Exploring Childrens And Social Needs Education Essay Example
Exploring Childrens And Social Needs Education Essay Example

Exploring Childrens And Social Needs Education Essay Example

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  • Pages: 10 (2503 words)
  • Published: August 10, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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The objective of this paper is to explore the connection between primary healthcare issues and teaching-learning strategies in schools for children. It seeks to identify the physical and mental healthcare needs of children and acknowledges that the current education system does not sufficiently promote health and healthcare among students. Despite setting objectives for encouraging healthy behavior, the existing teaching-learning situation and strategies are inadequate in changing students' behavior towards maintaining a healthy body and mind. Additionally, children are not adequately prepared to understand their responsibilities in society regarding promoting healthy attitudes and behavior. This paper also suggests potential solutions to address these needs within resource limitations.


Education, similar to other endeavors, begins with a specific aim. According to Chandra and Sharma (2004), education has two categories of aims: universal aims and specific aims. R


egardless of location or context, the purpose of education remains universal - fully developing individuals by enhancing their abilities for personal and societal advancement throughout history and across countries. A universally accepted notion is that a healthy body supports a healthy mind, which is considered an overarching goal of education.Education encompasses both mental and physical training, as it is essential for individuals to develop in a way that promotes cooperation and minimizes conflict within society's social institutions. To succeed, individuals need a strong body and an analytical mind to critically assess their surroundings. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the importance of complete well-being, which includes physical, mental, and social aspects rather than just the absence of disease. Factors such as social, economic, and environmental conditions have a significant impact on children's health alongside biological disorders. In formal education, children from different cultures

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typically start school between ages 6 and 8 with emphasis on academic subjects. Unfortunately, the physical and psychological development of school-aged children is often overlooked by parents, teachers, and researchers in child development. In impoverished communities like ours, there is a lack of health consciousness.Society fails to recognize the importance of educating children to raise awareness. There is a global concern regarding nutrition and healthcare for impoverished young children. Studies have shown that poor health conditions in early childhood can have long-term developmental consequences (Pollit, 1994). A comprehensive study conducted by Duncan, Brooks-Gunn, and Klebanov (1994) revealed serious issues among primary school children from impoverished backgrounds who lack proper diet and medical care, which are closely linked to their daily struggles. Malnutrition is a common problem that leads to various diseases like skin, dental, and eye problems. Physical illnesses also contribute to increased school absenteeism among children living in poverty (Adams & Benson, 1991). Even wealthier nations like the United States still face prevalent malnutrition among their children. Research on eating habits during early childhood in the United States has found that American children consume diets high in saturated fats, salt, and sugar (Berenson et al., 1982; J.E Brown & Pollit, 1996). Consequently, it is crucial to identify the root cause of this issue if these conditions persist. The World Health Organization (World Health Organization) has previously emphasized that overall wellness includes physical, mental, and social well-being rather than just the absence of illness. Therefore, for a child to be considered healthyThe significance of child health, including mental well-being, for successful learning cannot be understated. This raises questions about whether child health differs from how

adults perceive their own well-being. However, the answers to these questions are actually quite simple. Being active is crucial for a child's health. If parents notice that their child appears slow or quiet, they may become concerned about potential issues. Nonetheless, we believe that children naturally enjoy being active through activities such as playtime, listening to music, talking with others, or dancing. Their movement serves as an indicator of their mental state.

When children learn something new, they often express interest or comprehension through movement - regardless of whether the experience is positive or negative - which provides them with fresh opportunities to gain knowledge. It has been observed that when children hear something exciting, they frequently respond by jumping and clapping (Berenson GS et al., "Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Children: The Early Natural History of Atherosclerosis and Essential Hypertension," Oxford University Press (1982)).

As children begin to communicate and satisfy their innate curiosity by asking numerous questions, each response they receive aids in acquiring new knowledge that is vital for their development. They persistently inquire until we grow weary of answering.
Children's enthusiasm for exploration and active participation in their surroundings is evident. They particularly enjoy games involving object manipulation and imitating older peers. Additionally, they are captivated by vibrant colors and movement. As children grow, their play behaviors evolve, such as engaging with constantly active characters in cartoons. These typical behaviors indicate a content child. However, concerns arise when children are forced to remain still for extended periods, affecting their well-being, learning environment, and mental health.

