Leadership Through Servant Leadership Theology Religion Essay Example
The concept of Servant Leadership, introduced by Robert Greenleaf (1977), has been in existence for four decades and continues to bring about a quiet revolution in organizations worldwide. According to Patterson (2003), servant leadership is characterized by leaders prioritizing the well-being of their followers, with organizational concerns being secondary. With the advent of globalization, managers have often viewed employees as mere cogs in a machine, while organizations have treated workers as guards in a prison-like system. Servant Leadership, on the other hand, emphasizes a holistic approach to work and encourages increased service to others. It promotes a sense of community and advocates for the sharing of power in decision-making.
This is the most important aspect to be found in teachers as they build up the future generation of a nation. The characteristic of a leader, loyal, energetic, good-humored, dutiful, empathic and righteous, c
...an also be seen in teachers along with the additional facets of being talented, magnetic, and honest. Servant Leadership, which includes building empathy for others, using motivation and communication skills, has been adopted by various organizations. Servant Leaders have a healing influence on individuals and institutions by using foresight, intuition, awareness, perception, reflection skills, and recognizing that servant-leadership begins with the leader's desire to change themselves. This concept has been supported by many researchers as a valid theory of organizational leadership with great potential for theoretical and practical development.
(Bass, 2000)
What is Servant Leadership? The Servant Leadership is one of the many patterns to be included in both formal and informal instruction and preparation plans. Theory and pattern of this sort of leading are interlinked ; to understand the developments in the leading
theory is to understand the construct of leading itself. Leadership is needfully hard because it must frequently concentrate on the challenges of alteration. Change that is transformational, does non adhere to easy solutions: it involves value loaded issues: it tests strongly held truenesss ; it surfaces deep sitting struggles.
These types of changes are not accepted by people as they are particular about the losses they would experience. To lead is to request that people become adaptable to change. In order to be adaptable, one must discover new ways and abandon old habits in exchange for uncertain outcomes.
According to Greenleaf's philosophy, the servant Leader embodies these characteristics (Lee1993):
- They are first and foremost servants.
- They articulate goals.
- They inspire trust.
- They know how to listen.
- They are masters of positive feedback.
- They rely on foresight.
- They emphasize personal development.
Spears explained: There is a revolution underway.
In various settings such as corporate council chambers, university categories, community leading groups, and non-profit organizations, change has become a common occurrence. People are looking for innovative approaches to integrate work with their personal and spiritual development. The goal is to combine the most effective aspects of leadership, which is centered around serving others, through a concept known as 'Servant Leadership'. Although this revolution has been gradual, it is now firmly taking hold in society.
In recent years, the influence of Robert K. Greenleaf's ideas has been increasingly recognized. Often referred to as the Grandfather of this movement, Greenleaf has sparked academic concerns about the impact of his concept. Can teachers foster students' leadership skills through Servant Leaders? Adaptability to change is a crucial aspect in the era of globalization.
Given the complexity of new leadership accounts, it is inevitable that
there will be a rise in different expectations for future leaders. Leadership revolves around the capacity to adapt to change, making it an exclusive duty and inherent characteristic of a leader. As Greenleaf explained, the servant-leader places serving others as the top priority. It begins with an innate willingness to serve and then a deliberate decision to strive for leadership. This person is fundamentally distinct from someone who primarily seeks to be a leader since being a servant and being a leader are two completely opposite ends of the spectrum.
Between them there are shadings and blends that are part of the infinite assortment of human nature. '' There is no easy way to prove the role of a servant leader. The test of a servant leader is one of pragmatism based on visible results. Greenleaf continues; The best test, and difficult to administer, is; do those served, become healthier, wiser, freer more independent, more likely themselves to become retainers? And what is the effect on the least on the privileged in society. Will he benefit or at least, will he not be further deprived? Importantly, neither Greenleaf's definition of a servant leader at its best test requires one to hold a formal leadership position.
What is important is our actions and their consequences. The objective is to enhance the development of individuals within institutions and encourage teamwork and personal involvement. There are specific qualities that are vital for a leader, such as being a patient listener, being empathetic, having a healing touch, having self-awareness, possessing persuasive qualities, having foresight, being proactive, and being dedicated to the growth of others and building a community.
