Melchizedek The Son Of God Theology Religion Essay Example
Until the Lord returns, our understanding of specific things remains unknown.
It is crucial to remember that God has given us His word for comprehension, and no one can impede it. Each author of the Bible received the word from divine inspiration without any additions or omissions. Some argue that humans excluded the historical account mentioned in Hebrews 7:3 - "Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life." Nevertheless, this would imply that humans are more powerful than God and can hinder His will from being accomplished, which is impossible. Remain steadfast in your focus on Christ and do not let Satan deceive you with implausible falsehoods.
In the Old Testament, there are various instances where the Lord Jesus (the Second God Head) appeare
...d in different forms to men. However, in the New Testament, there is only one account of His appearance to Paul (previously known as Saul). This happened when Paul was on the road to Damascus and he saw a "bright light" from heaven. He fell to the Earth and heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" When Paul asked who it was, the Lord replied, "I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." This story can be found in Acts 9:1-8. Additionally, the Old Testament includes records of pre-incarnated appearances of Jesus Christ. For example, when Abraham was a pilgrim, the Lord came to him as a traveler and they shared a friendly meal together (Gen.).
(18:1-8). He came to Jacob as a grappler to convey him to the place of entry (32:24-32). The three Hebrew men
met Him as their comrade in the furnace of fire (Dan. 3:25), and Joshua met Him as the Captain of the Lord's armies. Our Lord always comes to us when we need Him and in the way we need Him.
When using the word of God to find the truth, it becomes obvious that Jesus was seen in pre-incarnated forms.
According to Exodus 33:11, the LORD spoke directly to Moses like one friend speaks to another. This statement raises a question about how Moses could see God when it is believed that no one can. The answer lies in the nature of God, who exists as Three Persons in the Godhead. This allows God to appear in different forms, such as Jesus, without revealing His full Glory as the Father, which would be overwhelming. So, if it is accepted that Christ can manifest in various forms like smoke, fire, burning bushes, angels, men, and even a stone, it should also be possible to believe that God appeared as Melchizedek before becoming incarnate as Christ. Abraham also experienced another instance of the presence of the Godhead in Genesis.
18:1-3. "And the LORD appeared to him in the fields of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day; And he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground, And said, My Lord, if now I have found favor in your sight, please do not pass by your servant." Abraham's actions towards these men were unusual as they were
strangers. When Abraham noticed their presence, he quickly approached them from the tent door and humbly bowed down before them to demonstrate their superiority over him.
According to one analysis, in this scenario, when the visitor is of ordinary status, the host simply stands up. However, if the visitor is of higher rank, it is customary for the host to move towards them and after bowing low, guide them to a shelter while placing an arm around their waist or tapping them on the shoulder as a sign of welcome. [2]
Abraham desired to gain favor from these individuals. Once again, we encounter three men who appear unfamiliar to us; however, Abraham appears acquainted with them and does not want them to depart without receiving their blessing. Although no names are mentioned, this interaction bears resemblance to his previous meeting with Melchizedek. Abraham prepares and serves a meal for the men while standing by a tree like a waiter awaiting orders. After they finish eating, they inquire about Sarah's whereabouts (she was positioned near the doorway of the shelter). In response, Abraham informs them that she is inside said shelter. Subsequently, they deliver joyful news to Abraham that Sarah will conceive and bear a son within the following year.
Upon hearing the news, Sarah was in disbelief but adamantly refused to accept it. Consequently, the work forces redirected their attention towards Sodom with Abraham serving as their guide for a brief journey. The ensuing events are truly captivating as we unveil Abraham's speculation. In Gen. 18:17, it explicitly declares that the guest is none other than the Lord without any room for doubt; one cannot
help but wonder how such a revelation is conceivable.
