Comparison Between Grameenphone and Banglalink Essay Example
American International University of Bangladesh Research paper on “Managing Profitable Customer Relationships & Partnering To build Customers Relationship-A Study OF Comparison Between Grameenphone & Banglalink. Subject: Principal Of Marketing Table of content: Topic Page no. Introduction to Grameenphone| 3| Introduction to Banglalink| 4| Company Background| 5| Mission Of The Organization| 5| Market Offerings (Product, Size/Type & price)| 6| Concepts Of Marketing| 8| Marketing Mix| 9| Supply Chain Management| 16|
Social Marketing Campaign | 17| List & Short Notes On Business Portfolio| 19| Evaluation Of SBUs by BCG Matrix| 20| Application of Product-Market Expansion Grid Strategies| 21| Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) techniques| 23| SWOT Analysis of the Company| 26| Introduction to Grameenphone ### Grameenphone Limited (“GP”, the “Company”) was established
...in 1996 and commenced services on March 1997 as a joint venture between Telenor of Norway and Grameen Telecom ### GP is a strong wireless operator in Bangladesh with approximately 25. million subscribers at 2010 with50. 5% of the Bangladesh wireless market. ### For the fiscal year ended December 2010, GP generated total revenues of US$792 mn and underlying EBITDA of US$396 mn, representing an EBITDA margin of 50. 1% ### GP operates on the GSM 900 standard with a total bandwidth of 7. 4 MHz; and the GSM 1800 standard with a total bandwidth of 7. 2 MHz ### The Company has a comprehensive network, with over 10,000 base stations, covering 97% of Bangladesh’s population and is GPRS/EDGE enabled.
Introduction to Banglalink ### Orascom telecom Bangladesh limited ("banglalink") is a 100% owned subsidiary of orascom telecom holding s. a. e. , Egypt, ("oth") in Bangladesh. It was acquired by oth in 2004, and after
complete overhaul and the deployment of a new GSM network. Banglalink began operations in Bangladesh in March 2005. .### Banglalink’s success was based on a simple mission: "bringing mobile telephony to the masses" which was the cornerstone of its strategy.
Banglalink changed the mobile phone status from luxury to a necessity and brought mobile telephone to the general people of Bangladesh and made a place in their hearts. ### Banglalink attained 1 million subscribers by December 2005 and 3 million subscribers in October 2006. In less than two years which is by December 2007. Banglalink overtook Aktel to become the second largest operator in Bangladesh with more than 7. 1 million customers. Banglalink currently has 14. 22 million subscribers as of march 2010, representing a market share of 26%. ## Growth over the last years have been fuelled with innovative products and services targeting different market segments, aggressive improvement of network quality and dedicated customer care, creating an extensive distribution network across the country, and establishing a strong brand that emotionally connected customers with Banglalink. Grameenphone| Banglalink| Company Background In November 28, 1996 Grameenphone was offered a cellular license in Bangladesh by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications joint venture between Telenor of Norway and Grameen Telecom.
Then in march 26, 1997 Grameenphone launched its service on the Independence Day of Bangladesh. Mission Of The Organization * reliable * widespread * convenient mobile and * cost effective telephone services| Company Background The long awaited launching of a mobile telecom network by a state-run enterprise had finally materialized on 1 March 2005. It also fulfilled a cherished dream of people who continuously demanded to the government for such
an enterprise.
The government started the "Mobile Telephone Project" and Bangladesh Telegraph & Telephone Board (BTTB) was entrusted with the responsibility for implementing the same. The Project work started in June 2004 and the network was soft launched on 1 march, 2005. Mission Of The Organization * Straight Forward * Reliable * Innovative * Passionate| Market Offerings (Product, Size/Type & price)Djuice : # Target Market: Youth# Product Type: Prepaid # Price: 150# Focus on music, messaging Community to appeal to the youth#Completely separate from the Grameenphone brand.
Shohoj Package:# Target Market: Corporate Level# Product Type: Prepaid# Price: BDT 150# Offering You will be able to talk to over 23 million Grameenphone numbers at a low rateAapon Package:# Target Market: Family Members# Product type : Prepaid # Price : BDT 150# You will be able to talk to over 23 million Grameenphone numbers at a low rate. Bondhu Package:# Target Market : Friends & FnF # Product Type : Prepaid#Price: BDT 150# This package with the highest number of F&Fs allows you to talk to your near and dear ones at the lowest rate.
