Philosophy of music ministry Essay Example
Philosophy of music ministry Essay Example

Philosophy of music ministry Essay Example

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  • Pages: 12 (3297 words)
  • Published: October 12, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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With years of experience as a music manager and accompanist in local churches, both in S. Korea and elsewhere, I am grateful to God for blessing me with the gift of music. This gift allows me to praise and worship Him while strengthening my spirit through serving the church. I am thankful for the opportunities He has provided.

In the past, my mindset as a musician was self-centered, focusing only on my own abilities. During church services, I would sometimes take pride in my musical talent and even desired extravagant concerts. However, this greedy approach caused frustration when involving other church members didn't go well.

Nowadays, I realize that although I had musical skill, I lacked theological understanding of ministry. My approach was solely technical without considering organization or philosophy. However inexperienced at fir


st, over time I have developed my doctrine of music ministry.

The role of music in the church is a subject of debate; some believe it is crucial for immense church growth while others prefer traditional styles from another era. It is important for the evangelical church to address these questions about music and determine what types of music directors are needed today in order to fulfill its purpose of glorifying God.Evangelical worship music should encompass both the objective and subjective aspects, expressing our awe and praise for God who surpasses our imagination, as well as our love and connection with God in Jesus Christ, who resides within us through the Holy Spirit. The role of music in worship is evident in various biblical passages. In Corinthians, Paul instructs believers to sing with their spirit and mind (I Cor.14:15). Psalm 33 encourages us to "sing

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to the Lord a new song" and "give thanks with the lyre." Additionally, Paul urges believers to speak to one another in Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in their hearts to the Lord (Eph.5:19). In Revelation 5:9, those surrounding the Lamb sing a new song that acknowledges Christ's person and work while recognizing His worthiness. Jesus Himself sets an example by singing a hymn with his disciples after the Last Supper (Mark 14:26). Moses sings a vocal of gratitude in Exodus 15 after God protects and leads the Israelites safely through the Red Sea. Prophecies in Isaiah mention how even those who are deaf or dumb will be able to sing for joy because of the coming Messiah (Is.35:6). Those redeemed by Christ will respond vocally to His saving work. Throughout the Bible, music has long been used as a way of worshiping God. As believers, we strive to identify key elements of worship and become leaders in worshiping Him.The courses I took at SWBTS helped me understand both the theoretical and practical aspects of Christian worship. It is currently essential for our ministry within the church to consider its direction. Some churches may seem impressive on the surface but lack genuine heartfelt worship. God desires us to offer true worship, and as worshippers, we must fully dedicate ourselves to finding that for God.

Similarly, ministers need to be ready to serve others. As my philosophical approach becomes more organized, I want to emphasize that exceptional worship should focus on God rather than ourselves. True worship touches God; flashy concerts or impressive showcases do not always equal genuine worship.

Many churches incorporate contemporary

trends and modern Christian music into their services to engage younger generations. However, this does not always lead to true worship. Perhaps the issue lies with worship leaders who mistake powerful sound and passionate performances as the essence of genuine worship. While it may capture attention in a church setting, it fails to capture God's attention.

I believe that true worshippers should act as a bridge between the congregation and God. The focus of today's worship leaders often revolves around pleasing audiences rather than truly glorifying God. Unfortunately, this reflects the immaturity of many worship leaders who prioritize audience response over God's response.The text emphasizes the importance of true worship that glorifies God and brings healing to our souls. It acknowledges the need for a change in mindset among worshippers in order for their worship to be genuinely received by God. The text also highlights the superficiality found in certain forms of worship, which prioritize flashy shows over capturing the true essence of worship. It reminds readers that worship does not have to be extravagant or impressive solely for the sake of pleasing audiences.

The author admits to initially having a misunderstanding about true worship when they started their ministry at church. Their perspective was similar to that of a secular musician, focusing on their musical talent and occasionally having selfish intentions in using church members for personal gain. This led to frustration when their ministry did not resonate with people as expected.

However, over time, the author's understanding and approach towards worship have evolved into something simpler yet more fulfilling. This newfound perspective has brought them greater peace in mind and soul. Despite significant changes in

their approach, it has strengthened their connection with Jesus during recent services. They now understand the significance of making their ministry all about genuine acts of worship and art, as these serve as an essential link between God and humanity.I am fully committed to dedicating all my efforts to achieve this purpose for God. The qualities that a Minister of Music should possess can be found in the guidelines for church leaders in Timothy and Titus. These qualities include being above reproach, married, self-controlled, respectable, teachable, free from substance addiction, peaceful, and not focused on money. It is also important for them to manage their own family well and have a good reputation with non-believers as these qualities reflect the testimony of the church and its Savior.

The Minister of Music should not view themselves solely as a musician employed by the church but rather as a minister who happens to have musical talents. Their main focus should be teaching people to obey God through music and their own lifestyle. While musical training is important for their preparation, having a solid biblical foundation is even more crucial. It is believed that singing with bad theology is worse than singing with bad tone quality.