In this poetry, it is made clear that He is the Son of God, as also stated in Hebrews 7:3. Additionally, in Genesis 18:17, the LORD deliberated whether to hide something from Abraham. It is worth noting that they partook of food, water, and washed their feet, indicating their physical bodies. The Lord did not withhold anything from His companion as mentioned in James 2:23 - "Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God." Before other men departed, the Lord explained to Abraham why Sodom and Gomorrah would be destroyed. Eventually, two men left while the Lord remained with Abraham.
In his conversation with the Lord, Abraham consistently displayed his ability to recognize when he was in the presence of God. The main topic they discussed was the Lord's intention to destroy both the righteous and wicked individuals. Abraham made a heartfelt plea for the city to be spared, suggesting that it should be saved if there were at least 50 righteous people present. Over time, he gradually decreased this number to ten righteous individuals. Abraham had faith in and believed the word of the Lord because he knew His true identity. John 8:56 states, "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad."
Abraham recognized the physical form of God in this man, just as he did with Melchizedek. Both instances were similar, as God appeared to Abraham as a man and each time Abraham honored Him. In the first instance, Abraham showed honor by giving a tithe of his battle
spoils, and in the second instance, he offered food and worship. On both occasions, the Lord blessed Abraham. The passage unmistakably portrays an appearance of God Almighty in the Old Testament. Despite any objections we may have, this is clearly stated in the Bible. It is important to prioritize exegesis for understanding.
In order to prevent the manipulation of linguistic communication, it is crucial that we let the Bibles speak for themselves.
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The Book of Hebrews further explains Melchizedek (now spelled Melchisedec) and Jesus, identifying Jesus as a high priest.
"The author of Hebrews will prove that the Lord's right to the priesthood is based on the same right as Melchizedek. Abraham immediately recognized and accepted Melchizedek's powerful and undeniable priesthood."
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Hebrews 7 begins by discussing both Melchizedek's roles and mentioning his name.
Melchizedek, also known as the "king of righteousness" and the "king of peace", held the royal title of King of Salem, or simply put, the "King of peace". The author stresses Melchizedek's elevated status by affirming that he was not a regular priest but rather a priest who served the Most High God.
The person described in this text is both the King of Righteousness and Peace, as well as a Priest of the Most High God. They are also a member of a Royal Priesthood. When we compare this poetic description to Jesus, we can find numerous parallels between these two individuals. For example, Jesus is also royalty since he was born as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Jesus, as a member of the Royal Priesthood, has become the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. Both
Jesus and Melchizedek share the distinct roles of being male monarchs and priests, a feat unparalleled by any other man according to Scripture. Jesus possessed kingly authority over men and had a unique relationship with God as a priest. Hebrews 7:2 states that Melchizedek made preparations to bless Abraham upon his return from battle, during which Abraham was able to recognize the Lord.
Abraham acknowledged the high quality and sovereignty of Melchizedek. "Abraham instantly recognizes in Melchizedek a power far greater than his, and he at one time acknowledged Melchizedek by giving to him his tithes and his rubrics." [ 6 ] Similar to recognizing the Lord in Genesis chapter 18, Abraham made himself a servant unto Him, hoping for blessings. He received blessings from both Melchizedek and Jesus Christ. In John 8:56, Jesus mentions how Abraham rejoiced to see His day and was glad. Hebrews 7:3 reveals Melchizedek's identity and origin.
The brief clip in Genesis showcasing the appearance of the Lord demonstrates his royal and priestly background. It is worth noting that he is not merely a vision but actually represents mankind. He conversed, ate, and drank with Abraham. Interestingly, he does not make another appearance in the Old Testament, although his name is mentioned in Psalms 110 and here in Hebrews. This raises the question of whether it is uncommon for the Lord to appear before humans and quickly vanish.
To gain insight into this query, we turn to Genesis Chapter 18 where we discover that the Lord materialized as a human likeness, engaged in dialogue with Abraham while sharing a meal together, and then abruptly departed just as swiftly as he arrived. This
occurrence can be observed in Genesis 18:33 which states "And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had finished speaking to Abraham: and Abraham returned to his place." Thus far, their nature remains indistinguishable. Furthermore, this verse alludes to his lineage. Some argue that this information was simply omitted akin to Esther 2:7 where her ancestry is known but excluded from listing.
