First and for most, I’d like to thank God, who made everything possible and within my reach, for giving us strength every day, for the guidance and good health, for the graces and blessings that help us to perform our task as part of our OJT. To Him, I offer and give back everything He has given me and the outcomes of what He has given me. To my family – my parents who supported me every step of the way, most especially financially, I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for you two – Mama and Papa, so thank you very much.
And to two sisters and one brother whose smile and laughter made every responsibility seemed so light to carry on my shoulders – for your smiles, laughter’s, a
...nd just for being there to make me feel special, thank you. To our IT Head, Ms. Michelle A. Galamgam for helping us to find a company for our OJT. Your guidance will help us achieve our aspirations as we go along with our journey in life To my friends who gave me moral support, trust, and confidence, you’re all my inspiration, thank you.
To the Pag-Ibig Fund family, thank you for your warm welcome and for giving us this one of a kind experience in having our OJT in your company. For the chance that you have given us to be with your team and for giving us more knowledge in this fast and furious world of Information Technology. And most especially for helping us to hone our knowledge as we continue to strive in our ambitions in
life To all of you whom I mentioned above, and to everyone whom I didn’t mention, yet somehow has contributed a memory to me during my OJT (On the job training) period, thank you.
My OJT (On the job training) at Pag-Ibig Fund wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for all of you. The successful realization of this narrative report is gratefully dedicated to the entire person who shared their time and efforts in making this narrative. My ever loving parents, relatives and friends, and above all to our Almighty God, this achievement is lovingly and heartily dedicated.
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