Servant leadership is
not a simple explanatory concept. It cannot be developed quickly. However, it is a long-term transformative approach to life and work. This characteristic has the ability to produce positive change in the environment: when followers witness evidence that their leaders embody the principles of servant leadership, they are more inclined to adopt the same mindset. Although it may appear that servant leadership is an aimless journey with no tangible results, it is not about a lack of direction, but rather about effective implementation.
The motivational aspect of servant leadership emphasizes a fundamental assumption that sets this concept apart from other leadership ideas. This assumption shapes the mindset of the servant leader, who prioritizes serving over leading. The primary reason for the existence of leaders is to serve first, not to lead first. The servant leader operates with the perspective of serving because they are a leader, not acting as a dictator. This newer concept appeals to many individuals who have the ability to guide themselves and accomplish what they are capable of. It reduces much of the fear associated with leadership, as the leader does not always know what to do in every possible situation; they simply have to serve those who follow them in their search for answers. Furthermore, Servant Leadership goes beyond addressing the collective needs of their followers, and also considers the needs of each individual follower.
Frequently, it is said that the most important thing to an individual is to feel included, valued, appreciated, and understood. The Servant Leader recognizes the importance of individuals and takes them seriously. By learning from past experiences, the Servant Leader can help both their followers and themselves.
When considering Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, it becomes clear that there is a point where an individual reaches self-realization. The concept of servant leadership is similar to this, where a leader realizes they don't need to be at the top, but rather be supportive to others.
Significance of the Problem.
Currently, there is more anecdotal evidence than empirical evidence in literature to support servant leadership (Bowmen, 1997). Consequently, Bass (2000) argues that significant empirical research is needed for the theory of servant leadership.
According to Sendjaya and Sarros (2002), the scarcity of research on servant leadership may be due to the perception that the concept of servant as a leader seems contradictory. However, the philosophical basis of servant leadership provides a foundation for its theoretical development. Bass (2000) further explains that the strength of the servant leadership movement, along with its various connections to follower learning, growth, and empowerment, indicates that this emerging theory will play a crucial role in the future leadership of organizations. This study intends to examine the emerging theory of servant leadership in educators.
Literature Review
In his plants, Greenleaf discusses the demand for a better attack to leading, one that puts functioning others -- Servant-leadership emphasizes increased service to others, a holistic attack to work, advancing a sense of community, and the sharing of power in determination devising. The words retainer and leader are normally thought of as being antonyms. When two antonyms are brought together in a originative and meaningful manner, a paradox emerges. So the words retainer and leader have been brought together to make the self-contradictory thought of servant-leadership. Who is the Servant Leader? One who has a natural feeling
to function.
The act of consciously selecting leads to setting goals and achieving them. This individual stands out, possibly due to their desire to satisfy a powerful force or prioritize material possessions, with their primary aim being the transformational service to humanity. There is an inherent merging that occurs within human nature. The differentiation emerges when the servant ensures that other priorities are fulfilled. The most difficult aspect to handle is this: Do those who are being served experience personal growth? Do they become healthier and wiser as they receive assistance? Do they embrace their freedom or do they tend to become servants themselves? What impact does this have on society's most disadvantaged individuals; do they benefit or face further marginalization? All of these assumptions rely on the belief that change can only occur by creating individuals who will graciously accept and implement it.
In pattern, when instructors apply it, pattern serves as a protective shield to be worn when "taking the military personnel". Taking this further, Servant Leaders focus not only on the overall needs of their followers, but also on the individual follower. If this characteristic is developed among instructors, the relationship between instructors and students will be more respected. This behavior brings healing to both followers and themselves. The strength of a servant lies in their willingness to accept pain rather than inflict it (Sarkus 1996). While Servant Leadership cannot be defined or explained by steps, Spears (1996) lays out several key elements that form the basis of a Servant Leader:
1. Actively listening to others' perspectives
2. Accepting others and having empathy for them
3. Demonstrating foresight and establishing solutions
4. Being aware
and perceptive
5. Having strong powers of persuasion
6. Possessing a healing influence on individuals and organizations
7. Being able to conceive and communicate abstract concepts
8. Building a sense of community in the workplace
9. Practicing self-reflection
10. Recognizing that Servant Leadership begins with a desire to change oneself.Once the process has started, it becomes possible to establish Servant Leadership at the organizational level.