During the early school years, children develop motor skills that greatly impact brain growth and learning abilities. Incorporating physical activities into

school hours can enhance brain organization and improve focus on educational tasks. Nevertheless, recent shifts in the education system have prioritized academic achievement over physical growth and activity, resulting in a decline in physical play. This shift has had serious consequences, including an increase in childhood obesity rates.

Source: Brown JE & Pollit E., "Malnutrition Learning Potential", Food Nutr Bull Vol 17 No 3 September (1996).- World Health Organization: https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/observatories/eurwork/comparative-information/national-working-time-regimes/world-health-organization-definition-of-healthMany schools in America have reduced the amount of time dedicated to physical education, including recess periods and outdoor play (Jeffery Trawick-smith, 2003). In contrast, some schools in Bangladesh lack basic equipment for children to play with. This raises concerns about reducing absenteeism and motivating children to focus on their studies rather than being on the streets. A head teacher from a rural area in Bangladesh expressed this concern. The solution is simple - children should be given enough time for playing activities during school hours, including recess and at least one class hour devoted to various activities such as games, role-playing, debates, club activities or project work.

The acquisition of necessary skills throughout a child's learning journey is heavily influenced by societal demands, laws, spirituality, development issues personal needs and national/international demands. Instructors strive to align their teaching with these factors to ensure optimal learning outcomes and competences are achieved. The current question is whether we can consciously prioritize primary healthcare considering these circumstances. Can teachers find a way to educate children about their health and provide healthcare education? Traditionally, teachers often feel constrained by the curriculum and cannot include additional subjects like health education.Educational advisors and policy makers argue that limited resources may prevent the addition

of new subjects. However, a science teacher believes that certain subjects and texts in the curriculum already raise awareness among children. But is it really as simple as incorporating text to make students aware of health? Previously, it was believed that knowledge alone could change people's health behavior. Now we understand that behavior is influenced by various factors, with factual information being just one aspect. We need a mechanism that can make information personally relevant and accessible. The ultimate goal is sustainable development in wellness, nutrition, and public assistance for vulnerable groups like women, children, and the elderly (National Health Policy - An Update August 2008). One strategy to achieve this involves providing basic healthcare and reproductive health information through the school curriculum. However, schools face the challenge of ensuring active participation from children and giving them control over health-related decisions (Hart, 1992). Despite some competencies being included in the current curriculum, it is crucial to involve students and provide opportunities for their active involvement. Many education systems prioritize rote memorization and limit student contribution since teachers are seen as the sole possessors of knowledge.To address this issue, there are multiple ways to encourage children's activity and understanding its importance. When teaching consciousness building and primary healthcare to children, careful handling is essential. Inactive classroom activities can be transformed into active learning experiences using simple methods like studies, practical presentations, role play, and games that require minimal or no additional resources.

Prof.M.V.C Jeffreys emphasizes the significance of schools creating a genuine community that combines autonomy and order along with freedom and responsibility for citizen education. Schools must prepare children to positively contribute to society and help

build a better society. In developing countries, various aspects such as education, improving living environment, and resource development must be considered – these aspects are interconnected with education being widely recognized as a means to fulfill these responsibilities.

While primary school enrollment rates are high, it is important to acknowledge that many parents lack education for young children. Children need to understand their societal responsibilities in community life. Learning about the importance of balanced nutrition can enable children to educate their parents, which helps create a healthy society. In an agricultural-based country, it is crucial to prevent child malnutrition.Teaching children about preventing mosquito breeding and caring for their environment is important. Changing children's behavior is crucial in achieving this goal. Despite teachers educating students on making oral saline solution, some parents still prefer purchasing it from stores. Even urban communities experience a high number of children affected by dengue fever. Schools should prioritize capacity building to ensure that children are knowledgeable about preventive measures against dengue mosquitoes. There is a common narrative emphasizing the importance of this issue. State authorities implemented rules to address the overshadowing of traditional games but found that children only played these endangered games during designated times. It is essential to provide students with information on healthy behavior and instill in them the ability to apply this knowledge beyond just playing sports like Football and Cricket. Neglecting this could lead to undesirable outcomes similar to those mentioned earlierThere are two approaches that can be taken for this task: accomplishing one properly will make it easier to achieve the other. When children become aware of healthy behaviors, they have a positive influence on