The genealogical history of the Melchizedek family is unknown, but there is a mention in the Bible where an individual is described as being without a father or mother. This mention can be found in Esther 2:7, which tells the story of how Esther, also known as Hadassah, was raised by her uncle after the death of her parents. The Bible passage suggests that "without father, without mother" can simply mean that the parents have passed away, even though they were known to Esther's uncle. The writer of Hebrews 7 explains that there are no records containing Melchizedek's genealogical history.
Upon reading this article, it is clear that the author acknowledges that Esther's family tree is known by her uncle. If it were important for us to know, God would have included her family tree in the text. However, in this specific passage, no biblical author possesses knowledge of Melchizedek's genealogy.
The author of Hebrews did not include Melchizedek's genealogy, as mentioned in verse three: "Without male parent, without female parent, without descent, holding neither get downing of yearss, nor terminal of life" (Heb. 7:3). Although this absence may explain why Melchizedek is not referenced in Genesis and Hebrews, it is important to note that if he did possess a genealogy,
it would have been documented in Genesis since it serves as the Book of Genealogy. In Genesis, prior to the flood, every descendant had the ability to trace their lineage back to Adam. It is plausible that Noah was aware of his ancestry leading back to Adam during this period. Subsequent to the flood event occurrence, Noah and his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth were assigned with the task of repopulating the Earth.
Both Noah and his son, as well as Adam, value a family tree record equally. If Melchizedek was present on Earth, there would have been some form of documentation or an individual like Esther who could offer details about him. Therefore, when we read the verse "Without father, without mother, without lineage, having neither beginning of days nor end of life," it should be understood in its literal sense. Melchizedek did not have any earthly family or origins and was not constrained by time. Comparable situations can be observed in Jesus' life.
Jesus did not have biological parents in the form of Mary and Joseph. Instead, according to John 1:1, Jesus as the Word existed from the very beginning with God and was indeed God Himself.
The exact time and manner of the beginning are uncertain. Jesus' birth was not the start. As John 1:14 states, "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we observed His glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth." Since He is the Word, His lineage lacks a clearly traceable origin.
The passage highlights the eternal nature of both Melchizedek and Jesus, with no beginning or end. The poem mentioned in this passage
reinforces their likeness and affirms that Jesus is depicted as resembling the Son of God, serving as a priest indefinitely. This idea was previously discussed in Chapter Five, emphasizing its significance. In the Bible, Christ is described using words like "like" or "similitude." Throughout the Old Testament, it consistently stresses that there is no one who can be equal to or compared to God's image.
According to the Bible, Jesus is consistently referred to as "one like or like unto the Son of man or Son of God." The Bible specifically states that whenever it mentions the Son of man or the Son of God, it is exclusively referring to Jesus Christ and no other individual. Melchizedek, a distinctive figure in the Bible, is described as being "made like unto the Son of God." Both Melchizedek and Jesus Christ will serve as eternal Priests.
The author of Hebrews highlights the greatness of Melchizedek in Hebrews 7:4, where it is stated that even Abraham, a revered figure, gave him ten percent of the spoils. This passage questions why Abraham would give tithes to someone who is not the Lord and emphasizes the importance of this unknown person revealed by the Holy Spirit through the author.
In summary, the passage states that according to scripture, Melchizedek can be seen as a pre-incarnated Jesus, to whom Abraham paid tithes. Tithing was practiced before the establishment of the Law and was given to the Lord. Abraham consistently demonstrated honor and worship towards God. Although there is no specific command in the New Testament to tithe, Abraham chose to do so. He was a responsible steward of the blessings given to him by
God, and God desires us to be good stewards as well. Therefore, if someone tithes in the Church age, it is because they are being faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to them.