This innovative idea appeals to many people who have the ability to mentor others towards reaching their maximum potential. It eases the concerns of leaders, as they don't need to be experts in handling every situation; they just need to support their followers in finding solutions. They can utilize the group's collective wisdom to gain knowledge (Lee 1993). Servant Leaderships are introspective and believe that answers can be found from within; they openly recognize personal strengths and weaknesses.
Their humility leads them to seek support and advice from others (Sarkus1996). By embracing the bravery to absorb the collective wisdom of their followers, leaders improve their productivity, leadership skills, and visionary abilities. Servant leadership is a transformative, long-term approach to life and work. It is a way of being that can create positive change in society. Just as a small action can have a significant impact on humanity, the number of individuals and organizations practicing servant leadership has grown into a revolution. This revolution carries with it a strong sense of meaning and passion. Robert K.
The concept of servant-leadership, developed by Greenleaf and used for over 40 years, is causing a quiet revolution in workplaces globally. In the past, managers viewed people as tools and organizations treated them like slaves during the Industrial
Revolution. However, there has been a recent shift in both for-profit and non-profit organizations towards alternative working methods that reject traditional authoritarian and hierarchical leadership styles. These new approaches prioritize teamwork and community, involve others in decision-making processes, emphasize ethical behavior and care, and promote personal growth within the organization. Greenleaf's writings on servant-leadership have had a profound impact on leaders, educators, and those interested in leadership, management, service, and personal development.
Upon reviewing Greenleaf's original writings, several leadership qualities can be identified. One crucial trait is effective communication, as a leader must engage with the people. When selecting a leader from within the community, it is essential to consider someone who possesses favorable personality traits such as empathy, an open-minded and pragmatic approach, liberated thinking, and an encouraging demeanor. Additionally, listening plays a vital role in leadership. Throughout history, leaders have been highly regarded for their exceptional communication abilities and adept decision-making skills.
Listening attentively to others is a vital skill for servant-leaders. They must recognize and help overcome mental barriers within a group, all while being adaptable. Actively listening and reflecting are necessary for the personal growth of a servant-leader. Understanding and empathy play crucial roles.
The servant-leader aims to comprehend and empathize with others, recognizing their desire to feel important and acknowledged. The servant leader possesses a personal and compassionate demeanor when interacting with people.
In "The Servant as Leader," Greenleaf discusses how there is an underlying understanding between a servant-leader and the led that the pursuit of integrity is a shared responsibility. This awareness and self-consciousness contribute to a more value-based and ethical approach. As individuals become more self-aware, it leads to introspection and a
desire for personal and societal transformation. Effective leaders are typically highly attuned and somewhat unsettled, aiming to bring about a Renaissance among their followers.
They are not actively seeking comfort or solace. They possess their own inner peace. They have a persuasive nature and another defining trait of servant-leaders is their ability to inspire and guide instead of being authoritative and dictating. They achieve this through motivation, empathy, and attentiveness. They are ambitious.
Servant-leaders aim to enhance their ability to think creatively. This means they must think outside the box when approaching a task. For individuals who need practice, this skill requires discipline and repetition. Servant-leaders are tasked with finding a balance between innovative thinking and a focused daily approach. They should be able to look ahead... Having foresight allows the servant-leader to learn from the past, analyze current realities, and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a decision for the future... However, foresight is not a commonly studied area in leadership, but it deserves careful attention.
In his definition of stewardship, Peter Block emphasizes the responsibility of keeping something in trust for another. Similarly, Robert Greenleaf's perspective on organizations highlights the importance of CEOs, staff, and trustees in preserving their establishments for the betterment of society. Servant-leadership, like stewardship, requires a devoted commitment to meeting the needs of others and promoting individual growth.
