Sony ericsson mobile company Essay Example
Sony ericsson mobile company Essay Example

Sony ericsson mobile company Essay Example

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  • Pages: 30 (8121 words)
  • Published: September 23, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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1.1 Introduction

The purpose of this study is to deeply understand the importance of using marketing indispensable schemes in order for the company to boom in a dynamic changing environment. Sony Ericsson, the joint venture established in 2001, is an illustration to be exhaustively examined in this study. Its nomadic T68i was radical ; it was the first GSM/GPRS colour screen French telephone. Its Bluetooth engineering was introduced for the first clip in the market. Nevertheless, Sony Ericsson 's market portion is merely 13.65 % in 2010 compared to Nokia, 51.40 % ! Why? ( GetJar 2009 )

The study will concentrate on uncovering the cardinal issues that affect Sony Ericsson 's current and future state of affairs in the market. After the great success of Sony Ericsson in selling its Walkman phones that were


launched in 2005 ( Smith 2006:77 ) , it started to confront new challenges in the market. The study will critically measure Sony Ericsson 's enforced schemes compared to the environing environment and highlight the challenges that face the company for this execution.

It is an of import study because it will supply a better penetration on how selling schemes are put into pattern in a company. It will besides assist in replying a really of import inquiry: what are the challenges the company should manage to keep its competitory advantage now and in the hereafter.

1.2 Report Structure and Approach

This study will be structured as the followers:

Section Two: An debut to the company 's behavior and the manner it responds to alterations in the market in order to understand the broader system it works in.

Section Three: A deep analysis of th

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competitory advantage of the company to hold a better apprehension of its potencies in order to make up one's mind what is better for it.

Section Four: Identifying the internal and external factors that determines the company 's success or failure by measuring its strengths and failings and chances and menaces utilizing PESTEL and SWOT theories.

Section Five: A decision.

2.0 Sony Ericsson Orientation

Sony Ericsson, being in the nomadic telephone industry, faces a batch of ferocious competition and it has ever strived to be a leader in this industry. To accomplish this end, It has adopted a four dimensional organisational orientation scheme which includes merchandise, selling, production and gross revenues orientation (Schenker 2007)

2.1 Product Orientation

Sony Ericsson has ever maintained quality and distinction in its merchandises while spread outing into new markets and doing its trade name known worldwide. It invests in research and development to develop new merchandises that will fulfill its clients. For case it was the first in 2005 ( Sony Ericsson: 2008 ) to develop the walkman characteristic in cell phones. It besides developed phones with digital cameras and cyber shooting cameras which added value to its merchandises. This company really invests a batch of money in research and development ; it has an office in Sweden which focuses merely on researching into new merchandise characteristics and quality (Consumer Reports 2005 ) .

A cardinal factor in the merchandise orientation scheme of Sony has been its stigmatization. Harmonizing toColton, '' It is broad recognised that trade names are one of the most valuable assets that houses own '' . This explains why Sony Ericsson ever wants to better on its merchandise design so as to keep

its trade name name and image which clients hold about its merchandises. Sony Ericsson 's trade name strength has helped in invention and creative activity of value - creative activity schemes that its rivals can non implement or follow as the trade name name Sony Ericsson has greater consciousness andrecognition.Thus a strong trade name name can ensue in a greater net income border and the more an administration achieves its aims. Sony 's trade name names with their sophisticated characteristics like the late launched green bosom cell phone has had a positive image in the heads of their consumers who has a high acknowledgment for it as an environmentally friendly industry ( Colton et al. 2010 ) .

Sony Ericsson has cleverly differentiated merchandises with the purpose of aiming different sections of the market, since it is hard for a individual merchandise to fulfill the demands of different consumers. For case, it started by developing phones which were big in size with few options like text messages merely. Subsequently on it improved Mobiles by bring forthing really little size phones with camera options. Today it has phones with picture recording, mp3 and cyber shooting.

Today, Sony Ericsson has expanded the market for its merchandises runing in over 80 one states of the Earth ; it no longer produces electrical contraptions like electric chainss, telecastings and mp3 DVD participants. It aims to derive leading in the nomadic phone industry utilizing a strong trade name name.

2.2 Marketing Orientation

Sony Ericsson is a market oriented organisation. Market orientation, harmonizing to Jobber, is when a house gives precedence to consumers ' penchants at all degrees of their activities. Sony Ericsson extremely values

its clients so it develops all its phones based on clients ' specifications and penchants. It wants to fulfill its clients at all degrees ; ever researching on what consumers desire and it greatly invests in this country as it sees them profitable investings. This can be clearly noticed when Sony Ericsson came with the Walkman phones with mp3 in 2005 which paid it off and helped retrieve the losingss it incurred before and resulted in a larger market portion. Sony Ericsson has displayed figure of market orientation features ; for case, efficiency and effectivity, cleavage and targeting, client value and satisfaction and competitory advantage.

Furthermore, Sony Ericsson is an efficient and effectual Mobile phone company. Efficiency is seen through its ability to understate its production cost while maximising end products and net income. Sony Ericsson has kept at all phases in production at low cost while keeping quality and assortment with sophisticated characteristics ( camera, picture recording, and net browser ) . Besides puting in new merchandises and modern engineering has been the spirit behind the success of Sony Ericsson in many occasions. Effectiveness, on the other manus, is seen by its ability to bring forth phones that people want to purchase. At one point, the uninterrupted addition in the net incomes of Sony Ericsson has been due to increase in demand on its phones which has resulted in more gross revenues compared to other old ages.

