is a leak somewhere in the bronchial tree so you want to have good visualization while intubating)
signs of injury in the setting of penetrating neck trauma. What is your next step?
> 0.5 -1L/hr from the tube, you need surgical thoracotomy
class="flashcard__a_text">cardiac contusion
CXR and ECG are done. Managed appropriately. Stable now, Which additional tests might you consider
pyelopgraphy (it is faster than CT)
What should be on differential
What should you do if it is negative?
ppx If near vessel --> Dopplers or CT anguo If pt sx (decreased pulses, expanding hematoma, pulsatile bleeding--> go directly to OR!
rehab for burns? What are you trying to prevent?
(which is the saphenous branch of the femoral nerve) and the plantar foot
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