According to the Flexner Report, Dr. GERT BRIEGER introduces the topic with the result of a poorly trained physician, where he estimates that the medication have a proposition of a hit or miss. He further says that the poorly trained physicians where as a result of institutions started and run for the sole purpose of gaining profit. In this case, these institutions lacked equipped facilities and hence the quality of education is poor. This gave the Flexner Report the insight needed on many schools and resulted in most institutions being disqualified from being schools due to their poor facilitation and hence lack to equip learned and well trained physicians.
On the other hand, the Welch – Rose Report encourages the improvement and more establishments of public health facilities. The report emphasizes on the idea of the public institution
...s being encourages and considered independently and not as an element of the medical field. The report further supports the spread of these institutions with the proposal that public health is more than just a medical discipline and that it goes beyond into being an improvement and preservation of individuals’ health and of the community as a whole. It is also the ensuring of prevention of diseases through different factors.
Moreover, the Flexner Report disagrees with the existence of multiple similar institutions in an area. This is because the report aimed at a scientific based education of individuals. In this sense, it meant that what they were very interested in was training individuals who could deliver the best to patients and not just anyone who thinks they will go through the studies. They demonstrated in the need to train peopl
who had the ability to understand the diseases and deliver effectively and efficiently to the patients with their well being as a priority.
Similarly, the Welch – Rose Report thought that their needed to be a spread in public health facilities so to offer individuals with opportunities to pursue the various classes in the public health study. The report also proposed for the public health to be offered an affiliate to universities and medical institutions.
Although the studies both diverge in a number of elements, they both aim in the realization the graduates from the disciplines of study do have a complete and absolute understanding of diseases. This is to eliminate the probability of there being a graduate from the institutions with less competence on the units of studies taken through. This is also to ensure that the world is a better place and the risk of health care and diseases is taken care of by well trained and competent individuals.
Also, these two reports intersect in their idea of not well facilitated institutions. As the Flexner Report disagreed with a less facilitated institution, and to this report, it was assumed to be a profit earning institution and hence closed, Welch – Rose report also thought of such an institution to being less functional and it therefore resulted in not delivering well equipped and trained individuals with the capability to understand diseases and ensure hygiene and sanitation.
Moreover, both these reports aim at the realization of training in a scientific kind of training. With the scientific training, the students got to understand the illnesses and being competent with the different approaches that the illness can be dealt with. In
this manner, they both aimed at ensuring their graduates were capable at delivering to their patients effectively and efficiently.
Additionally, the two reports aim at demonstrating how big the training process is and its application in the real world practices. The Flexner Report explains how the idea on the training is to understand the knowledge’s origin and its derivation, and for individuals not to memorize the lecture notes. Also, the Welch – Rose report explains that the public health encompasses a group of sciences or applications of underlying sciences. This makes the field broader than it was viewed by those who thought that it is just a subset to medical trainees.
All in all, I feel that the reports have a mutual understanding. This is because they are both driving an interest into an important aspect which is ensuring that the graduates form medical and public health institutions are competent enough to deliver the best to their patients. Also, with competence in mind, it can also be achieve by individuals realizing how public health play a crucial role in the in the ensuring that diseases are understood and hence ensuring that all individuals are protected from them and moreover, treated.
Moreover, I also think that they have a mutual aim only different ways of thinking in how they implement into achieving the aims they set to achieve. In relation to institutions and their outspread, the Flexner thinks that the best way to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in graduating competent and well groomed professionals in by limiting the spread of institutions and focusing on individual in the well facilitated and equipped institutions. On the other hand, Welch – Rose
report seems to view that the best way to deliver to the above aim is to out spread institutions so to offer opportunities to varieties with interest in the field. The report moreover disregards poorly facilitated and less equipped institutions and explains that they are what differentiate a country for another in terms of development.
In accordance to the above ideas, there is definitely room for improvement. With reference to the Flexner report and the Welch – Rose report, there is definitely room of improvement by its applications in the sense that there is focus on educating individuals in well equipped and facilitated institutions and disregarding of institutions that are contrary to the specifications reported in the report. This shows a room for improvement as it eliminates the challenge that trainees are most probable to face it they are trained by less qualified trainers or if they are trained in a less facilitated institution. In that, they won’t be competent enough to face patients as some equipment may look new, and, with no expertise on how different thing work and handled.
Likewise, with the upcoming of different technologies, there is need to implement on the two reports as they both aim onto the same purpose. In this case, I would propose that it doesn’t much matter how a country chooses to go through the processes all through to the ensuring that only competent enough trainees get to graduate. After all, if an institution can promise to be well equipped with technological equipments and also train the individuals so to be competent in all disciplines, it should operate with no limits. All I think should be in mind
is if the end goal, competent and well professionally and practically trained individuals, in achieved.
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