Sony Ericsson has divided its market into different groups of purchasers and Sellerss. Some of the chief sections are those who seek phones for value and those seeking sophisticated characteristics like picture recording, cyberspace and mp3.

Sony Ericsson has ever

sought to make pleasance and merriment in its phones with the purpose of supplying clients ' satisfaction and value to its merchandises. This is why it keeps developing new characteristics like the touch screen, slides and cyberspace installations.

Sony Ericsson has ever strived to stay the market leader in the phone industry and to hold a competitory border over its rivals like Nokia and Samsung. This is why after doing immense losingss of over $ 10 000 it came up with the new Walkman and cyber-shot phones in 2005 and maintained low monetary values which generated grosss of $ 31 687.2 million with a net income of $ 1 769.5 million. It has ever put its clients in first place in all its selling schemes. A typical theoretical account to demo its selling orientation can be shown below ;

Marketing orientation entails making goods and services that will fulfill the demands of your clients and continuously researching into better ways of making so and doing certain this procedure has a positive impact on the ends of the company ( Uncles 2000: 1 ) .

The turning importance of marketing orientation today is seen as houses try to construct long permanent relationships with their client. Firms now produce what the market demands non merely bring forthing with the hope that whatever they manufacture consumers will purchase. Firms now use client strategic selling which is a procedure whereby they try to optimize gross and net incomes while fulfilling their demands ( Dean et al. 2009 ) .

2.3 Production Orientation

Sony Ericsson produces nomadic phones and most of the production is centered in China, India and Britain. Third of the production is

in China and India as the cost of production in these states is lower than in the United Kingdom and Sweden where its research and development office is found.

The company is efficient in production and so attempts to understate production cost. In 2008, it reduced its work force by 2000 employees and advisers in and remains competitory in this industry which is really dynamic. Sony Ericsson produces phones ( talk and text, camera, web and electronic mail, touch phones, music and games ) and nomadic accoutrements ( caput phones, battery courser, music senders and overseas telegrams, auto holders, Bluetooth headset, phone instances ) . These phones are designed in different sizes, manners and forms.

Besides, the company focuses its production of nomadic phones based on the current market demands. Last twelvemonth due to the planetary call for clime alteration, it has launched the `` Go Green Heart '' Sony Ericsson phone. This shows that the company invests in the production of merchandises that match with current demands of the population. ( Sony Ericsson 2009 ) .

2.4 Gross saless Orientation

Sony Ericsson has witnessed rapid additions in gross due to increased gross revenues. It ab initio started operations in Britain, China, India and Sweden, but today it has expanded its market to over 80 one states. Despite the recent recession that lead to decrease in net incomes, Sony Ericsson has embarked on gross revenues publicities, aggressive and persuasive Television and Internet advertizement and gross revenues publicity and sensible monetary values of its merchandises. Most of its adverts have had positive impacts. For illustration, when it launched the Walkman in 2005, there was a rapid addition in demand and

high gross revenues were recorded. Their major purchasers are nomadic communicating houses and independent retail merchants. Over the old ages they have experienced additions in their gross revenues and net gross, yet lost market portion. This can be seen below:

Old ages 2005 2006 2007 2008
Net Gross saless ( SEK Million ) 7,268 10,959 99,129 12,916
Net Net income ( EK Million ) 350 997 1,114 1 769.5

Beginning: Sony Ericsson Company Research

2.5 Sony Ericsson Group Operation

Sony Ericsson has different telecommunication through houses like other companies such as Orange, T-Mobile and MTN which carry out gross revenues publicities and this scheme has off. With it establishing of on-line gross revenues it has increased gross revenues as retail merchants can put their bids online and have their goods wherever they are located. The coming up of the pricing scheme in 2007 was Sony Ericsson introduced moderately priced phones with fewer maps every bit lead to rapid incursion of the markets particularly in Africa.

2.6 Evaluation and Recommendation

Sony Ericsson has a positive merchandise and production orientation. This has given it a competitory border in the market as it ever finds new ways and methods of invention in the nomadic phone industry. Its attempt in this line has placed it in a supreme place most of clip.

However it still has to work more on the country of developing phone and accoutrements. Most of its accoutrements are non strong as a batch of clients have made negative ailments sing their lastingness. The industry has nevertheless reacted to this by offering warrants to clients who purchase its Walkman and cyber changeable phones. This measure however seems unjust to other consumers who do non acquire any guarantee when buying the company other low quality

phones ( Strategic Direction 2004 ) .

As sing selling and gross revenues, a batch has to be improved.This is because despite its recent retrenchment in labour force with the purpose of cutting down cost and maximizing net incomes, the company has still recorded recent losingss in the 4th one-fourth of 2009 ( BBC: 2010 ) of 167 million Euro from 187million Euro in the old twelvemonth. Gross saless in this same period fell by 40 % . Sony Ericsson has been enduring from lower gross revenues due to failures in their selling squad. A batch of betterments should be carried out to break gross revenues and net incomes. The company overall is making good needs an excess force O rekindle its gross revenues and net income borders.

3.0 Competitive Advantage

An advantage over rivals gained by offering greater client value, either through lower procedure or by supplying more benefits more benefits that justify higher monetary values ( Armstrong and Kotler 2009:218 ) .

Sony Ericsson can be accredited for its invention. Whether by T68i, the First GSM/GPRS enabled coloring materials screen Handset, Bluetooth engineering for file transportation or manus free and later with Music and Loud Speakers or High Mega Pixel Mobile Camera.