Part Two
Chapter VII Understanding Stewardship
From a Christian perspective, the concept of Stewardship refers to the act of managing someone else's possessions or properties. According to Psalm 24:1, "The Earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein," implying that everything belongs to God. As humans, we are entrusted with managing the belongings that belong to God. Considering that everything belongs to God, it is important for us to adopt the mindset and position that everything we have is His. This includes all the material possessions we own, our bodies, spiritual gifts, and everything else; they all belong to Him. In other words, everything we possess is on loan from God, whether it be our possessions, money, relationships, talents, time, or even our lives.
That means everything we have and are belongs to God. As Christians, it is our responsibility and duty to learn how to be responsible stewards of the resources that God has entrusted to us. Our life as a steward should be modeled after Jesus, and although it can be challenging and difficult, it brings intense joy and peace to those who choose to live as Christian stewards. It is a lifestyle that requires total accountability and responsibility, as we acknowledge God as the Creator and Owner of everything.
Christian Stewards view themselves as the guardians of all the gifts bestowed upon them by God. They express gratitude for these gifts through supplication, worship, offering, and
action. Stewardship is a way of life that involves thanking God for all our blessings by returning a portion of what we have been given, including our time, talents, and wealth. It requires intentional and proportionate giving of all that we possess. Ultimately, stewardship encourages everyone to participate in the mission of building the Kingdom of God.
We emphasize that God has bestowed upon us certain gifts, and it is our responsibility to take care of them. We are accountable for how we utilize these gifts, leaving no doubt that everyone should be involved. Stewardship challenges the notion that we must possess everything and instead highlights the significance of giving with love, service, and justice. It is rooted in the religious principles of the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
"Stewardship reflects our religious status! We should never separate money and resources from our spiritual life. It is an outdated heresy known as Gnosticism to claim that the material world is not relevant to Christians. We acknowledge that the material world belongs to God, and we are the caretakers entrusted with its stewardship... .
All the countries in our life of work, learning, relationships, religious gifts, and resources will come through our obeisance or our laziness-to God's glorification or to waste. [9] Think about this, does God necessitate us as stewards? Does God necessitate us managing the things of the universe, isn't He more than capable of doing that Himself? If it was important to God to take care of business and getting things done, surely He would do a better job of it Himself, instead of trusting sinful, fallen, foolish human beings who have
failed Him before. If God chooses to use us, then it must please Him for us to be involved in His plan and purpose which reveals His glorification. Working alongside Him must bring greater glory to God than if He did everything without us. So how does stewardship bring Him glorification? We realize our dependence on God when tasked with things that matter to both God and us.
As we grapple with matters concerning stewardship, we become increasingly similar to Christ. The Bible describes stewards as retainers and, in certain translations, slaves. However, it should not be overlooked that being a steward held a position of prestige. Stewards were highly regarded and entrusted by their Masters. They were bestowed with significant authority and power. Consider the initial stewards: Adam and Eve.
In Genesis 1:28, God grants them dominion over the Earth and all its contents. ''
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When God assesses our stewardship, He does so based on how well we manage a few things with His goals in mind rather than our own. Based on His evaluation, He may choose to increase our responsibilities in managing His affairs or decrease them and give them to someone else to manage on His behalf. If God observes someone managing with their own agenda, He may decide to withhold any further responsibilities from them.
This could mean that God will delay or withhold future blessings from you. When we look at God, we should see Him as the ultimate parent. Here's why. Most parents are loving and caring towards their children. When a child is obedient to their parent, the parent goes above and beyond in providing not only the
child's necessities but also some of their desires.
God blesses those who obey Him, providing more than their basic needs. Just as parents love seeing their children excel and are praised for their achievements, people appreciate being acknowledged for their good work and receiving words of encouragement or gifts.
Jesus uses the fable of the endowments to explain the concept of heaven to his followers in Matthew 25. He compares heaven to a man who goes to a distant country and entrusts his possessions to his own servants. The master chooses three of his servants and gives them different amounts of talents based on their abilities. This decision is made by the master because he has observed their faithfulness in handling their current responsibilities. Thus, one servant receives five talents, another receives two talents, and the last servant receives only one talent.
