Sexual Harassment in Bangladesh Essay Example
Sexual Harassment in Bangladesh Essay Example

Sexual Harassment in Bangladesh Essay Example

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  • Pages: 12 (3067 words)
  • Published: November 22, 2021
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Sexual harassment has been an issue that our society experiences today. There have debates and discussions on the issue of sexual harassment in many countries in the world. This vice is experienced in job places and postions in work. Sime employers take advantage of their power to sexually hassa female.

This discussion is going to explain what sexual harassment entails in detail. We are then going to look at the different types of sexual harassments experienced by both genders in their day to day life. The different forms of sexual harassments will also be explained in order to clarify on what particular deeds are considered sexual harassment by the laws. The paper will then cover the reasons why these sexual harassments take place and the recommendation to stop and eradicate them from our society. Thereafter, we explain the causes of se


xual harassment such as the male perception that makes them think that they are superior to the female, women emancipation and the use of sexual harassment as a form of control. The paper is going to check some of the effects of sexual harassment experienced by victims in Bangladesh such as depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The recommendations for preventing, stopping or reporting sexual harassment are also going to be captured in detail in this discussion.

In Bangladesh, especailly, the Nari, Shishu Nirjaton Domon Ain (2000); for the original momentmade sexual harassment a criminal offense punishable by law. In 2009. The High Court put down a set of rules and guidelines in order to prevent sexual violence on women together with children at workplaces, as wel as educational institutions, and on the towns as a petition

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filed in public interest by executive director of Bangladesh National Women Lawyers' Association Salma Ali. Bangladesh has also agrred that they would nbe committde to eliminate any sign of sexual volnec on women. They vowed to creat an environment that is fair ti every individual in the society. Declaration on Elimination of the Violence on Women and endorsed the Beijing Platform for Action, (BPFA) in 1995 to attain the objectives of safeguarding gender equality, legal rights and thus empowerment of women. These plus the other convention and treaties signed by Bangladesh were to protect the people from sexual harassment, particularly the vulnerable ones e.g. women and children.

A lot of female undergo a lot of changes including violence, sexual harassment and psychological abuse. Psychological abuse can be described as mental abuse or rather emotional abuse that is a type of abuse portrayed by an individual subjecting or revealing another to behavior that may cause psychological trauma (Misra, Mahal, & Shah, 2000).There are some types of psychological or emotional abuse which sex workers are prone to like the denial of essential needs, forced drug, or alcohol consumption and facing arrest for carrying condoms among others. Women are particularly vulnerable to emotional abuse, sexual harassment especially verbal abuse since many customers, as well as other members of the society, sees them as whores, and that implies that they are undesirable women (Smith, 2016). Often verbal abuse occurs either while the services are being offered or after the service has been offered or the client is not satisfied .In these cases, verbal abuse may be a sign of sexual aggression from the client.

Sexual violence or harassment occurs when there

is any sexual attempt to get a sexual act through violence or coercion. The dangers of sexual abuse are in general lower than the threats of physical mistreatment with the exemption of interior prostitutes who details an advanced rate of rape or attempted rape compared to any one form of physical violence (Kirk, Gwyn, & Margo 2013). Rates of sexual assaults and rape are higher in women when compared to men. These high rates of sexual violence experienced by sex workers have traumatic effects on men and women operating as prostitutes. High levels of rape and assaults while working as prostitutes have been significantly connected to higher levels of psychological trauma. Studies have revealed that younger sex workers usually experience more customer violence as compared to their older colleagues.

Gender unions that are democratic organizations should always be at the fore front and center in fighting for sexual harassment especially in job places. They should also agitate for democracy free of sexual harassment in work places, collective agreements guard against discrimination, subjective work rules, unequal pay for same work, and unfair treatment of the workers and dismissal (Misra, Mahal, & Shah, 2000). At their best, unions have fought tirelessly for their members as well as fundamental social reforms that benefit all workers, including universal community health care, better pension’s schemes, paid for extra time on the job and accessible and reasonable education.

According to Levinson, (2013), gender unions have got the ability to go beyond only what is known as bargaining agents and become proficient of transforming our society. These organizations have the power the change our society and improve the welfare of its members. On the

world likely ask the why does society anticipate and legally need unions to conform to democratic norms, while other types of groups may categorize themselves as they want. The unions for their members are similar to government in different ways, and thus should emulate and practice the standards that are applied to any state. Unions govern a person’s life in the place of work, both through bargaining for wages, and better working conditions and in representing them throughout grievance trials and inquiries into transgression. It should be noted that unions are the mouthpiece of the workers, make decisions on the policy which affect workers and negotiates a contract that have effects on the worker. These are not responsibilities that require the true spirit of unionism and that which fully embrace democracy. The unions in negations helps make interpreted and implement those laws.