At one clip, Sony Ericsson Held the 2nd largest market as a phone maker in Europe. Below graph shows its market portion of 20 % which is rather dominant ( Mintel 2010 ) .

Handset Market Share in Europe, November 2009

One of the chief strengths of Sony Ericsson is diverseness ( Sony Ericsson 2010 ) and mapping this to the Poter 's `` Three Generic Strategies '' theory we reach the undermentioned `` Stuck In the Middle

'' state of affairs for Sony Ericsson.

Competitive Advantage ( Porter 1985 )

Turning this job into chance, it is an advantage for Sony Ericsson to be in that state of affairs, as it enables it to function the huge nomadic consumer market over rivals and the service the three competitory advantages of Cost, distinction and focal point.

3.1 Cost Leadership

To accomplish cost Leadership Sony Ericsson has become low cost manufacturers in nomadic industry as compared to others offering the same nomadic characteristics and quality. Sony Ericsson monetary values are rather competitory and are available for large every bit good as little pockets.

Trade name ?0-20 ?21-40 ?41-100 ?100 Entire
Nokia 4 4 6 7 21
Sony Ericsson 1 3 8 7 19
Samsung 1 2 6 4 13
LG - - 3 5 8

Availability of wage as you go phones, by trade name and monetary value, December 2009 Beginning: Mintel

Analyzing the above informations it clearly specifies that Sony Ericsson have competitory Numberss of French telephones in all scopes. This helps Sony Ericsson client base to be 20 % and turning continuously.

3.2 Differentiation

From twenty-four hours one Sony Ericsson 's focal point has been on Music functionality or camera. At early times when camera phones were merely launched, the trade name gave the characteristic to take, direct and have images rapidly as cameras. Lapp for the Music Player, its Walkman Series had a dedicated button to let exchanging between nomadic and music functionality.

Blending the competitory monetary value and leads in footings of multimedia use across the French telephone trade names ( listed in the below tabular array ) makes Sony Ericsson so popular among young person ( Mintel: 2010 ) .

Entire % Nokia % Sony Ericsson % Samsung % Motorolla %
Bluetooth 46 42 62 53 35
Camera - less than 5 megapixel 43 36 55 46 50
Music participant 37 29 58 46 16
Games 36 32 49 41 33
Video recording equipment 34 27 51 41 22
Video participant 30 24 45 37 20
Web browser 28 25 38 33 20
Radio 25 25 41 27 6
Camera - 5 megapixels or more 21 20 25 29 14
Fast web

shoping eg 3G

17 19 21 14 6
Electronic mail 16 16 17 15 8
Touch screen 11 5 11 17 3
IM chat eg Instant courier 10 11 11 8 3
Wi-Fi 9 11 11 6 2
GPS/Sat-Nav 7 10 4 4 1
QWERTY keyboard 6 4 5 4 2
Ability to open Word Documents 6 6 5 3 2
Ability to open PDF paperss 6 6 4 3 1
Ability to open Excel paperss 5 5 4 2 2

Beginning: ( Mintel Oxygen, 2010 ) , Based on 2,000 Internet users aged 16+ . Sony Ericsson had merchandise of French telephone ( included wage as you go and contract ) owned by installations on Mobile used, October 2008.

3.3 Focus

Focus scheme is to be successful ; the organisation must understand sections exhaustively ; how their demands are altering and what scope to offer. If Sony Ericsson does n't function the section more efficaciously than rivals, so it will be in a hapless place ( Brassington and Pettitt, 2006: 972 ) .

Sony Ericsson evidently is the under-25s ' preferred French telephone ( Mintel: 2010 ) . The characteristics such as High Mega Pixel Camera and music Players are diagnostic of amusement and function-hungry younger market and these characteristics are extremely substitutable. Besides Sony-Ericsson younger users perceive its interface as easier to utilize in connexion to the characteristics of their cardinal involvement.

Although, the hazard of operating in this section is that this section might fluctuate widely on the short tally depending on manner tendencies, Sony Ericsson market portion may reasonably stay same, Other possible menace is that this might be undetermined by competition ( Brassington and Pettitt, 2006: 973 ) .

For Complete apprehension of the Sony Ericsson competitory advantages, Poter 's five Forces of competitory advantages have farther been used. Harmonizing to the Porter, the province of competition in an industry depends on five rudimentss competitory forces ; the corporate strengths of these forces finding the ultimate profile potency of the industry and the ability of

house in an industry to gain rates of return on investing in entree of the cost of capital ( Poter 1985 ) .

The five forces are as Follows:

  • Existing Competitive competition between participants.
  • Barging power of purchasers.
  • Menace of new market entryway.
  • Dickering powers of providers.
  • Menace of Substitute merchandises.

These five forces for Sony Ericsson is shown in the below figure.

Porter 's 5 Force Model for Sony Ericsson.

3.3.1 Existing Competitive Rivalry among Players

Sony Ericsson sustains the competition sum Nokia, Motorola, LG, Samsung, etc because of its Innovation strengths. This enables it to bask the entire market portion of 20 % . To make this figure, Sony Ericsson rebelliously needs to keep its engineering every bit good and its competitory cost base to pull more clients.

Besides, the addition in societal networking should be maintained, Sony Ericsson have already targeted most of them such as Facebook, Twiter and Myspace, as they are the current drawing cards and give a competitory border.

