Cryogenics Essay Example
Cryogenics Essay Example

Cryogenics Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (869 words)
  • Published: December 3, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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Cryogenics is an innovative field in science and research that involves using freezing temperatures below -150 degrees Celsius (-238 degrees Fahrenheit) with the help of oxygen, helium I, helium II, and nitrogen. These substances are cooled to their liquid state and used to freeze various materials. At these extremely low temperatures, materials undergo significant changes in properties such as strength, thermal conductivity, ductility, and electrical resistance. The ultimate goal of cryogenics is to achieve high order and minimal movement in materials. Cryogenics encompasses more than just freezing; it specifically refers to temperatures below -150 degrees Celsius.

These low temperatures can be achieved through either the rapid evaporation of volatile liquids or the expansion of gases initially confined at pressures of 150-200 atmospheres. This ability to freeze materials at such low temperatures has a wide ran


ge of applications in human research and development, as well as industries like freeze-dried foods and aeronautics. One familiar example is cryogenic food freezing where liquid nitrogen is sprayed onto the food. This process absorbs heat from the food, preserving it for future consumption.Astronaut food, also known as cryogenically preserved sustenance, is not only used in space missions but also benefits extreme hikers or mountain bikers who need lightweight meals. Different methods exist for freezing the human body, whether it be in its entirety or specific parts such as knees or elbows. These frozen body parts can later be utilized by medical students or other individuals. Orthopedic tissues like bone tendons (quadriceps, Achilles, and patellar tendons) are also frozen, cut, and sized before being transplanted to improve compatibility with the recipient. The new tendons are stronger and stiffer due to being double

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up. As a result of this surgery, the transplanted tendon not only heals better but also becomes more robust. Cryogenic replacement of the meniscus is becoming more popular as well. The post-surgery pain experienced by patients is measured using the Lysholm scale which ranges from 0 to 10 with 0 representing no pain and 10 representing unbearable pain. On average, patients reported a postoperative pain level of 2.7. Most patients were able to resume their normal knee exercises after the procedure including pivoting movements. Additionally, veins and blood vessels can be grown for transplantation purposes which have the potential to save an entire limb for a patient in vascular reconstruction procedures.
The saphenous vein from a patient can be extracted and preserved through cryogenic techniques for later transplantation during coronary bypass surgery. Cryolife, a company in northeast Georgia, has been at the forefront of cryogenic technology, introducing cryopreserved human heart valves in 1984. These valves provide viable alternatives for cardiac repair in cardiovascular surgery. Cryolife also preserves other types of heart valves for future replacements. The use of surgical adhesive BioGlue, along with sutures and staples, aids in faster and easier healing processes. These medical advancements have had significant impacts, allowing individuals to quickly resume normal activities.

Cryogenically preserved tissue is now being utilized in various innovative ways. For instance, it is used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease by selectively freezing tissue using a cryogenic probe. This technique has also proven effective in destroying brain tumors and combating cervical cancer. The utilization of cryosurgery not only leads to faster recovery from surgeries but also reduces the chances of tumor recurrence.

Donors play an indispensable role in advancing

research fields related to cryogenic technologies. Without donors, there would be insufficient resources hindering progress and leaving recipients without vital components like hearts, tissues, or veins. It is crucial to note that donors are not limited to these specific types alone.Sperm and eggs can be cryopreserved for future use in artificial reproduction or research purposes, helping couples dealing with infertility. While the implantation process is costly, exceeding $600, it is seen as a worthwhile investment. However, complications may arise during this procedure, necessitating thorough screening of donated semen for infections and diseases like Cytomegalovirus, AIDS, and Cystic fibrosis which are commonly transmitted through semen donation. Cystic fibrosis poses a risk to any couple as it can be inherited from either parent and has connections to specific ethnic backgrounds.

Freezing materials can significantly change their properties; for instance, mercury solidifies and rubber becomes brittle. Helium-4 transitions from gas to liquid to superfluid form when placed in a container, forming a thin film on the surface. Oxygen can be obtained from air for various applications such as rocket engines, cutting torches, supporting life in space and deep-sea vehicles, along with blast furnace operations. Nitrogen is another element derived from air that finds use in processes including ammonia production for fertilizers, freezing foods, and shipping frozen items.

Cryogenics is rapidly emerging as an essential field in medicine and research due to its expanding range of applications that continue to attract attention.The use of cryogenics is increasingly benefiting people in various fields such as surgery and space exploration. However, there is still much to learn about this technology and its potential advantages. The sources cited, including Britannica, Encarta, Cryolife, Cryolab, Elsevier,

FWKC Encyclopedia, and books by Schachtman, Walpole, and Bryson offer valuable insights into the history and importance of cold technology as well as temperature concepts. These sources also provide information on how cryogenic processes can enhance the performance of different materials.

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