society as a whole because they also educate their parents. Nowadays, there is a growing emphasis on making everyone scientifically literate, but we should also prioritize promoting health literacy among all individuals. Traditional education methods may not always be effective in raising awareness or creating immediate impacts. The text emphasizes the benefits of raising awareness about the negative consequences of early marriage and underlines the importance of teaching children cause and effect relationships at an early age through various mediums. Considering children's feelings is crucial since they may feel judged by adults, which can impact their sense of self-importance within their family and society. When children realize that decision makers may disregard their opinions, they become less inclined to share their thoughts.Having knowledge alone is insufficient; how children behave in different situations also matters.Therefore, it is essential for children to have opportunities to apply what they learn and engage in practical activities at school. Various factors such as family, home environment, cultural traditions, media, and peer groups play important roles in shaping children's behavior.Although children may be aware of the negative effects of smoking, they may still start smoking due to fear of stigma and peer influence. Therefore, it is crucial for schools to utilize this influence in order to promote positive behavior among students. In underdeveloped countries with limited financial resources, bars are often seen as a solution for various situations. Acquiring knowledge can be done through passive or active activities. During lectures, teachers educate students about the importance of consuming healthy nutrients by reading out their names and explaining their significance. Traditionally, teachers would also ask students to memorize the definition of a

balanced diet. When discussing nutrition, teachers engage with students by talking about the nutrients they typically consume and explaining how different nutrients serve essential functions in the body. They also discuss the consequences of not consuming specific nutrients and guide students towards understanding what they should include in their daily balanced diet. The instructor further explains how daily nutrient consumption represents various classes such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins etc. Additionally, during lectures on skin health instructors usually discuss symptoms of different skin diseases and ask students to memorize their characteristics and preventive measures. Teachers can assign students to research and present a specific skin disease that they or someone they know has experienced.Students should provide a description of disease symptoms and precautions to overcome it. The significance of cleanliness is emphasized through lectures and discussions, with teachers encouraging students to wear clean clothes, regularly trim their nails, and use soap after using the restroom. To further promote cleanliness, teachers can motivate students by considering their clothing choices and discouraging littering or spitting in the classroom. Involving students in cleaning their own classroom once or twice a week is also recommended. Additionally, instructors can teach students how to make an oral rehydration solution. A practical presentation could involve demonstrating how to create a homemade desiccation solution and assisting each child in making it. Lecturing on having a positive attitude towards nature and encouraging tree planting is another beneficial activity for teachers. They can even organize a tree plantation week or designate one day each month as a plantation day where students plant trees. These activities can be combined with cleanliness initiatives. However, there are still numerous

important topics that require discussion or awareness among students such as common diseases, critical environmental issues, and essential life skills which are currently not included in the curriculum resulting in a significant gap in awareness-building.
Dengue fever is a prevalent disease in Bangladesh, and it is important to take preventive measures to control this and other dangerous fevers. Unfortunately, there is no text addressing the concept of building awareness about this issue. It is crucial for students to engage in specific behaviors that can prevent mosquito breeding. These behaviors include removing breeding grounds such as fresh plastic pools, old tires, and pails; cleaning clogged troughs and fixing faucet leaks; regularly changing water in bird baths; and filling or draining puddles, swampy areas, and tree stumps. By eliminating these breeding areas without using insecticides, mosquito populations can be effectively reduced.

Raising awareness and educating students about these behaviors is essential for preventing diseases. Education should focus on instilling conscious and healthy behaviors in children so that they will be motivated to advocate for their own well-being within their families and society. Teachers play a significant role in preparing students for this challenge by reorganizing ideas about children and their instruction methods.

There is an emphasis on the need for both mental and physical activity to promote a healthy lifestyle. The text highlights the significance of providing various opportunities for play, role-playing, work tasks, and mentoring to facilitate children's development. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of teachers discovering innovative approaches to engaging children.The underlying belief is that by fostering a healthy mind and body in children, they can play an active role in building a better world for future generations.

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