In current market tendencies, there is a large addition in the smart phone users and to get by up with the tendency. In 2009, Sony Ericsson mostly focused on the high-end section of the market with the launch of Satio, Aino, W995 and Yari ranges. The Satio is a touch-screen with a 12MP camera and a Walkman ; the Aino provides entree to media content from a PlayStation3 console while on the move ; and the Yari has a Nintendo Wii-like detector for gambling ( Mintel 2010 ) .

3.3.2 Bargaining Powers of Buyers

The grade which consumers can act upon the demand is referred as dickering power ( Jobbar 2010 ) . Sony Ericsson offers its clients a

large scope of French telephones at competitory monetary value to fulfill the huge nomadic consumer market which are from basic phone users to exceed terminal latest engineering purchasers. This expands the market base for them non merely within Europe but besides enables them to function this huge scope in assorted economic systems.

3.3.3 Threat of new market Entrance

New Entry means new challenger that in bend agencies increased competition. Sony Ericsson need to be cognizant of all the large and little companies come ining in assorted planetary locations into the nomadic phone industry as the Sony Ericsson trades with all rang of French telephones. Certain barriers should be put to suppress new entrants. As Mobile market is really competitory the new entry and its endurance is rather dull until as unless it 's a good know trade name and good engineering as what Apple 's iPhone did to the market portion of smart phone of Sony Ericsson and other trade names ( Schenker 2007 ) . The menace of new entrants to Sony Ericsson is rather low because of its established trade name value and quality.

3.3.4 Menace of Substitute Merchandises

This is the ability of your clients to happen an alternate manner of making what you do. As far as close hereafter is concerned, an replacement of nomadic French telephones ca n't be think of, so Sony Ericson need non to worry about this menace but it needs to be unfastened for sing the new engineerings coming in for communicating so that it can integrate in new theoretical accounts.

3.3.5 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

The bargaining power of providers can besides be described as the market of inputs. Suppliers of

natural stuffs, constituents, labour, and services can go power over the house if there are few replacements.

Since the starting of Sony Ericsson in 2001, it operates under a corporate societal duty codification. Sony Ericsson insists to merely works with providers who meet needed stringent. This helps employees to do ethically right determinations. Influencing merchandise development and betterment from a CSR and environmental positions in the supply concatenation, which is a cardinal ground in making industry leading every bit good as conformity with those demands. Besides, All Sony Ericsson providers go under appraisal to run into conformity with CSR and environmental demands. These appraisals prove that providers have processs within topographic point to command their supply concatenation ( Sony Ericsson 2010 ) .

In this ways Sony Ericsson has developed trueness from its providers and being a chief market participant, it has the power of looking at different providers in tough times.

3.4 Value Chain

It 's a method for turn uping superior accomplishments and resources. All houses consist of set of activities that are conducted during merchandise lifecycle, they are design, industry, market, distribute and after gross revenues service for its merchandises. The value concatenation categorise them into support and primary activities ( Jobber 2010: 787 ) .

The value concatenation ( Jobber 2006: 788 )

Product distinction rebelliously provides competitory advantage, but on the other manus it besides tends to increase the complexness, which increases supply concatenation hazard. The challenge makers face is doing the right trade-off determination among the two. Sony Ericsson deals with this by deeply analysing the entire supply concatenation consequence at assorted phases of design schemes ( AMRresearch 2010 ) this might be internal or

external to the administration.

Sony Ericsson has a tie up with ATCLE in US for packaging and concluding fabrication touch until the merchandises arrive in Texas with ATCLE 's distribution Center. This gives Sony Ericsson two advantages:

It gave them positive tradeoff of cost benefit in transporting jammed merchandise from Asia compared to ATCLE 's charges for piecing. This besides gave them the chance of eventually custom-making the merchandise in Dallas closer to the client as per their desire. ( SupplyChainBrain 2010 ) . Similarly, the tie up of Sony Ericsson with Ingram for its countrywide gross revenues and distribution in India brought a value add-on to the company.(Kanter J 2009 )

Constructing up of the high quality of value concatenation makes Sony Ericsson more likely by clients because they get better service quality across the Earth and it besides concentrate more on the merchandise and quality it is developing.

Sony Ericsson surely has a competitory advantage over its challengers because of its strong Value concatenation within the assorted operations without the organisation and outside across the Earth.

4.0 Marketing Mix

Diffusion of a merchandise depends on its placement. It includes complexness, differential advantage, divisibility, compatibility with clients ' values, i.e. life manner, experiences and behaviors, and communicability ( Jobber 2010:384-409 ) . Companies should be careful in taking the mark market and demoing the differential advantage the merchandise has. This could be achieved by a combination of successful trade name naming, image, service, design, warrants, packaging and bringing. All of those mentioned are included in the four selling mix model which will be discussed in this subdivision ( Jobber 2010:311 ) .

4.1 Merchandise

Merchandise is a important portion of the selling

mix ; it 's the component that the company starts to construct and determine its individuality and most significantly generates net income. All companies have merchandises, whether touchable or intangible, but what differentiates their merchandises from each other is the branding itself. Branding includes taking a name, making a design, sing quality and the line of merchandises. Placement is created out of those elements, bearing in head that they, together, should be clear in the message they deliver, believable, consistent and competitory.

These elements augment the perceived value and public presentation of clients. It is besides a barrier to challengers, addition for high net incomes and base for trade name extension, quality enfranchisement and trust ( Jobber 2010:305 ) . We are traveling to discourse those of import elements with mention to Sony Ericsson Company.

