradycardia. 4. Decreased respirations and hypoxia.
2. Hyperpyrexia and extreme tachycardia.
A patient with a traumatic brain injury is producing an abnormally large volume of dilute urine. Which alteration to a hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary would the nurse expect to find? a. a deficient production of vasopressin b. an increase in oxytocin c. an increase in antidiuretic hormone d. a deficiency amount of somatostatin
A. a deficient production of vasopressin
Following a thyroidectomy, a patient develops a carpopedal spasm while the nurse is taking a BP reading on the left arm. Which of the following action by the nurse is appropriate? a. administer the IV calcium gluconate ordered b. administer the oral calcium supplement ordered. c. start administration of oxygen at 2L/min per cannula. d. administer the sedative ordered
a. administer the IV calcium gluconate ordered
During an assessment of a patient's functional health pattern, which question by the nurse directly addresses the patient's thyroid function? a. do you experience fatigue even if you have slept a long time? b. have you experienced any headaches or sinus problems? c. can you describe the amount of stress in your life? d. do you have to get up at night to empty your bladder?
a. do you experience fatigue even if you have slept a long time?
While recording the health history of a patient who is scheduled for a thyroid test, the nurse is informed by the patient about an allergy to shellfish. What is the nurse's most appropriate response? a. inquire about frequent urination b. document the allergy and inform the physician c. palpate the thyroid gland d. consult the institution's procedure manual
b. document the allergy and inform the physician
Which of the following diagnostic tests are done to determine a suspected pituitary tumor? a. measuring blood hormone levels b. radiographs of the abdomen c. a radioimmunoassay d. a computer tomography (CT) scan
d. a computer tomography (CT) scan
A nurse is completing an assessment of a patient with suspected acromegaly. To assist in making the diagnosis, which of the following questions should the nurse ask? a. is there any family history of acromegaly? b. do you experience skin breakouts? c. have you increased your shoe size recently? d. have you had a recent head injury?
c. have you increased your shoe size recently?
A patient with hyperthyroidism is concerned about changes in appearance. How can the nurse convey an understanding of the patient's concern and promote effective coping strategies? a. suggest that the patient wear cosmetics to cover any changes in appearance b. reassure the patient that emotional reactions are a result of the disorder and symptoms can be controlled with effective treatment. c. refer the patient to professional counseling d. encourage the patient to participate in outside activities to boost coping strategies
b. reassure the patient that emotional reactions are a result of the disorder and symptoms can be controlled with effective treatment.
A patient who is being tested for syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion asks the nurse to explain the diagnosis. The nurse explains that there is an excessive secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from which of the following glands? a. anterior pituitary b. thyroid c. adrenal d. posterior pituitary
d. posterior pituitary
A hypophysectomy is the treatment of choice for which endocrine disorder? a. acromegaly b. hyperthyroidism c. pheochromocytoma d. Cushing syndrome
d. Cushing syndrome
Which medication is the treatment of choice for patients with hyperthyroidism who become pregnant? a. potassium iodide b. propylthiouracil (PTU) c. Methimazole (MMI) d. Supersaturated potassium iodide (SSKI)
b. propylthiouracil (PTU)
Long-term use of antithyroid medication is not generally recommended for elderly patients because of which of the following events? a. agranulocytosis and hepatic injury b. GI complications and weight loss c. Cardiac arrhythmias and fatigue d. renal disease and mental confusion
a. agranulocytosis and hepatic injury
The nurse is completing discharge teaching with a patient with hyperthyroidism who has been treated with radioactive iodine (RAI) at an outpatient clinic. The nurse instructs the patient to do which of the following? a. monitor for symptoms of hypothyroidism b. discontinue all antithyroid medications c. continue radioactive precautions with all body secretions d. watch for symptoms of hyperthyroidism to disappear within 1 week
a. monitor for symptoms of hypothyroidism
Which of the following disorders is characterized by a group of symptoms produced by an excess of free circulating cortisol from the adrenal cortex? a. Addison's disease b. Cushing Syndrome c. Hashimoto's disease d. Grave's disease
b. Cushing Syndrome
Which of the following disorders results from excessive secretion of somatotropin (growth hormone)? a. acromegaly b. dwarfism c. adrenogenital syndrome d. cretinism
a. acromegaly
Which of the following is a clinical manifesto of diabetes insipidus? a. weight gain b. excessive activities c. low urine output d. excessive thirst
d. excessive thirst
Which of the following symptoms of thyroid disease is seen in older adults? a. weight gain b. atrial fibrillation c. hyperactivity d. restlessness
b. atrial fibrillation
A patient with Cushing syndrome is admitted to the hospital. During the initial assessment, the patient tells the nurse, " The worst thing about this disease is how awful I look. I want to cry every time I look in the mirror." Which of the following statement is the best response by the nurse? a. I do not think you look bad and I am sure your family loves you very much b. I can refer you to a support group. It may help you feel better to talk to someone c. I can show you how to change your style of dress so that the changes are not so noticeable d. If treated successfully, the major physical changes will disappear in time
d. If treated successfully, the major physical changes will disappear in time
Which of the following is indicative of a carpopedal spasm in a patient with hypoparathyroidism? a. bulging forehead b. moon face and buffalo hump c. hand flexing inward d. cardiac dysrhythmia
c. hand flexing inward
The physician has ordered an outpatient dexamethasone suppression test to diagnose the cause of Cushing syndrome in a patient who works at night from 11:00p to 7:00a and normally sleeps from 8:00a to 4:00p. The patient has been given the dexamethasone; to ensure the most reliable test results, the nurse arranges for the plasma cortisol level to be drawn at which of the following times? a. 8:00a b. 8:00p c. 5:00p d. 12:00p
c. 5:00p
When teaching a patient diagnosed with hypothyroidism regarding medical intervention, which of the following is important to communicate? a. the normal dosages of sedative agents are prescribed b. increased resorption occurs with thyroid hormone (TH) c. Thyroid hormone (TH) may decrease blood glucose d. Thyroid hormone (TH) may increase the effect of digitalis preparation
d. Thyroid hormone (TH) may increase the effect of digitalis preparation
Cardiac effects of hyperthyroidism include which of the following? a. Palpitation b. Bradycardia c. Decreased systolic BP d. Decreased pulse pressure
a. palpitation
The typical triad of manifestations seen in a patient diagnosed with pheochromocytoma includes all of the following except which of the following? a. hypotension b. headache c. diaphoresis d. palpitations
a. hypotension
Which of the following may occur in the postoperative period of an adrenalectomy because of sudden withdraw of excessive amounts of catecholamines? a. hyporeflexia b. hyperglycemia c. hypertension d. hypoglycemia
d. hypoglycemia
A nurse is caring for a patient suspected of having a pituitary tumor causing panhypopituitarism. During assessment of the patient, which of the following clinical manifestations would the nurse expect to find? a. carpopedal spasm b. hypertension c. tachycardia d. atrophy of the gonads
d. atrophy of the gonads
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