Servant-leaders believe in valuing people not just as workers, but also as individuals. Therefore, the servant-leader is dedicated to fostering the growth of all employees in the organization. They take on the immense responsibility of doing everything possible to promote employee development and create a sense of community. The servant-leader encourages a feeling of
belongingness and cultivates a sense of community among individuals.
Greenleaf proposes that constructing a classless society is not only done through words, but also through action. He believes that enough servant-leaders demonstrating their limitless responsibility for a specific community-related group can reconstruct community as a feasible life form. These characteristics of servant-leadership, although not exhaustive, convey the power and promise of this concept to those who are open to its invitation and challenge.
The Growing Impact of Servant Leadership
Many individuals and organizations have embraced servant-leadership as a guiding principle. It provides a means for personal growth, encompassing spiritual, professional, emotional, and intellectual aspects. It is closely linked to the ideas of M.
The text highlights the influence of servant-leadership on various writers, including Scott Peck (The Road Less Traveled), Parker Palmer (The Active Life), and Ann McGee-Cooper (You Don't Have to Go Home from Work Exhausted!). It emphasizes that servant-leadership encourages individuals to actively seek opportunities to serve and lead others, thereby enhancing their inherent potential and adding value to their lives. Notable authors, thinkers, and leaders have been inspired by servant-leadership, such as Max DePree, former president of the Herman Miller Company and author of Leadership Is an Art and Leadership Jazz. DePree asserts that the concept of servant-leadership needs to be felt, understood, believed, and practiced extensively.
According to Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline, he advises people not to read any other book on leadership before reading Robert Greenleaf's book, Servant-Leadership. Senge believes that Servant-Leadership is the most remarkable and useful statement on leadership he has come across. In the world of corporate education and training programs, many management and leadership consultants should incorporate servant-leadership
materials into their ongoing work with corporations. Through internal training and education, organizations are realizing that servant-leadership can significantly improve business development and behavior, while still maintaining profitability. Servant leaders prioritize serving others to enhance their own self-esteem and dignity.
This theoretical model of leadership necessitates a change in the leader's attitude. Egos must be relinquished, and the belief that people perform best in a climate of freedom and empowerment must be sincerely embraced (Melrose, 1996). The traits of a Servant Leader are constantly evolving. Trust is not obtained solely through benevolence; it grows from a well-managed and cost-effective program that produces measurable results (Carroll, 2005). Leaders serve the entire community without expecting anything in return. Considering this, how can a teacher be a leader? The effective role of a teacher is less tangible with the 3A's in mind.
- Adequacy
- Accomplishments
- Assertiveness.
The ability to function a purpose and accomplish desired results with assertiveness in various competences is referred to as adequacy.
Aims ;
- To explore the state of the art of Servant Leadership.
- To conduct an exploratory study to validate the hypothesis "Are teachers Servant Leaderships".
Research Methodology.
Individuals who practice Servant Leadership engage in an open behavioral system through their skills. They need to handle everyday tasks according to established procedures and adapt to environmental demands. A practitioner of Servant Leadership is considered more competent and has the ability to blend skills and
competences. They are meticulous in tasks and situations.
An attempt has been made to determine if the qualities assumed to be present in a leader can be adopted by an instructor and applied to servant leadership. Are they capable of behaving in a manner that is controlled, elicited, and triggered by the demands of specific tasks? Are they able to think creatively and foster the ability to be adaptable? These skills are essential due to the changing environment and the need for self-reflection to enhance one's own effectiveness in handling various tasks. Servant Leadership has been implemented and partially evaluated in organizational management. The theory emphasizes the leader's internal values and their impact on the individuals who work under them.
The author conducts research based on secondary information, personal experience, and practical exposure. The research aims to analyze whether teachers can act as servant leaders. However, the scope of the survey is limited to a specific group and focuses on the characteristic qualities of a teacher. It is important to consider who the teacher is leading, which can be viewed from a societal perspective. The ability of a teacher to impart knowledge and guide future generations through example demonstrates their leadership potential. It is important to note that this survey is not exhaustive, as imperfections allow for room for improvement.