4.1.1 Brand Name

Developing a typical name for the trade name differentiates and distinguishes it from other merchandises in the market. Brand calling should arouse positive emotions, be easy to retrieve and pronounce and propose the benefit of the merchandise ( Jobber 2010: 319-320 ) . Sony Ericsson ever uses esteemed names for its trade names that suggest edification and smoothness, like its newest Mobiles Xperia, Xperia X10 and Vivaz. They are easy to retrieve and they provoke a sort of exhilaration for the client to be introduced to those merchandises. Besides the company uses alphameric when calling its trade names to stress engineering which expand its targeted clients. Sony Ericsson pick of names is really successful when compared to other nomadic names like Nokia 7230, Motorola Dext ; the former combines the two indispensable elements of simpleness and engineering.

Another of import facet

of trade name naming is the trade name heritage ( Jobber 2010:315 ) ; it adds value to the placement of the trade name in the market. When looking at Sony Ericsson, the name of the company itself evokes positive association of two large immense companies ; the Nipponese company, Sony, and the Swedish telecommunication company, Ericsson. So the name of the nomadic company itself guarantees high quality for the targeted clients ; they can swear the trade name merely by cognizing its name.

Sony Ericsson Company 's name and its trade names name have a really positive impact on the targeted market due to the combination of good quality associated with engineering.

4.1.2 Product Design

Positioning is defined by Kotler as the 'act of planing the company 's offering and image to busy a distinguishable topographic point in the mark market 's head ' ( Kotler 2000 ) . So design has a great accent on the placement of the merchandise. Trade names should non concentrate on functional values merely ; those values should be combined with emotional exhilaration to vie efficaciously in the market. Did Sony Ericsson achieve this differentiation in its designs?

Sony Ericsson invests in coloring material and design to augment presents what is considered a basic merchandise to make entreaty for its mark market. Its new motto is meant to do people smile, so it tried to plan Mobiles, like Xperia and Vivaz to present this intent ( Sony Ericsson 2009 ) .

Vivaz Mobile

It besides found new market to aim by detecting that QWERTY device use has grown ( Reinstaller 2009 ) . Sony Ericsson was losing the market for iphones, so it created

a slide out keyboard mobile Xperia X10 mini which will be introduced to the market shortly. Usually QWERTY Mobiles are relatively large, so Sony Ericsson wanted to make a competitory advantage by being better than nomadic companies and apple iphones. ( Two Mobiles in one ; little and QWERTY ) . It wanted its Mobiles to be more appealing. It created a nomadic smaller than a recognition card and with all characteristics that any normal Mobile will hold.

Xperia X10 mini

Sony Ericsson keeps looking into the market seeking for a alteration in client 's tendencies ; it keeps in contact with clients and encourages them through its web site to develop and plan Mobiles that appeal to its clients. The company has `` Theme Creator '' web log, for case, to be the first to react to the market inevitable alteration. Now it is planing its merchandises to underscore its new slogan `` make people smile! '' Sony Ericsson is seeking to do its designs entreaty to the human senses ; beauty is all about.

4.1.3 Quality

The merchandise should at least achieve the basic map it is expected to make ; higher quality trade names mean higher market portion and higher profitableness ( Jobber 2010:303 ) .

As mentioned before, holding the co-branding of Sony and Ericsson gives a warrant for the clients that their merchandises are of high quality. The name encourages clients to purchase the merchandise. Unfortunately, the co-branding insures merely short-run quality insurance ; the experience of the clients is far more important. Did Sony Ericsson insure quality for all of its merchandises?

Few old ages back, Sony Ericsson had a great success in selling high

quality Walkman mobiles ; it was the first in market to convey Mobiles with music added characteristics. Unfortunately, tendencies of the market changed after a piece. With the fast detonation of engineering, clients started to look for more technologically sophisticated Mobiles. The visual aspect of smart phones made the French telephone phones less appealing to clients ( Chang, Chen and Zhou 2009:6 ) .

Sony Ericsson responded easy to the alteration ; it kept bring forthing Walkman series boulder clay late. This made it lose market portion to rivals such as Nokia and Motorola who responded to the alteration by developing their Mobiles ' designs and maps to fit with the market demands and desires.

Recently, Sony Ericsson understood this alteration and developed new nomadic series, Satio, Xperia and Vivaz which extremely appealed to clients. They are technologically advanced, have superb designs that combine bantam size, without compensation of any characteristics, different colorss and easiness of use to link with the cyberspace and upload any figure of images on societal webs like Facebook, YouTube or Twitter. By happening this new turning communicative community markets, Sony Ericsson now is deriving net incomes and turning its market portion.

Sony Ericsson major quality lies in its technological advantage emerging from the integrating of telecommunications engineering and Sony 's powerful image and technological lead in the market. This is the advantage which most phone companies do non hold. And with the development of engineering, trusting on the expertness of Sony 's company and the powerful channel dealingss of Ericsson Telecommunication, new inventions will be created and demand will further increase.

If Sony Ericsson wants to avoid extra losingss, it needs to concentrate on

continually bettering non merely its designs, but besides on improved unfastened systems? and flexible media integrating. Otherwise, it will go on to bring forth characteristics old ages behind its challengers and gross revenues will worsen.

4.1.4 Line of Merchandises

One important facet of nomadic production is its short-run life rhythm. Mobile companies are required to ever contrive, create and develop nomadic phones to maintain or increase their market portion and respond to the uninterrupted alterations in market environment related to clients ' gustatory sensations, behaviors, life styles and benefits sought out of the Mobiles.

