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Page 70: Vocabulary
Semáforo (stoplight)
Doblar ( to turn)
Parar (to stop)
Derecho (Straight)
Cruzar (to cross)
La cuadra (the block)
La calle (the street)
La carretera (the highway)
La avenida (the avenue)
Doblar ( to turn)
La estaciĂłn de autobuses (the bus station)
El centro (downtown)
El correo (the post office)
El banco (the bank)
La farmacia (the drugstore)
Parar ( to stop)
Doblar ( to turn)
Conducir (to drive)
Caminar (to walk)
Volver ( to return)
Parar ( to stop)
Doblar ( to turn)
Conducir (to drive)
Caminar (to walk)
Volver ( to return)
Words and phrases for driving:
Semáforo (stoplight)
Doblar ( to turn)
Parar (to stop)
Derecho (Straight)
Cruzar (to cross)
Words referring to parts of the city:
La estaciĂłn de autobuses (the bus station)
El centro (downtown)
El correo (the post office)
El banco (the bank)
La farmacia (the drugstore)
Words and phrases for giving directions:
La cuadra (the block)
La calle (the street)
La carretera (the highway)
La avenida (the avenue)
Doblar ( to turn)