Opportunities for marketers from the emergence of the Internet Essay Example
Opportunities for marketers from the emergence of the Internet Essay Example

Opportunities for marketers from the emergence of the Internet Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (596 words)
  • Published: December 8, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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Extensive research and numerous studies over the past decade have explored the commercial opportunities of the Internet. The focus has been on investigating how businesses can effectively implement marketing strategies and achieve objectives, given the significant impact of the Internet on business operations.

According to Robins (2000), the Internet will have two types of business consequences. Firstly, businesses will find new efficient ways to offer value to their customers. Secondly, e-commerce, which is an Internet application, will become a part of the overall business and greatly impact other established aspects of business practice, particularly marketing. Robins also argues that the Internet is promoting a closely integrated, comprehensive, customer-centric, and innovative approach to marketing by extensively exploring the new e-marketing mix.

"(p. 23). Today, every business is an information business, as stated by Oliver (2001). Dell, Oracle, and Cisco have all seen si


gnificant benefits by prioritizing the Internet in their operations. This includes cost savings, higher profit margins, and faster time to market. The Internet offers equal opportunities for small and medium enterprises and multinational corporations alike. Quelch and Klein (1996) emphasize that technology plays a critical role in providing a competitive advantage for companies involved in internet marketing, surpassing even company size."

Research on business use of the Internet suggests that large firms still outpace small firms in terms of usage. A study by Riemenschneider and McKinney (1999) found that the majority of firms adopting web-based e-commerce employed 250-500 employees. Reasons for smaller firms not adopting e-commerce include a preference for direct and individual customer contact, concerns about competitors accessing technical information, and security issues.

Moreover, the cost is considered a drawback and disadvantage of implementing web-based e-commerce. The

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authors suggest that this may reflect doubts among certain business executives regarding whether the benefits outweigh the expenses of setting up and maintaining web-based e-commerce. However, Auger and Gallaugher (1997) argue that the cost of establishing an online presence is remarkably low and continues to decline, making it highly affordable even for smaller companies.

The Internet provides marketing opportunities for companies in emerging markets. However, due to technological constraints, researchers find that marketers mainly use the Internet for obtaining information rather than for facilitating transactions or delivering products. The Internet offers cost-effective options for advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and personal selling, making it an efficient channel for promoting products and services.

The internet allows for cost-effective targeted marketing efforts, such as emailing interested customers about special deals. It also enables firms to easily and inexpensively update their website with price changes. This means even smaller companies can proactively communicate with customers and offer them special deals at the appropriate time (Marmorstein et al., 2003). The interactive nature of the internet is its defining feature, which is anticipated to revolutionize both advertising design and implementation, as well as its impact on consumers' opinions and attitudes.

(Chandon et al., 2003) state that companies who effectively use the interactive features of the Internet will gain a competitive advantage over those who primarily rely on traditional media, which are not well-suited for two-way communication, as pointed out by Uncles (2001). Additionally, the Internet enables customers to quickly take action when deciding to purchase a product or service.

According to Bannan (2003, p. 1), online advertising offers an immediate payoff if the potential customer proceeds to the next level.

Auger and Gallagher (1997) state that using the Internet allows firms to display brochure, catalog, corporate information, and support material online at a lower cost compared to printed counterparts (p. 3). Marketers have various options for Internet advertising, such as banners, interstitials, and pop-up windows, with banner ads being the most widespread (Baltas, 2002).

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