When looking back to 2006, for case, we find that Sony Ericsson ever faced the challenge of viing with Nokia and Motorola. And since it ca n't vie utilizing the same scheme of aiming all sections of the market with competitory merchandises, it tried to turn to a niche section where it can market its differentiated merchandises like Walkman and Cybershot phones. This made their net incomes higher by 43 % ( ABIresearch 2006 ) .

For a quiet clip, Sony Ericsson followed the scheme of fabrication and selling many of French telephones accompanied with accoutrements which made it the 2nd most profitable nomadic company in the French telephone market in 2007 ( ABIresearch 2007 ) . It proved to derive a respectable market portion in Europe ( 12.40 % ) and India ( 10 % ) ( ContentNext Media 2009 ) . But since the market changed and clients started to look for more esteemed attractive with high engineering Mobiles, Sony Ericsson 's scheme did non work for long clip.

This tendency alteration urged Sony Ericsson to make new merchandises and aim new markets. It

developed Xperia series, Vivaz and Satio aimed to do communicating merriment by doing people smile. This created a new market to it that was n't explored earlier. It besides designed a nomadic created peculiarly for adult females who have involvement in manner ; Jalou™ by Dolce & A ; Gabbana. It is meant to be the 'ultimate manner accoutrement ' ( Sony Ericsson 2010 ) . Sony Ericsson found a new niche market. Furthermore, Sony Ericsson created eco-friendly Mobiles, for both concern and persons, made of recycled plastics and waterborne pigment to cut down the negative impact on the environment, like Aspen Mobile for illustration. Customers who care about the interest of nature and environment would happen Sony Ericsson 's `` Green Heart '' merchandise really appealing.

Sony Ericsson successfully identified its targeted audience through its new merchandises. Now it needs to perforate the market by aggressive advertizements, and immense capital to put in those merchandises to see that they diffuse faster to make it ultimate end ; higher market portion and more net incomes.

When analyzing Sony Ericsson company merchandises ' place in February, 2010, as a whole, utilizing BCG matrix ( we could non analyze all its merchandises separately for two grounds ; foremost the norm of nomadic phones ' life rhythm is merely 14 months ( National Geographic 2006 ) . Second nomadic companies tend to bring forth many Mobiles in short term ) , we would happen that most of their merchandises are `` Canis familiariss '' . Sony Ericsson 's market portion grew from 6 % in 2009 ( Sony Ericsson 2009 ) to 13.65 % in 2010 ( GetJar 2010 )

, compared to Nokia which market portion grew from 37 % ( Nokia 2009 ) to 51.40 % ( GetJar 2010 ) severally. ( Appendix 1 )

The above chart shows merely where most of Sony Ericsson 's Mobiles lie ( about 62 % , Appendix 2 ) . Sony Ericsson should get down sharply puting in the few star merchandises to go cattles and bring forth net incomes. The `` Canis familiaris '' merchandises should be either eliminated or extended by happening new niche market where they could be sold.

Sony Ericsson identified its debatable state of affairs when it incurred immense losingss in net incomes and market portion in 2008. As a consequence, it introduced new series of sophisticated smart phones with alone designs and high quality. Its market portion grew in the first one-fourth of 2010. Will Sony Ericsson maintain sharply puting in developing its merchandises to run into the market 's uninterrupted fluctuations?

It is true that it frequently guaranteed short term net income and success, but Sony Ericsson needed sustainable attempts to maintain it strong and differentiated from other merchandises which it failed to make so far ( Finchannel 2010 ) .

4.2 Monetary value

Monetary value is the most important component from a company 's position ; it determines the net income border that the company will acquire. Deciding the monetary value should travel along with the selling scheme and the selling mix of the company ; it should non be isolated. A big portion of make up one's minding the monetary value depends on the placement of the merchandise in the mark market ( DataMonitor 2003 ) ; does the merchandise provide high

value for the targeted clients, are the clients willing to pay? Is there any competition in the market? Does the demand exceed the supply for the same merchandise?

When looking into the pricing scheme of Sony Ericsson, like any other nomadic company, one time it launches its merchandise in the market it starts with the rapid skimming scheme ( Jobber 2010:429 ) by utilizing aggressive publicity and puting high pricing to derive high net incomes from excessive purchasers and present the merchandise to clients.

Monetary values of Sony Ericsson 's Mobiles are justified ; moderately priced compared to other nomadic companies. Besides, the co-branding of Sony and Ericsson gives a strong placement for the merchandise by puting it as a high quality merchandise. This besides helps the merchandise diffusion in the market. Furthermore it is a possibility that Sony Ericsson reconsider its pricing since there are many rivals in the market, but this could endanger the image of the company being high quality. Besides, the cost of making and developing a Mobile with sophisticated engineering is relatively high, so take downing monetary values for Sony to accomplish higher market portion or net incomes may non be the optimum solution.

Scheme of altering the monetary value will be hard for Sony Ericsson. Depending on its promotion in engineering, spread outing its market sections, and ever bettering its designs and accoutrements, Sony Ericsson could easy countervail the menaces of the strong competition around it and the force per unit area of re-pricing its merchandises ( DataMonitor 2003 ) .

4.3 Topographic point

The ultimate mark of any concern is to gain net incomes which can non be earned if the merchandise does

non make the client. Therefore the merchandise needs to be carried off from the topographic point of production to the existent consumer.

4.3.1 Distribution scheme

The figure of intermediates in a concern decides the type of distribution it carries.