Analysis and Discussion:
Teaching and learning are not just focused on cognition, knowledge, and skills; they also involve emotional practices and understanding, blending together in various ways within social activities. However, learning and teaching are inherently emotional. This refers to an individual's ability to manage their feelings, moods, desires,
and emotions. They possess a realistic self-assessment, being aware of their own strengths and limitations, and consciously making decisions even in unfavorable situations. This helps develop strong character traits. This competence is likely to result in improved performance.
These qualities make them effective leaders, as they possess a straightforward nature that allows them to comprehend the emotions of others. They excel in interacting and connecting with individuals from diverse backgrounds, as they can accurately perceive their thoughts. By establishing strong relationships and advocating for significant changes, they contribute to promoting a positive transformation in society. In our current era, where people are constantly seeking to bring about positive change, servant-leadership has emerged as a concept that has steadily gathered a substantial following in recent years.
It appeals to individuals who aspire to improve humanity and build genuine personalities through practicality and goodwill. Servant-leadership provides a foundation for operating and leading institutions. It genuinely offers hope and guidance for a new era in human development and the creation of better, more compassionate institutions. Everyone possesses leadership qualities in one way or another.
In any setting, it is essential to have a leader who can facilitate operations. To embody servant leadership, individuals must recognize their potential and develop specific qualities. Bravery plays a vital role in initiating change. By having the courage to speak honestly, lead an ethical life, and commit oneself to making a difference, one can bring about positive transformations. In a society where people are driven primarily by selfishness, it becomes critical for leaders to prioritize serving others and minimize their own ego.
Criticism is an integral part of everyone's life. In order to bring about change,
one must face criticism. People tend to only like hearing positive things, but constructive criticism can lead to societal reform and personal growth. By taking assertive steps and putting in effort, one can position themselves effectively. This will make their mission and goals clear. Motivating young people is a challenging task for educators, who must have open minds and be adaptable to new ideas and insights. The question now becomes: how can we maintain effectiveness in all activities? This is where the focus on the four L's of life comes in for individuals.
Be a leader, show love, learn and set a precedent for others to follow. An instructor is also expected to be a visionary with the ability to believe and consider the future. Vision is linked to internal qualities like self-awareness and creative imagination. It allows for creative thinking, bringing new dimensions and focused attention.
Another important aspect is the value. It acts as a powerful driving force that serves as an incentive for the enforcement of behavior and self-discipline. Therefore, it brings significance and quality, instilling a sense of empowerment. When we talk about the role of a teacher, it encompasses responsibility, reliability, and building relationships. Responsibility entails working and serving with accountability towards the development of students. Reliability involves gaining the trust of students in order to motivate and persuade.
The purpose of a relationship is to create a healthy environment where students can freely learn, unlearn, and express their thoughts. This is why Servant Leadership involves leaders assuming the role of servants when interacting with followers. It is important to take a holistic approach where individuals are encouraged to collaborate and
share decisions and emotions. Consequently, Servant Leadership stems from a selfless and internally motivated approach within leaders. It prioritizes personal characteristics and beliefs above any specific leadership traits.
Trust is essential for the success of Servant Leadership. It allows the leader to bridge the gap between themselves and their followers. Servant leadership is a simple concept but challenging to put into practice. While achieving desired results may be difficult, it is not impossible.
However, an individual with little or no positional power can still be an effective leader. It may seem that the servant leader must possess perfection. People may be discouraged from attempting to be a Servant Leader because they believe they have to be flawless. However, perfection is not a requirement for Servant Leadership. The only thing needed to begin the journey is a genuine desire to improve and approach things with an open mind. Servant Leadership has become a influential force and has been embraced by various organizations. It is of concern how much this concept impacts academics.
Though this construct has gained momentum in organizational and institutional setups, a survey needs to be conducted at various levels with all those involved, including faculty members such as defenders, students, and instructors, in order to validate this hypothesis.
Scope for further Research;
This study primarily focuses on instructors as servant leaders but can also be applied to students as well as corporate individuals who work in teams. It can also be tested with the directors of non-profit organizations through a comprehensive study. This is a characteristic that is applicable to nearly all categories of individuals, including managers, corporate heads, and businessmen.
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