The maestro sets off on a journey and later returns to gather his retainers to hear how they handled what he had given them. Two of the retainers did well with their tasks, as mentioned in Matthew 25:21: "His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'" However, the retainer who received only one endowment dug a hole and buried the money, telling the maestro, "Lord, I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you" (Matthew 25:24-25).
maestro was extremely upset with a male adult who angered him by his actions. The maestro called him wicked and lazy, saying, "You are a wicked and lazy retainer! You say you knew that I harvest things I did non works and that I gather harvests where I did non seed any seed. So you should hold put my gold in the bank. Then, when I came place, I would hold received my gold back with involvement" (Mt 25:26-27). Why was the maestro so hard on this servant, labeling him as wicked and lazy? He had given all of his retainers more than what they already had. Two of the retainers brought something back to the maestro as gratitude for what he had entrusted them with. However, one of the retainers did nothing with what he was given and had nothing to give back to his maestro. Jesus also explains the consequence of disobedience to one who does not handle properly what God has given him; the wicked retainer was thrown into outer darkness for not being a good steward over what his maestro had given him.
The main message of the parable is that we are accountable to God for how we use our stewardship. We are not allowed to freely use or hide our money however we want. As a steward, we should do everything to praise God and remember that one day we will have to give an account for how we have managed our responsibilities at the judgment seat of Christ. In Luke 16:10-11, the Lord uses another parable that says, "Those who are faithful in small things will also be
faithful in larger things, and those who are dishonest in small things will also be dishonest in larger things."
If you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true wealths? Many people ask for an increase in their funds, but how can God trust you with something of greater value when you can't be trusted with something of lesser value. The Lord asked this question in Luke 16:12 "And if you cannot be trusted with things that belong to someone else, who will give you things of your own?" Just like the three servants who received the gifts, they were each given no more than they could handle, two of them used it wisely and one foolishly. To be a good steward, fidelity is required. 1 Corinthians 4:2 states "Furthermore it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful." How you will handle what God has placed you over, only you and God know. The true test of your faith is how well you attend to the affairs that He has given you.
So, if you want to deceive someone into believing that you are attending to business that God has entrusted to you with the highest level of trust, but you are not, then you are only deceiving yourself. God is aware of every action you take before you take it. We are accountable to God, as stated in Romans 14:12: "So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God." Jesus instructs us to judiciously use our resources. Abraham demonstrated faithfulness when God commanded him to sacrifice his beloved and only
son. Abraham's faith as a steward resided in God.
Abraham came to the realization that Isaac was his son, but he ultimately belonged to God. As he made his way towards the mountain to offer his son to God, he had faith that God would provide another sacrifice in place of Isaac. When Isaac noticed they had wood and fire but no lamb, Abraham assured him, "God will provide." Abraham was willing to go all the way and offer his son to God. Due to Abraham's faithfulness, God provided a ram caught in a bush as a substitute for Isaac. Faithfulness was necessary, and it is what Abraham demonstrated towards God.
As stewards, it is our responsibility to uphold the promises we have made to the Lord, no matter how difficult they may be to fulfill. Stewardship is not about acquiring material possessions just for the sake of showing off what we have. In Luke 12:17-21, Jesus tells a parable about a wealthy man who had an abundant harvest. The man then considered where he would store all his goods. He ultimately decided to tear down his existing barns and build larger ones to accommodate his wealth. He thought that with this abundance, he could relax, eat, drink, and enjoy himself.
(Luke 12:20, 21) "But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: so whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." God continuously reveals Himself as the divine being and the owner of everything. Why do people desire to hold onto everything that is
given to them as if it's their own? They strive to keep their grip on the money given to them, the time also given to us, and all their possessions. What else must humanity comprehend in order to realize that nothing truly belongs to them, not even their own life? (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20) "...you are not your own. For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."
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