A company can choose for one of the undermentioned distribution Schemes: Intensive Distribution Strategy

A company following this scheme tries to stock its merchandises in the maximal figure of mercantile establishments or shops. These are available as per the consumer demand. Sony Ericsson follows Intensive Distribution Strategy. The Mobile Phones of Sony Ericsson are available at figure of mercantile establishments in different states. Company tries to do its phones available in about every market in rural and urban countries to aim all sorts of clients. Sony Ericsson Mobile Phones are available on gift stores, Mobile stores, accessary stores etc. which depicts intensive distribution.

4.3.2 Selling Channelss

There are figure of channels to reassign goods from the maker to the merchandise will make the clients. Sony Ericsson uses the indirect selling channel. Indirect Marketing Channels

Sony Ericsson distributes its merchandises with the aid of distribution channels. Different companies use different distribution channels. A channel may be suited for a peculiar company whereas the same channel may be wholly uneffective or lead to increase in the cost for another company.

Each intermediary degree affects the cost of the merchandise. Sony Ericsson Company follows this Marketing Distribution Channel as they do non sell their merchandises straight, company sells to agents who further supply nomadic phones to jobbers in majority and the jobbers further supply to retail merchants and so the nomadic phone is sold to the client. Often clients make purchases through cyberspace which is straight supplied

by Jobbers and jumping the retail merchant, this reduces the cost.

Sometimes a company 's concluding merchandise is used as a natural stuff by some other company. A distribution channel differs where the maker has to provide goods to the industry alternatively of consumers.

Distribution Channels for Consumer Goods

CHANNEL DECISIONS: Channel Decisions include:

  • choice of channel members
  • motive of single channel members
  • rating of public presentation of single channel members.
  • Controling channel members


Channel choice is influenced by factors like distribution scheme adopted by a company ( intensive, sole or selective ) , Channel Integrity, type of market which includes cognition of consumers and distributers, purchaser behavior, type of merchandise etc. Motivation of Channel Members

Intermediates in the channel should be motivated from clip to clip. The chief challenge for any company lies in their ability to actuate intermediates to accomplish maximal gross revenues and client satisfaction. Evaluation of Performance

Manufacturer should on a regular basis supervise the public presentation of channel members in footings of gross revenues mark, gross revenues accomplishment, stock list care, client satisfaction, ailments, employee preparation etc. Controlling Channel Member

If there is a difference in the expected behavior of channel members and existent behavior so maker should take timely action. Delay or deficiency of proper control on channel members can set company into legal jobs ( Kanter J 2009 ) . Sony Ericsson selects its distribution channel based on high choice standards to vouch efficiency.

4.3.3 Distribution Analysis Stamp

As Sony Ericsson is an international company so the distribution of their merchandise to different parts of universe is affected by PESTLE.

Phosphoruss: Political ( Like the Political parties may impact the distribution of nomadic phones with

their favorable or unfavorable policies for Sony Ericsson )

Tocopherol: Economic ( Like alteration of currency rates may impact the monetary value in the distribution )

Second: Social ( Demographic factors like age, gender etc of a peculiar state may impact the gross revenues, like age group between 20-30 prefers to hold new characteristics and brassy manus set, whereas above 50 most of the times prefer simple to utilize French telephones )

Thymine: Technological ( If the people in a peculiar part are engineering friendly they will welcome a new invention otherwise a superb engineering if rejected by clients may go a failure )

Liter: Legal ( Different states have different Torahs for trade which may impact the trade of Sony Ericsson 's nomadic phones )

Tocopherol: Environmental ( Environmental duties like regulations of disposal of dead batteries etc may impact the distribution SWOT Analysis

It is a thorough analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a Business. Strengths and failings of a company are considered as internal and governable factors whereas chances and menaces and external and unmanageable factors. Harmonizing to SWOT Analysis:


  • Worldwide operations, it operates in above 80 states in the universe.
  • Research and Development section in Japan, India, China and North America.
  • Company has Agents in different states which are good cognizant of the political, legal, societal, economical and environmental factors of their state which facilitates the distribution.
  • Manufacturers in India and China ; Sony Ericsson helps the company to diminish its cost of production as the labor is inexpensive in these states.
  • Wide ranges of merchandises are available for all sections of clients.
  • The jobbers of this company supply nomadic phones to the retail

merchants available in their states to guarantee uninterrupted supply of phones.

  • As the company is runing on an international degree it can non hold direct links with the clients and employees. With this distribution channel the retail merchants can hold direct nexus with their employees and the committee on gross revenues set by jobber or retail merchant motivates them to sell and therefore increases the entire gross revenues of the company.
  • Failings:

    • The distribution channel is excessively long and with each extra intermediate like agent, jobber and retailer the cost of distribution additions accordingly monetary value of each nomadic phone additions.
    • The channel is excessively long and failure to decently organize with all the channels result in hold in supply or overstock.
    • Lack of interaction between client and company. Company knows its clients ' demands, demands and penchants through the jobbers merely. These jobbers could be the intermediates or research houses.


    • Growth in Internet Shopping will assist company to increase its sale and cut down the degrees of intermediates from the distribution channel.
    • With their Go green subject it has chance to sell more in the states which are more environments witting.


    • Decrease in Profit border with increasing distribution costs.
    • Government trade policies in different states.
    • Increase in competition in different states.

    4.4 Promotion

    Even if a company manufactures high quality merchandises with tonss of invention and research but if it is non able to act upon the purchasing behavior of the consumer it can non maximise its gross revenues and net income. Buying behavior of a consumer can be influenced merely if the benefits and utilizations of a merchandise is updated to him in a perfect mode

    to excite the purchase. In marketing this is called Promotion. Promotional activities could be classified on the footing of mark audience.