This package gives you the privilege of calling 7 FnF numbers at Tk 0. 49/min. GP xplore Postpaid :# Target Market: High Income Mass and Professionals# Product Type: Postpaid#Price : BDT 650# Offering competitive tariff with features such as unlimited internet, flat call tariff, easy bill payment facilities etc. GP Business Solutions:#Target Market: Business#Product Type: Postpaid & Prepaid#Price :BDT500#Customized solutions for Corporations, SME and SOHO businesses Provides closed user group functionality, business messaging, Blackberry services, priority customer ervice etc. The supplementary Services # Internet # Bill Pay # Cell Bazaar # Stock Information,# Instant Messaging,# SMS Based Alerts/Services# Music#
Cricket Updates# Web SMS# Mobile Backup Value added services # Voice Mail Service (VMS) # Short Messaging Service (SMS) # Ring Tone Download # Logo Download # SMS (Text, Quotes & Jokes, Cricket update, # Horoscope, Emergency ... ) # Conference Call # Ring Tones # SMSemail # SMSadda # Picture Messages # International SMS # Song Dedication Instant Recharge | Market Offerings (Product, Size/Type & price) banglalink desh: # Target Market : General People #Product Type: Prepaid # Price : BDT150# bonus on incoming, lifetime validity, e-isd facility, 3 fnf numbers to any operator. Banglalink desh rangdhanu: #Target Market: Friends & Family #Product Type: Pre-paid#Price: BDT150# with this package, banglalink customers will be able to talk for half an hour by paying for only 5 minutes! Banglalink desh ek rate#Target Market : regular customer#Product Type: Pre-paid#Price: BDT150#specially targeted towards those customers who want flat call rate throughout the day.
Banglalink post-paid:#Target Market : Corporate Level#Product Type: Post-paid#Price: BDT500# lowest call charges,1 second pulse,20% bonus on incoming calls,up to 15% monthly loyalty discount on airtime, economy isd call charges (012) to 55 countries, international roaming, international smsBanglalink sme :#Target Market: small capital/small job holders. #Product Price : Post-paid#Price : BDT400# 50 free minutes and 50 free sms per month which can be used to any banglalink number 24 hours a day, waiver of monthly fee if monthly usage exceeds tk 400, only tk 50 monthly fee, zero connection price.
The supplementary Services # Call Forwarding/Divert # Call Waiting / Call holding # Call Barring # Caller Line Identification Presentation Value added services # i'bubble # Voice Mail Service (VMS) # Short Messaging Service (SMS) # Ring Tone Download #
Logo Download # SMS (Text, Quotes ; Jokes, Cricket update, Horoscope, Emergency ... ) # Conference Call # Ring Tones # SMSemail # SMSadda # Picture Messages # International SMS # Song Dedication # Instant Recharge| Concepts Of MarketingGrameenphone ; Banglalink, both the companies follow selling and societal marketing concepts.
They communicate with the customers regularly by newspaper, media, advertisement, by providing service with customer care. They emphasis on selling and promotion effort. Besides both the companies are following societal marketing concept as they are participating in CSR activities and considering consumer ; society’s long run interests. | Concepts Of MarketingGrameenphone ; Banglalink, both the companies follow selling and societal marketing concepts. They communicate with the customers regularly by newspaper, media, advertisement, by providing service with customer care. They emphasis on selling and promotion effort.
Besides both the companies are following societal marketing concept as they are participating in CSR activities and considering consumer ; society’s long run interests. | Marketing MixProduct Profile:Different packages of Grameenphone. Djuice: Focus on music, messaging Community to appeal to the youth. Shohoj Package: Offering You will be able to talk to over 23 million Grameenphone numbers at a low rate. Aapon Package: You will be able to talk to over 23 million Grameenphone numbers at a low rate. Bondhu package: This package with the highest number of F;Fs allows you to talk to your near and dear ones at the lowest rate.
This package gives you the privilege of calling 7 FnF numbers at Tk 0. 49/min. GP xplore Postpaid: Offering competitive tariff with features such as unlimited internet, flat call tariff, easy bill payment facilities etc. GP Business Solutions: Customized solutions
for Corporations, SME and SOHO businesses Provides closed user group functionality, business messaging, Blackberry services, priority customer service etc. Price: Pricing is one of the marketing mix tools that a company uses to achieve it marketing objectives. Djuice: # Djuice new connection is only Tk. 149 with bonus talk time of tk. 0. # Djuice to Djuice/GP (only for Fnf), tk. .49 (24 hr. ) # Djuice to GP, tk. 1. 35 (8 a. m. -12p. m)/tk. .49 (12-5p. m. )/tk. 1. 35 (5-12p. m)/ tk. .49 (12-8a. m)# SMS rate for Djuice to any operator tk. .75 Apon package: Shohoj Package:Bondhu Package:Xplore Postpaid:Place: The number of GP owned distribution centers all over the country is around 18. The centers serve customers directly and deal them with guidelines and advices to make the communication through network system easier and quicker. Besides there are around 60 franchises spreading all over the country right now.
