Screening Tests for Prostate Cancer Essay Example
Screening Tests for Prostate Cancer Essay Example

Screening Tests for Prostate Cancer Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (745 words)
  • Published: April 9, 2022
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The increase in cancer-related deaths has led to the emergence of numerous organizations focused on raising awareness and conducting screenings, which are crucial but demanding tasks.

Active cancer screening methods are crucial for identifying and detecting certain types of cancer before symptoms arise. Early detection not only saves lives but also minimizes treatment costs, as delayed diagnosis necessitates more complicated treatments. Personally, I opted for prostate cancer screening due to its prevalence among men worldwide. Nonetheless, the expense involved in participating in prostate cancer screening, undergoing diagnostic tests, and determining its clinical stage can render it inaccessible for numerous individuals.

There is controversy surrounding prostate cancer screening due to uncertainty about its effectiveness in reducing cancer deaths and no global consensus on regular screening. However, despite these debates, e


arly detection and successful treatment are commonly used for prostate cancer screening. A 2000 study conducted by Ekwueme found that a considerable number (ranging from 34% to 61%) of men aged fifty or older in the United States have received a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test.

Adhering to the National Clearinghouse Guidelines, I performed my usual screening procedure which includes testing men for prostate cancer. This involves administering the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, which measures the level of PSA in the blood through a blood sample. Normally, PSA levels are low but tend to rise with age. High levels of PSA in the blood may suggest a possible problem with the prostate, although it does not guarantee cancer. The individual I was helping happened to be an elderly man who was fifty-five years old.

After noticing elevated PSA levels, I prepared the patient and collected a blood sample for screening. Accordin

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to the National Cancer Institute (2012), men aged 50-59 should have a PSA level of three ng/ml. However, my client's results showed a slightly higher level. Nevertheless, I reassured the client that an increase in PSA levels does not necessarily indicate cancer and can be caused by other factors. This information helped calm the client's concerns while waiting for further investigation.

When considering other potential tests, it is generally preferred to use a biopsy for diagnosing prostate cancer in men (Ekwueme et al., 2007). After conducting additional tests, it was determined that the elevated PSA levels were due to a urinary infection. To address this issue, I prescribed medication and scheduled a follow-up appointment with the patient.

Both him and me were satisfied with the outcome of the activity. According to a 2014 report from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care et. al, it is advisable for men in the general population to undergo PSA screening, which is also recognized by the medical association. This condition affects males who are fifty years old or older and may be influenced by genetics.

If a family member has cancer, it is advisable for other family members to undergo periodic screening, particularly as they age. Detecting the disease early can eliminate the need for treatment and regular checkups can aid in managing the illness and avoiding treatment-related side effects. PSA screening is capable of identifying cancer prior to symptom manifestation, making prevention more cost-effective than treatment.

The PSA test can lead to unnecessary concern and fear by suggesting treatment for a non-existent disease, as well as potential side effects from a painful biopsy. Furthermore, there is a risk of missing

cancer detection after undergoing the test. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly visit a clinic for prostate cancer screening. However, men with a life expectancy of less than ten years should not be encouraged to take the test due to the slow progression of prostate cancer. It is crucial to consider one's health status before deciding on testing (American Cancer Society, 2015).


  1. American Cancer Society. (2015). American Cancer Society recommendations for prostate cancer early detection. Retrieved from:
  2. Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care, Bell N, Connor Gorber S, Shane A, Joffres M, Singh H, Dickinson J, Shaw E, Dunfield L, Tonelli M. Recommendations on screening for prostate cancer with the prostate-specific antigen test. CMAJ. 2014 Nov 4;186(16):1225-34
  3. Ekwueme, Donatus, Stroud Leonardo ; Chen Yanjing.(2007). Preventing Chronic Diseases. Cost Analysis of Screening for Diagnosing and Staging Prostate Cancer Based on a Systematic Review of Published Studies.

The following text contains two references with their corresponding :

Retrieved from:
National Cancer Institute. (2012). Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test. Retrieved from:

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