How does the advertisement for “Vo5 Fade Defy appeal to its target audience Essay Example
The main goal of television advertisement is to promote and sell products, by showcasing the product and its effects while associating emotions and feelings to the brand or item being advertised.
This advertisement is directed towards young/mid-old women who are concerned about their hair and appearance, with the main character being female. The narrative revolves around a woman who is hospitalized due to her hair losing color. The treatment process for her hair is displayed in a hospital operation room setting, showcasing the product being used. The advert is aimed primarily at women as their gender is emphasized by the main character.
As soon as the patient emerges with hair that looks both "shiny" and "bouncy," it becomes evident that the hair product has succeeded. The purpose of the advertisement is to make the pr
...oduct appealing to its intended audience, achieved through presenting it as a hospital drama and a typical American soap opera. By using this approach, viewers are drawn in as these types of programs are popular and familiar, especially on Channel Four.
The idea behind the advert is to use the format of popular dramas and soaps regularly shown on Channel Four. This will have the same effect on the audience who watch those shows as a 2-minute advert with a similar storyline. At the start of the ad, viewers will hear the bustling voices of doctors and nurses, along with background noises of doors opening and gurney wheels rolling, creating the atmosphere of a typical hospital. The advertisement is reminiscent of popular US hospital drama, ER. As with any TV drama, emotions are a key element to engage the audience, ranging from humor
to sadness. The advert incorporates a love triangle, a common plot device used in TV dramas to elicit humor for viewers.
Typically, a love-triangle involves multiple individuals being enamored with the same person or different individuals. Similarly, this advertisement exemplifies a love-triangle between a nurse, doctor, and patient. The love-triangle captivates viewers, providing them with entertainment and amusement. This captures the targeted audience's interest in both the advertisement and the product it promotes.
The advertisement employs the common plot of US hospital dramas to create an intense narrative around the product's hair restoration capabilities. By drawing parallels between the urgency of a life and death situation in a hospital and the perceived seriousness of hair fading, the advert communicates how vital it is to restore one's hair. Additionally, the use of puns, such as the quote "fading fast" at the beginning of the advert, cleverly links the product's purpose to the situation at hand.
The advertisement's quote holds two meanings: one pertains to the fading of the woman's hair, while the other relates to a life-and-death scenario. These interpretations are intertwined with both the product and location depicted. Moreover, it employs a common theme in hospital dramas, where "fading fast" becomes an almost cliche catchphrase. By using puns, the advertisement prompts viewers to consider how the situation signifies more than just hair loss, implying that it may mean life or death for the patient.
This advertisement depicts the characters as typical stereotypes from a US soap opera, with each character's appearance, behavior, and language conforming to the expected norms. The doctor is portrayed as professional and attractive, with features such as perfect white teeth and shiny hair
to reinforce the typical image of a doctor. Similarly, the nurse and patient are stereotyped in a way that aligns with audience expectations. Overall, the advert presents these characters in a manner reminiscent of a typical hospital setting.
The use of stereotyping in the advert is evident through the emphasis on the characters' appearance and behavior. The shots of the characters are aligned with their emotions and speech. Close-up shots of their faces are crucial in conveying expressions accurately to the viewers. Camerawork comprises a range of shots to deliver a flawless final product.
During the advertisement, different shots are used for specific reasons. For example, a high angle shot is used while the patient is being treated to demonstrate the correct use of the product, as well as providing a clear view of the product itself.
When shampooed, the product has a straight view that represents how it appears on store shelves, displaying both its brand and size.
Within the advertisement, a clock-shaped wipe is utilized to signify the time needed to treat a patient's hair. Additionally, the wipe assists in transitioning between scenes, a typical convention found in hair care ads that showcase the before and after results. Numerous camera shots and movements heighten the life-or-death atmosphere of a hospital setting and align with the drama typically associated with such settings. An example of this technique is seen through the use of a tracking shot, or a rotation that displays different sides. In this ad, a tracking shot portrays the patient being wheeled in.
The advertisement scene is rich with motion, effectively conveying the emotions and intensity of the music, product, setting, and characters utilized.
Each element of the advertisement appeals to the intended audience thanks to the specific camerawork employed. The mood of the scene is supported by a change in music, which is skillfully composed to match. The background music is a beautiful orchestral piece featuring violins that can be played at either high or low levels of pitch.
In the advertisement, the violins create tension by swelling up to produce a higher tone. This effect is used when the patient is wheeled in, creating a rushed feeling in the music. The music is tailored to different scenes to match the emotional content. Finally, when the patient exits through the doors, a soft and heroic theme plays. This signifies an accomplishment for both the advertisement and the orchestra, as the violins die down to indicate the end of the advertisement.
After using the product, the heroic theme implies that the issue of fading hair has been resolved. Additionally, the advertisement describes a delicate finish and portrays violins as having a subtle effect. The backing effect of the advert features a violin orchestra, which varies pitch, tempo, and volume to convey the mood of the scene.
The advertisement invokes emotions and feelings, with a voiceover that concludes the message and changes tone to convey sternness. The quote "New Alberto Vo5 Fade Defy, for vitally alive hair" feels like a directive to the audience to buy, use, and love the product, using the pun "vitally" to play on a life and death theme and capture the audience's interest.
The use of the product name in the voiceover at the end helps clarify the hospital theme's connection to the product
for the audience. The advertisement blends serious and ironic elements to add humor for viewers. In the beginning scene, a nurse explains the patient's condition, stating "We found her under the shower, using an ordinary colour care system," which creates a humorous opportunity for the audience. Additionally, many ironic quotes appear on screen as part of normal conversations about hair fading. This approach differs from typical hair care ads and satisfies the target audience with a mixture of sarcasm and humor.
A targeted advertisement on a specific channel and time is essential for effective promotion. To reach young to mid-aged female adults, the advertisement should air after 10pm. This timing is crucial because it caters to the aimed demographic. It’s essential to understand one's target audience when selling products. Typically between 3-6pm, programmes and commercials are made specifically for children who have recently returned from school.
Programmes and adverts aired between 7pm-9pm are repeats, while after 9pm, the audience is considered adult. Hence, from that time, only programmes and adverts intended for adults are shown. This explains why the current advert is aired after 9pm, as broadcasting it earlier, say 3pm, would result in financial loss due to limited audience interest.
It is crucial for product sellers to prioritize having a specific target audience. Channel 4 airs American dramas like Desperate Housewives, Joey, Friends, Lost, and others. The advert for 'VO5 Fade Defy' attempts to align itself with these dramas by requiring the same conventions. For instance, the show Lost demands the viewers' attention, resulting in higher viewership and anticipation.
The advertisement is strategically placed on Channel 4 as it requires more planning and creativity than
other commercials. Its placement ensures that viewers in both the US and Britain can see it, thereby increasing the product's sales. This timing is crucial as it coincides with the highest viewership of the targeted audience. The advertisement employs a range of tactics to appeal to its target audience. With unique features like scheduling, music, sound effects, characters, and ideas, it stands out from other hair care ads. Overall, the ad tries to use a variety of strategies to make it appeal to its target audience.
In my opinion, the targeted audience has been effectively reached through the advertisement.
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