Therefore, it is essential for the music minister to be able to identify and address any deceptive messages in the songs used by the congregation. However, this does not mean that fostering musical growth under their leadership holds no value; it simply emphasizes that theological clarity takes precedence (Titus 1:9). In addition to this role, they should also actively engage in pastoral ministry by offering comfort to those who are sick or grieving while

actively seeking opportunities to make disciples.The overall ministry of the music minister should involve various ways to build up the church. It is important for them to understand that they are not solely responsible for caring for the congregation, and they should make an effort to minister to those who are hurting, even if they are not involved in the music ministry. Actively engaging with the local community, including local schools and events, is crucial in order to build relationships with those who are lost in the surrounding area (2 Cor. 5:11). Furthermore, it is essential for them to be understanding (Phil. 1:9). While there may be a desire to rapidly change things, it is important to carefully assess the current situation and proceed cautiously when making changes. The focus of the music minister should be on people's well-being and avoiding unnecessary offense. Recognizing that people care more about how much they are cared for than their knowledge is crucial. Effective time management skills and a strong desire to accomplish tasks by creating a daily schedule are also necessary qualities for a music minister. Delegating responsibilities without neglecting their own duties is crucial in team ministry as well. Additionally, being able to socialize and having a positive personality play vital roles in effective teamwork. Some argue that individuals with bad or closed-minded personalities cannot succeed in team ministry; however, there is potential for improvementMinisters can work on improving their weaker areas to become better leaders in team ministry. It is essential for our church community to maintain faith in one another, as doubting others' abilities may result in shouldering the workload alone instead of collaborating.

However, it is important to remember that each member of our church is called by God, not by any individual. Therefore, we should offer opportunities for others to get involved and understand that they may go through a trial and error process which is natural. As ministers, it is our responsibility to assist them in overcoming their weaknesses as this marks the start of team ministry.

Conflicts may arise within the team ministry where individuals strongly assert their differing opinions. Instead of immediately opposing them, it is crucial to take a moment and reconsider. If you still believe your opinion is valid, then you need to have a specific plan to convince them. The significance of our team ministry lies in recognizing that its members are meant to support us and contribute positively. They are not there to hinder us but rather aid in the success of the team ministry.

As music curators, addressing and improving upon our weaknesses is critical rather than giving up on them. God has presented this challenge to us, and we must invest our energy and effort into flourishing as leaders within the ministry.
Our role as curates assigns all responsibilities regardless of our natural abilities or personality traits. What truly matters is the dedication we put forth in leading the team ministry. Ministry within the religious community showcases the love and grace of God's people through brotherly affection and mutual benefit. Utilizing music as a powerful tool, it teaches and unifies individuals.

The church can be compared to a tumbler where stones collide, resulting in refinement - bad stones are crushed while good ones become more polished. In relation to the local church,

its music program often stands out as the most visible aspect. Visitors' initial impression is frequently influenced by something related to the music during their time at service. It is crucial for us to contemplate what lasting impact they will have when they depart.

The church's objective is for people to leave with a sense of God's power and majesty rather than focusing solely on production or musical performance. We must consider how music should sound in order to worship God. In ancient times, electronic sounds were not involved in music, and emphasis was always placed on what was sung rather than how it was sung.

Paul stresses the personal nature of singing correctly and reminds us that outward appearances may be judged by humans, but the Lord examines our hearts.Music that pleases God must originate from a righteous heart which those who do not believe in God lack.To allow true music to emerge, our hearts must undergo transformation through God's grace. It is the responsibility of both the music minister and senior minister to ensure that the worship service is rooted in biblical teachings. The relationship between these ministers is vital for the spiritual well-being of the church; however, it is important not to place unreasonable expectations on the music minister to manipulate emotions through music. Both ministers should share a unified belief in the church, and if differences cannot be resolved, separate services may be necessary. When discussing the service, the focus should be on glorifying God and commencing with an encounter with Him through repentance and trust. God alone provides for every need, and His Word should guide every aspect of the service.

The primary

emphasis in music should be congregational singing, as Calvin described that the congregation resembles a choir. This concept can be expanded by incorporating various types of group singing throughout the service. Including diverse forms of music in worship services throughout the life of the church holds significance as it leads to a complete worship experience before God and facilitates transformation for believers.

Recognizing that multiple vocals are employed when praising God is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of music ministry. If only a few vocals are repetitively sung, there is a risk of merely performing what feels familiar and sentimental.In order to avoid this, it is necessary to introduce new arrangements of favorite vocals while still focusing on the lyrics of the song (Matt.15:8). The attitude of the heart should align with the words that are being sung. Before making any significant changes, music ministers should assess their congregation's musical background and plan for both spiritual and musical growth. It is essential to emphasize improving vocal quality and promoting well-performed and well-crafted music situations. While offering our best to God is important, biblical development takes priority (2 Peter 3:18). When a music minister leaves a church or enough time has passed since their arrival, the congregation should have learned about the importance of meaningful lyrics and quality music. The music minister should refrain from manipulating the congregation with momentarily exciting songs and instead encourage a deeper spiritual effort for eternity. When planning worship services, it is important to consider that there are diverse musical preferences within the congregation. Incorporating a variety of musical styles is crucial in reflecting how God created us differently instead of solely

