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Page 15: Vocabulary
El bolĂgrafo (The pen)
El lápiz ( the pencil)
La regla ( the ruler)
Las tijeras ( the scissors)
La página ( the page)
La goma ( the eraser)
Preguntarle al profesor (Ask the teacher)
Hacer un proyecto ( do a proyect)
Respetar al profesor (Respect the teacher)
Entregar la tarea. (Turning in homework)
Hay que entregar la tarea. (You have to turn in your homework.)
Hay que respetar al profesor. (You have to respect the teacher)
Hay que sentarse correctamente. (You have to sit properly.)
Hay que cuidar el material de estudio. (You have to take care of the study material.)
Se prohĂbe ir al armario en la clase.(Going to the closet in class is prohibited.)
Se prohĂbe comer en la sala de clase. (Eating in the classroom is prohibited.)
Se prohĂbe correr dentro del aula de clase. (Running is prohibited in the classroom.)
Se prohĂbe gritar en la clase. (Yelling is prohibited in the classroom.)