    Sony Ericsson is marketing in different parts of universe like Asia Pacific, Central East Europe, Middle East Africa, China, India, Japan, Latin America, North America and Western Europe.

    4.4.1 Promotional Mix of Sony Ericsson

    Sony Ericsson uses Mass Communication Techniques in different states to aim different clients to advance its merchandises. Some of its techniques are: Ad

    It is defined as any paid signifier of non personal publicity transmitted through mass medium ( Brassington, Pettitt 2006: 669 ) . Sony Ericsson uses different advertizements in different states with different linguistic communication. It focuses mostly on advertisement through Television, newspaper and Internet. A good advertizement helps in making consciousness of the merchandise with a clear message or nonsubjective. It should besides concentrate on a peculiar set of audience and should be in the budget set by the company. An advertizement can be successful merely if takes attention of PESTLE i.e. the political, economical, societal, technological and environmental factors.

    Pictures of Sony Ericsson 's Ad

    Choosing an advertizement should be selected carefully ; an advertizement should be enlightening and non misdirecting. Besides a good Ad informs the clients about the benefits of the merchandise to aim clients and act upon their purchasing behavior. A company can take figure of publicizing media like Radio, Television, Newspaper, billboards and cusps.

    Sony Ericsson applies Aida Model in its advertizements.

    For illustration with the launch of an environment friendly theoretical accounts like `` Aspen '' , it is altering its advertizement with green bosom symbol and green coloring material to derive the attending of the mark audience and

    so its making involvement with advertizement like `` I love nature '' , which creates a desire amongst the audience which affects their purchasing behavior. Gross saless Promotion

    A simple manner to increase net incomes is to increase gross revenues. A company can advance its gross revenues through publicity activities for clients, channel members or gross revenues staff. Sony Ericsson performs assorted gross revenues publicity activities for clients like offering price reductions, extended guarantee, and extra accoutrements like joy stick and memory card on selected theoretical accounts or in gay seasons to increase their gross revenues. Along with that it promotes its gross revenues by activities like gross revenues committee for the gross revenues staff and channel members. Promotion

    Promotion is the communicating of a merchandise by puting information about it in the media without paying for the cost of media. Sony Ericsson holds figure of events which are shown in the newspapers and intelligence channels which acts as a promotion for the company. Sponsorship

    Sponsorship is an activity in which a company associates itself with persons or events with an aim of trade name acknowledgment. Sony Ericsson patrons assorted events like Sony Ericsson 's Fanwalk on M Television and Doha 2008 Tennis event. These events indirectly help in the publicity of its trade name and merchandise.

    Pictures of events sponsored by Sony Ericsson.

    A company can patronize assorted events like Sports, Arts, Social Causes, and Environmental Programmes etc. The chief aims of promotion are:

    • To derive exposure,
    • Create amusement chances for their clients or chances,
    • Associate its trade name with that event,
    • To better community dealingss,
    • Promote its gross revenues with the name of the event.

    However, Sponsorship may go

    forth negative impact on the clients when it is associated with a famous person or athleticss auto. For illustration a company sponsors a Fashion show and it becomes mired in any contention so it will go forth negative consequence on the mark audience. Therefore a company should be cautious while passing immense sum on sponsorship. Direct Selling

    It is the distribution of merchandises, information and promotional benefits to clients through synergistic communicating in a manner that allows response to be measured.

    Sony Ericsson uses direct selling to advance their nomadic phones and accoutrements with Direct Selling technique through their synergistic gross revenues staff. The chief feature of direct selling is to personalise the communicating and activities can hence be less seeable to rivals. The two chief constituents of direct selling are:

    • Direct interaction with the clients.
    • Direct Response of the clients

    Sony Ericsson follows Direct Marketing as there is a direct interaction among the gross revenues staff and clients and clients respond straight with the gross revenues staff about the merchandise.

    A Company could follow any of the undermentioned steps for direct selling of their merchandises. Face to Face Selling

    Face to face Selling is of import when a face to confront communicating between the client and the gross revenues individual is required. Sony Ericsson Company focuses on face to confront communicating between its gross revenues staff in the shops in different parts of states and the clients. Retailer 's Catalog

    This is a direct selling technique through the catalogues. Retailers in this instance direct the booklets of their merchandises to clients to heighten gross revenues. Sony Ericsson Company does non direct booklets straight to the clients, but the booklets are

    available at the retail shops for the client 's mention. Marketing through Mails

    In this instance company sends assorted promotional mails, facsimile mails and voice mails to the clients to increase their gross revenues. But Sony Ericsson does non follow this technique of selling. Internet Selling

    Here company uses Internet as a tool to update clients about the available merchandises and services to impact the purchase. Videos of Sony Ericsson 's nomadic phones are available on societal webs on cyberspace like, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Picasa. This manner Sony Ericsson has a planetary range to its clients at low cost. This selling technique helps Sony Ericsson to cut down its selling cost.

    5.0 Decision

    It is true that Sony Ericsson has a late start in fall ining nomadic universe in 2002 ; it faced barbarous competition, endured frequent losingss and market fluctuations, whether economically or psychologically. Nevertheless it ever proved to be capable of supporting its market and contending back to recover its place.

    In order for Sony Ericsson to keep a sustainable growing, its scheme should be a combination of interconnected activities related to market placement, place on the distribution channel and length of market presence. It is of import that Sony Ericsson makes the client easy understand its placement in the market and this could be achieved merely by associating all strategic activities to accomplish this end ( Hassan and Craft 2005:81-89 ) .

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