These franchises deal with the customer problems and requirements; they gets complaints from customers, they collect creative suggestions from the valuable customers. And other channels- such as dealers, retailers- are making the products and services of GP more diversified to the customers. GP has not come to its present situation instantly. Various types of changes incurred during the years of its business. We will see the different channels at different time period one by one. From the beginning of the business of GP, it supplied its SIM to the distribution centers. Dealers got the product from the centers and sold those to retailers.
The retailers, at last, sold the product to end users. This was a traditional channel. Sometimes, end-users purchased products from dealers
as a whole to minimize the purchasing cost. Company did not sell directly to the customers at that time. Only three years ago GP introduced a new and convenient channels of distribution to overcome the traditional system. The two tails of the channel is the most attraction part to the customers. Through around 30 distribution centers, GP distributes all key parts of the country. Dealers, as an intermediary, purchase the products from the centers and disburse those to two types of retailers.
One is – exclusive retail outlet and another one is – non-exclusive retail outlets are permitted to sell the products of only GP. They are the guaranteed or authorized retailers. Non-exclusive retail outlets can sell other companies’ product as well as they have no relation the customers or end-users buy products from either of two types of retail outlets. They get the product or service of company in the most convenient way at the student time period. Promotion: Grameenphone uses promotional activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it.
Grameenphone can succeed to acquire more than 10 million customers as of December 2006 not only providing good service but also using high frequency promotional activities. Grameenphone uses most of the promotional tools to give message for its customers on the new product ; existing product and product features. Grameenphone must do more than make good product- they have to inform customers about product benefits and carefully position products in consumers’ mind. Grameenphone Advertising process : Any paid form of nonperson presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.
Grameenphone advertising can introduce the company and
the products. If the product embodies new features, advertising can explain them. Advertising can remind customers of how to use the products and reassures them about their purchase. Advertising tools * Newspapers * Television * Radio * Magazines * Newsletter * InternetGrameenphone Sales promotions Process : Grameenphone uses sales promotions that consist of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to simulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or service by consumers or the trade.
Sales promotion tools:Price-packs Nokia handset festival @ GPC’s Cash Refund OffersthankyouPrizesgrameenphone pothe pothe utchobPatronage Awardsthankyou crown, Be Special, Be crownGrameenphone Public relations process: Public relation is one of the grameenphone strategic promotion tools building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good “corporate image”. | Marketing MixProduct Profile:Different packages of Banglalink. anglalink desh: Bonus on incoming, lifetime validity, e-isd facility, 3 fnf numbers to any operator . Banglalink desh rangdhanu: With this package, banglalink customers will be able to talk for half an hour by paying for only 5 minutes. banglalink desh ek rate: Specially agreed towards those customers who want flat call rate throughout the day. banglalink post-paid: Lowest call charges,1 second pulse,20% bonus on incoming calls,up to 15% monthly loyalty discount on airtime, economy isd call charges (012) to 55 countries, international roaming, international sms. anglalink sme : 50 free minutes and 50 free sms per month which can be used to any banglalink number 24 hours a day, waiver of monthly fee if monthly usage exceeds tk 400, only tk 50 monthly fee, zero connection price. Price: Pricing is one of the marketing mix tools that a
company uses to achieve it marketing objectives. Banglalink Desh:Banglalink desh rangdhanu# under rangdhonu package, whenever a call will be connected to any banglalink number during 12. 00am-5. 00pm, tk. 1. 50/minute will be charged per minute during the 1st five minutes. from 6th to 30th minute, the call will be free of charge. imilarly, from 31st to 35th minute, the tariff will be tk. 1. 50/minute and from 36th to 60th minute, the call will be free of charge. # 60 second pulse will be applicable for this tariff # special tariff of rangdhonu package will be applicable for calling to any banglalink numbers (including fnf) from 12am to 4pm. banglalink desh ek rate:# customers can enjoy tk. 0. 87/min tariff #all day long to call to any operator (including fnf) # 60 sec pulse applicable Banglalink post-paid: Banglalink post-paid:| postpaid package 1| supplementary connection| call ; control| line rent| tk 100| -| tk 50| inimum commitment| -| tk. 50| -| outgoing call charges to banglalink numbers| 9am - 5pm| tk 0. 99/min| tk 0. 99/min| tk 0. 99/min| 5pm - 12am| tk 1. 25/min| tk 1. 25/min| tk 1. 25/min| 12am - 9am| tk 0. 45/min| tk 0. 45/min| tk 0. 45/min| outgoing call charges to other operators| 9am - 5pm| tk 0. 99/min| tk 0. 99/min| tk 0. 99/min| 5pm - 12am| tk 1. 25/min| tk 1. 25/min| tk 1. 25/min| 12am - 9am| tk 0. 99/min| tk 0. 99/min| tk 0. 99/min| fnf rates| number of fnf| 4| 4| 3| 24 hours call charge to banglalink fnf| tk 0. 45/min| tk 0. 45/min| tk 0. 5/min| 24 hours call charge to other operators’ fnf|