Gender equality issues as well as gender discrimination in film companies which is attributed to the overwhelming predominance of the male gender in the industry. The paper will further examine the influence the companies' visual representations have to affect popular views of women, and the actual authority of women remaining present within male dominated industries.

Sexual harassment has been experienced in films and media in general. On all the perspectives that people use to view men and women, media remains to be majorly persuasive and one of the key influential (Misra, Mahal, & Shah, 2000). Woven in the whole of our life time, media insinuate their information to our consciousness in each turn. All types of media show sexism images, many of which escalate stereotypical, unrealistic and limiting views. Ways in which media describe gender

in defined in three themes.

Collins, (2011) argues that to eliminate gender discrimination or discrimination of women in leadership or other significant positions then there should be a cross-cultural leadership that is essential. Cross-cultural leadership gives everyone an opportunity to expresses their ability regardless of their gender, political affiliation, and regional discrimination. Every individual has different abilities that they can use to benefit an organization. These abilities can be in the form of creativity and innovation that is aimed to enhance the performance of any organization.

To highlight the cruelty of the society regarding according to equal opportunities for women. The principles of the theory of a glass ceiling. A glass ceiling is an official and political word that issued in describing the unseen, though un-breathable barrier which tends to keep minorities group and women from growing to the higher rungs of the commercial ladder, irrespective of their qualifications, or achievements they have strived to make to be there (Misra, Mahal, & Shah, 2000). Before this term was sued by feminists in allusion to barriers that are in the professions of higher-achieving women. In the United States the word s sometimes overstretched to decsribe to the wall to obstacles deterring the progression of a minority group that includes both men and females. A glass ceiling as gender or rather racial variation that is not described by other occupation-relevant features of the employees. Governments, individuals, and organizations globally have tried to promote a rise in the figure of women who reach higher levels of power. Many nations have tried to make progress it mitigates on this issue.

Sexual harassment has been widely used in the article as a glass

ceiling that hinders women's achievement of leadership positions. For instance in India, the Indian mangers express gender stereotypes which emphasize on women roles as mother and wife (Collins 2011). As a wife in this case in pies that women are of their men, that they should only sit at home and serve their men when they are area home, and women as mothers, are stereotypes to care for their children and do house chores. This unbiased leadership has made women of great potential to achieve success in leadership put career second to their family obligations. At the same time, such women depict their families as the as a source of support but not as a burden that a person can turn to when there are a lot of issue in the work that is not favoring them (Bakker, 2013). Gender stereotyping are features that women and men share in the society. They have descriptive, prescriptive elements that seek to explain how men and females should be or not be. Stereotyping has worked very well in disfavor of women (Misra, Mahal, & Shah, 2000). Some individuals, organizations, and countries have their gender stereotyping against women. The majority of such stereotypes emphasizes that women are mothers and wives. Gender disparity in media is still stretched since there are the lack of women at all levels of the production of a film.

The society should give everyone an opportunity to expresses their ability regardless of their gender, political affiliation, and regional discrimination. Every individual has different abilities that they can use to benefit an organization. These abilities can be in a form of creativity and innovation that is aimed

to enhance the performance of any organization (Misra, Mahal, & Shah, 2000). According to Collins (2011), women are known to be hard workers. They tend to deliver quality work. Also, cross-cultural leadership studies offer diversity regarding idea and workmanship since everyone will be given the job on merit. Besides, cross-cultural leadership helps in adapting to a fresh wave of globalization of cultural leadership practices. From this perspective, cross-cultural leadership can be said to be a distinctive phenomenon that checks at the capability of leaders of being able to lead and also adapt the cultural challenges (Misra, Mahal, & Shah, 2000). Women have not been given adequate opportunity to direct the movie and play other major roles in film production.

Sexual harassment is, after all, a manifestation of power relations. Women are more vulnerable and much more likely to be victims of sexual harassment than their male counterparts. This is definately because they lack physical and emotional power, are in more vulnerable and insecure positions, lack self-confidence, or have been socialized to suffer in silence. In order to understand why women endure the vast majority of sexual harassment while the male counterparts take the remaining portion, it is important to look at some of the underlying causes of this phenomenon. In spite of a lot of impediments female gender. Despite experince in getting employment there is still alot of effort women., put to work, and work very hard. This new and surprising influx of women into the labor force brought about two simultaneous, but seemingly opposite reactions to women at work (Bakker, 2013).