satisfying a select few individuals at specific times. No church should aim to please only one particular group as God welcomes people from all walks of life and nationalities (Rev.5:9, 14:6). Choosing choir or special group performances can be valuable as long as they focus on genuine expressions of worship rather than entertainment.The choir serves as an important guide for congregational singing and provides essential leadership. Hearing ordinary people collectively raise their voices to worship the Lord uplifts the congregation, but it is crucial that the focus remains on what they are singing rather than style or emotion. It is vital for lyrics to be clearly enunciated musically without any noticeable errors detracting from the message being conveyed. To ensure this, including song lyrics in the bulletin for congregational reference is important. It would be tragic if the choir only sang the melody without effectively conveying the lyrics, especially when soloists are involved. Many people choose songs based on personal preference or what suits their voice, but caution should be exercised to prioritize the lyrics. St. Augustine once acknowledged that he would sin if he enjoyed a singer's voice more than the words being sung. Our music and other religious activities should not be showy or self-centered (Matt 6:2,5,16). Singing songs focused on showcasing one's voice or talents can hinder true worship and turn it into mere entertainment instead of heartfelt expression. Some churches prioritize visual elements during musical performances with hopes of evoking an emotional response connecting them with God; however, in worshiping God, we must shift our focus onto Him who truly deserves praise (Rev 4:11).

In today's church music scene, there are two

predominant trends: rejecting everything new or rejecting everything old. Despite its flaws, this text argues that there is valuable heritage in the past that should not be discarded. This heritage carries the weight of God's faithfulness throughout centuries and emphasizes the importance of considering the observations and testimonies of previous generations. Furthermore, it highlights the necessity for careful evaluation of new material – assessing its content and musical elements – before incorporating it into one's faith journey.

The text also highlights the significance of planning in a music ministry. The author acknowledges past mistakes and lack of experience, recognizing the need for intentional planning to become a well-prepared music minister. They emphasize the importance of individuals taking initiative rather than solely relying on divine intervention, while acknowledging that God guides and plans our steps.

The author emphasizes that planning should be rooted in thorough biblical understanding rather than manipulating emotions. The church's ministry should focus on forming believers' being rather than seeking external success.True worship extends beyond Sunday services and encompasses the believer's entire life as an ongoing offering to the Lord (Rom.12:1). The author expresses gratitude to God for granting approval to their numerous events organized for their church and community.

Acknowledging the importance of careful planning and preparation for successful events, the realization now lies in the fact that true planning starts with prayer. In their previous role as a music manager, they mistakenly relied solely on their own efforts and knowledge without seeking God's guidance first. Consequently, these events only impressed men but not God. As a representative of God in Christian music ministry, it is vital to establish a connection with Him before embarking

on any journey. Regrettably, many pastors nowadays tend to overlook or forget the significance of prayer as the initial step in planning. Once we have sought divine guidance, we can proceed with subsequent steps. The resources provided for our music ministry program are excellent, and there are numerous practical tools available to assist us in implementing music ministry techniques. Nevertheless, it is crucial to always remember the importance of prayer and approach it with faith. This year and next, there are several significant musical events scheduled which I must plan and direct; however, I am fully aware that their success depends not just on my efforts alone but also on God's guidance. According to Bennett's book "You Can Plan and Select Music," even individuals with extensive musical training may lack the necessary tools for planning and selecting music within a church context.Bennett explains that church musicians, despite their musical training, may not fully understand the connection between music and worship in a church setting. When I began my music ministry at my current church, I faced challenges because of a lack of practical knowledge, even though I was skilled as a musician. However, studying and reading practical books on music ministry greatly improved my ministry. As instrumentalists on our journey in music ministry, we encounter many variables despite our training. Therefore, it is important to have practical understanding and preparation rather than relying solely on theory. According to Bennett, reminders are significant because we learn best by doing instead of just from books.

There may be slight variations in music ministry between the U.S. and my home country, and its implementation can differ based on church

background or denomination. However, regardless of these differences, music ministry is both challenging and fulfilling. It should prioritize pleasing God over seeking approval from others and aim to praise Him in all aspects of life. Recognizing the needs of families around us helps us realize that they need more than just an exciting church service – they need a personal relationship with Christ (John 3:16). Only when we have a passion for God's glory and genuine compassion for those unaware of Him can we truly grasp the biblical understanding of music ministry (I Cor.10:31).Although I served as a music minister in church several years ago, I now feel more content than ever before. My philosophy for music ministry has become simpler, and my recent service has brought me closer to Jesus. My priority is wholehearted worship, while also striving for excellence in artistic expression within my ministry. I am committed to using my musical abilities as both an instrumentalist and a preacher to serve others. Through music, I can effectively communicate and bring comfort and salvation to people's hearts. I sincerely thank God for the unwavering support I receive from the church, which provides me with an incredible opportunity to showcase my music and bring solace and redemption to those in need. Regardless of where life takes me, I am determined to fully utilize my talent and continuously praise Him.

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