Hybrid Cars- Persuasive Essay Example
Hybrid Cars- Persuasive Essay Example

Hybrid Cars- Persuasive Essay Example

Available Only on StudyHippo
  • Pages: 2 (283 words)
  • Published: September 6, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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In order to care for the environment, it is crucial to be aware of our surroundings and transition to hybrid cars for transportation. Despite still using gasoline, hybrid cars provide numerous environmental benefits and aid in reducing air pollution. It is essential to acknowledge and tackle this problem to prevent further contamination and pollution of the air we breathe. Hence, it is advisable to replace conventional cars with hybrid ones.

Hybrid cars offer the advantage of achieving 50-60 miles per gallon and using only one-third of the gas that traditional cars use, resulting in significant savings. Furthermore, hybrid car batteries can be charged not just by plugging them in but also through the kinetic energy generated from braking while driving. Given the current state of the economy with rising gas prices, it is increasingly important to save m


oney for future needs. In 2009, gas prices were about $2.0; however, by 2010, they increased to around $2.80 to $3.00. With such substantial price hikes, it may be worth considering driving a hybrid car instead of a conventional one to minimize fuel consumption. It is crucial to remember that the impact on the environment extends beyond an individual level as California alone has a population exceeding 36 million people, excluding other states.

At present, the usage of hybrid cars is limited. Nonetheless, if public awareness regarding the detrimental environmental effects of regular cars increases and people prioritize this matter, a substantial transformation could occur. The crisis of global warming profoundly impacts our planet and demands action from all individuals. Opting for bicycles instead of driving is one approach to decrease this impact. However, an even more

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efficient resolution would involve everyone driving environmentally friendly hybrid cars capable of reducing air pollution.

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