Seen in this context, male workers who harass a woman on the job are doing

more than annoying her (Bakker, 2013). They are remind her of her suffering an d vulnerability, creating tensions which make her duty more tough and making her more hesitant to serach for higher paying jobs in places she may perceive and deem the tension as even more greater. In general, sexual harassment builds a climate of feat, intimidation,and repression. A female who is the victim of sexual harassment always goes through the similar process of victimization because one who has been a victim or suffered rape, battering or other gender related violnce crimes- often blaming themselves and doubting her selfworth(Bakker, 2013). Women who attempt to break to traditionally all male work, includingconstruction jobs, health or investment banking, always suffer even intense harassment clearly aimed at complelling them to leave.

Thus, sexual harassment often accomplishes informally what laws against sex-based discrimination theoretically prohibit: gender-based requirements for a job (Bakker, 2013). A woman who is subjected to sexual violence endures a lot of pressure, fear, degradation, or violnece hostility which her male co workers do not even have to endure thereby making i that much tougher to finish for the job as well as for advancement.

Sexual violence can be understood by using conflict theories are perceptions in sociology which emphasize the political, social, or material disparity in the society or social classes, which critique the wide socio-political arrangement or which otherwise, undermine from structural functionalism, and ideological conservatism (Higgins, 2013). This theory, conflict theories, focuses attention to power differences, like class conflict and overall contrast historically overriding ideologies (Higgins, 2013).It is thus a macro-level examination of society. This theory was brought forward by Karl Marx, who is the father of

all the social conflict theories that forms major components of the four paradigms of sociology. Some of the conflict theories seek to shed light on the ideological features inherent in traditional viewpoint. While several of this perception hold parallels, however, conflict theory do not subscribe to one pool of worldviews and should thus, not be taken for peace, and conflict studies (Higgins, 2013).

Of the classical founders of social science, conflict theory is mostly commonly associated with Karl Marx viewpoint was founded on a dialectical materialism account of history. He postulated that capitalism, such as earlier socioeconomic systems, and have the ability to inevitably produce internal pulls that lead to its complete destruction. Marx steered in radical change, encouraging proletarian revolution, and liberty from the people occupying upper classes. Karl Marx was cognizant that the majority of the people residing in capitalist societies cannot be able to see how the arrangement shaped the whole operation of society (Higgins, 2013). Like, how we view private property, the majority of the members living in capitalistic societies view the rich as those having got their affluence through hard work, and education, yet viewing the poor as those that lack in skill, and initiative. Karl Marx rejected this form of thinking and termed it as false consciousness and clarifications of social challenges.

Carl Max viewed two classes, those that own productive resources which he called capitalists and the proletariat who were expected to work to survive. This theory would help us understand ways in which people earn their living and the effects in their bodies, minds, and daily lives. The theory provides us with answers why the workers in capitalist society

to not own means of production resources (Higgins, 2013). The workers are expected to toil and sell their labor to earn a living. According to this theory, the proletariat are isolated, they earn meager payment, live in poor houses, and have low education and poor health . This implies that the people at the upper class use their labor and power to continue benefitting themselves.

Marxist viewpoint asserts that the national borders have been destroyed by the monopoly of capitalists. This capitalist nation is not able to sell the products they produce with the confinement of the national boundaries. Socialist perspective have always been advocating peace, and condemned the warfare that between nations as brutal and barbaric (Higgins, 2013). However, people's attitude on the war is significantly different from that of the pacifist of bourgeois (Higgins, 2013). The difference comes in because the bourgeois understands clearly the inevitable connection that exists between wars, and the class difference that brings struggle within the nation. They also understand that war can never be abolished not unless when classes are abolished, and socialism embraced.

In Bangladesh, cases of sexual harassment were reported and even confirmed in the country which raised concern. Sexual harassments have been found to be the act of violating the human rights of both male and female genders through sexually related deeds. It is an act outlawed in most of the countries including Bangladesh (Smith, 2016). In this paper, we have expounded on the definition of sexual harassments by different people such as Catherine MacKinnon. The discussion has explained what sexual harassment entail in detail. It has then looked at the different types of sexual harassments experienced

by both genders in their day to day life.

The different forms of sexual harassments have also been explained in order to clarify on what particular deeds are considered sexual harassment by the laws. The paper have also covered the reasons why these sexual harassments take place and the recommendation to solve and eradicate them from our society. We have also explained the causes of sexual harassment such as male perception that makes them think that they are superior to the female, women emancipation and the use of sexual harassment as a form of control. The paper has also checked some of the effects of sexual harassment experienced by victims in Bangladesh such as depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The recommendations for preventing, stopping or reporting sexual harassment have also been captured in detail in this discussion.


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  • Smith, Jeff. (2016) "Normalizing Male Dominance: Gender Representation in 2012 Films." Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy. Word Press, 12 Feb. 2013.
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