Emails from Mohja Kahf: A version of Scheherezad Essay Example
Emails from Mohja Kahf: A version of Scheherezad Essay Example

Emails from Mohja Kahf: A version of Scheherezad Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (710 words)
  • Published: February 14, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Satirist writers are here to stay! That seems to be Kahf wanted to convey the public. And essentially, when she said words are to die for but realistically it is - to live for. Her style is very much contemporary despite of her traditional cultural values. In her book Emails from Scheherezad, the reader would get amused on how sounding this genius is. First let us look into the poem Hijab of Scene # 7 the argument here is to remove all stereotype beliefs as we see below:

No, I’m not bald under the scarf No, I'm not from that country where women can't drive cars No, I would not like to defect I'm already American  Yes, I speak English Yes, I carry explosives they’re called words And if you don't get up Off your


assumptions They're going to blow you away

You get easily informed of what she really mean, so simple and yet true. Kahf in a few words was able to defend Arab-Americans being labeled to as terrorists. To her making assumptions is not an inn thing in fact it is wrong. She was able to let someone understand that no matter what race someone belongs, that person is molded not by that race but on how one lives his or her life.

Her works clarifies issues that needed to be cleared up on people who are very judgmental. Her works depicts a person who wishes to challenge a world that is bent on making prejudices. She is a person who would fight for equal footing no matter what it would cost. In her poems she resound agai

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and again that no matter what race we belong as member of the human fold we ought to be respected. In her few next lines, Kahf would allow you to get the idea of her feminist inclinations such as, “Untangle your hands from my hair, so I can comb and delight in it… spill it over the chest of my sweet love (Majaj, 2006).

Her words vividly show a non typical Arabian woman but a free woman who can choose and who knows what her wants and needs are. Her writings simply belong to an American- Arab or Syrian- American woman who lives in the Americas contemporary world. Though very much liberated, she carries on her shoulder a good head believing in the empowerment of women, wanting to love and be loved but at the same time respecting the male gender. The other poems also alluded in the difficulties of people who migrate to other country.

This is in reference to the author’s childhood experience when they left Syria for the United States. People who migrated commonly experience identity crises due to dual identity and discrimination. Indirectly in her poems, is a feeling of guilt that when they left their origin, many was left behind and probably have been killed. Her sadness is that when she has to make a choice because in her mind there is but just one journey. Kahf’s is a writer of love poetry with the ability to express pain and beauty at the same time.

She say her words without inhibitions like in her poem “Disbeliever” she said, “I am a disbeliever in everything that refuses to

kiss full on the lips the ones still living and receive them in the bosom of the self no matter the religion or the nation or the race. ” To her everyone is equal in the name of love. Her simple verses echoes to the depth of our soul when she talks about continue walking carrying our small supplies of grace.

She believes like what any other Christian believes, to go on with life’s journey in the daily ordinary God given providence. Mohaj Kahf in her emails jus wanted to let us know, that she is very much like us. Her works also reminds the people of the earth that colors and religion should not separate us from humanity and that there is just but one race and that is the human race that should not be harmed by any ideology or creed. Muslim or Christians, Buddhist or Agnostics, in fact everyone has the right to live in peaceful and humane society.

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