The aim of the thesis is to conduct an analysis and review on the topic of labor discrimination, specifically focusing on gender discrimination in the job market, differentiated by regions. In order to decentralize the topic, two regions will be examined: the metropolitan region and the ninth region of Araucania. The situation of men and women in the labor field will be observed, assessing discrimination in Chile and determining if there are any differences between the regions studied.
These topics will be approached through a review of statistical data from the National Institute of Statistics, analyzing median income per region for men and women in the job market, as well as employment and unemployment rates. All of this will be compared between the studied regions. After testing this information through statistical analysis, we hope to draw conclusions that provide a cle understanding of the current situation in Chile and the progress being made in this area.
Introduction: Discrimination is a form of violence that starts passively and can escalate to more extreme forms such as physical or psychological violence - actions that are punishable by law. Discrimination, by definition, means to separate or distinguish, to differentiate one thing from another.
La discriminacion laboral implica tratar a alguien con inferioridad basandose en factores como su origen, aspecto fisico o genero, en lugar de considerar sus capacidades de trabajo y credenciales relacionadas con la productividad. Aquellos que discriminan a menudo tienen percepciones distorsionadas de la valoracion humana y relacionan caracteristicas fisicas o culturales con valores, lo que les hace sentir superiores y ser capaces de juzgar a otros individuos. Esta desigualdad puede manifestarse a traves d
relaciones interpersonales, institucionales e incluso estatales. Las justificaciones de la discriminacion pueden incluir rasgos como el color de piel, la etnia, el genero, la edad, la cultura, la religion o la ideologia, o cualquier otra razon que diferencie a dos personas. Este rechazo hacia los demas ocurre tanto en las relaciones interpersonales como en ambitos sociales mas amplios. Los paises suelen discriminar a extranjeros y minorias dentro de sus fronteras.It is important for each country's laws to ensure that discriminatory actions are punished, but it is evident that even in some foreign legislations, these actions are or were approved at some point, which causes them to still be ingrained in people's unconsciousness. As previously noted, there are various types of discrimination, but this research will focus on gender discrimination in the workplace in Chile, comparing the situation in the IX region of Araucania with the Metropolitan region, using statistical data from the Casem survey and the National Institute of Statistics (INE) to determine which situations are discriminatory and establish if such discrimination exists in the job market of our country. Our thesis hypothesis is the following question: Does true gender discrimination exist in the job market of our country? And does it exist similarly in both regions (IX and RM)? The objectives of our thesis are to answer this hypothesis by determining if labor discrimination truly exists in Chile and if so, how it presents itself (such as differences in income or a lack of opportunities for women), and to establish if it occurs equally across all regions, specifically in this study, the Metropolitan region and IX region. Finally, we aim to understand why this
inequality between men and women occurs.
En el Marco Teorico se establece el tipo de analisis, los datos y el metodo a utilizar en la investigacion. El analisis se realizara tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo, y se obtendra de la encuesta Casen del ano 2003. Los objetivos y la prueba de hipotesis se centraran en esta encuesta. La investigacion se enfocara en analizar las tasas de ocupacion y desocupacion laboral por sexo, ingreso mensual segun nivel de educacion y edad, ademas del nivel socioeconomico y otras variables. Todos los datos obtenidos de diversas fuentes seran debidamente citados en la bibliografia y contribuiran al analisis de la informacion recolectada.
In order to narrow down the analyzed data, the focus will be on the year 2003, during which the survey was conducted by the previously mentioned institution. However, some comparisons with other years, whether previous or later, will also be made to observe how discrimination has evolved over time, whether there is a genuine presence of it, and what measures have been taken to combat it in the decades mentioned earlier. The methodology used is as follows.
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