tk 0. 79/min| tk 0. 79/min| tk 0. 79/min| sms rates| sms rates to banglalink and other numbers| tk 0. 75/sms| tk 0. 75/sms| tk 0. 75/sms| sms rates to fnf numbers| tk 0. 50/sms| tk 0. 50/sms| tk 0. 50/sms| pulse| to banglalink numbers| 1 sec| 1 sec| 1 sec| to other operators numbers| 30/30/15| 30/30/15| 30/15/15| SME Enterprise Package :# Connection fee. 499. 00 Tk (50 Tk. Talk Time Free,50 Free SMS)# 20% Incoming bonus. # Any other operator, tk - . 99/min [9-5 pm]# Any other operator, tk- 1. 5/min [5-12 pm]# Banglalink to Banglalink, tk- . 25/min [12-9 pm]# Banglalink to Other operator, tk- . 25/min [12-9 pm# 1 sec pulse banglalink to banglalink ; 15 sec pulse other operator# Minimum Monthly Bill tk - 100# ? 4 (FnF) facility in any operator (Banglalink to Banglalink 0. 25 Tk or Banglalink to Other operator . 79)Place:As like as grameenphone Banglalink has a proper distribution team and channel. It has already appointed approximately 92 dealers over the country. Besides it is distributing its product by customer care and bank.
It is struggling very hard to make its product available countrywide. The distribution channel for mobile phone subscription has changed somewhat over the last year or so. There is still a multitude of levels within the channel. This channel has shrunk vertically during the last year or so and created a shallower channel. Promotion:Promotion is one of the marketing tools that a company uses to achieve its marketingobjectives. Each promotion tools has unique characteristics to improve their total sales. Banglalink are trying to do more promotional activities for their service.
BanglalinkMarketing promotion can be classified
in several stepsAdvertisements through billboards:The billboards installed so far by Banglalink Bangladesh Limited are listed below:Sl No Location qty 1 Kachpur-Dhaka Facing 12 Op N. U- Dhaka Facing 13 Saidabad bridge 1 4 Mohakhali Flyover (Both) 1 5 Shahabagh 16 GEC Circle (Ctg) 17
Gabtoli Bus Stand-Savar face 18 Chittagong Railway Station 1 Advertisement:Advertisement through Electronics media: Banglalink published their advertisement different channel as like- ntv, channel 1, Rtv, Bangla vision, ATN Bangla, radio today etc. Personal Selling:Personal presentation by the firm’s sales forces for the purpose of making sales and buildingcustomer relationship. Banglalink uses personal selling in different stages of marketing and distribution. Company distributes their product (SIM, Scratch, I-top, Cash card) among the wholesalers and retailers by maintaining the excellent relationship.
Banglalink’scommunicate with corporate client by its sales force building and keeping relationship withpotential and existing valued customer. Sales promotion:Sales promotion includes a wide way of tools that can attract consumer’s attraction, strongincentive of purchase, free gifts, discount and several types of occasional program. Banglalink sales promotion includes credit sales, commission etc. Banglalink arrangeConference every year among the dealers, wholesalers and retailers. They always try to influence and convince them for creating a market demand and sale their product. ere is some examples of Banglalink promotion that can be highlighted. Road show: Banglalink organized a two days long road show. Here subscribers got the opportunity to buy SIM of different pre-paid package at 70TK,where regular offer is 150TK. Handbag Distribution: At Bangla academy “Ekusay Boi Mela” Banglalink distributed handbag in visitors who bought book from fair. There was slogan on handbag for raisingawareness for reading book. Scarf Distribution: Banglalink distributed scarf to attract their existing
and new customer at Pahela Baisakh, That scarf create brand awareness of Banglalink.
Public Relation:Public relation is used to promote products, people, places, ideas, activities, organizations and even nations. Public relation can also influence a product sales or brand awareness. Banglalink arrange meeting always with the wholesalers and retailer for maintaining a good relationship with them. General people can also come to the Banglalink office for their queries and for expressing their concern about any telecom related factors. | Supply Chain Management | Supply Chain Management |
Social Marketing Campaign"Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step... " - Chinese proverbAt Grameenphone, we live by the statement "Development is a journey, not a destination. " Our work is not just about ensuring connectivity; it is about connecting with people and building relationships, based on trust, with our subscribers, business partners, employees, shareholders, as well as the wider community. We have always believed that good development is good business. While we maintain our business focus, taking the nation forward remains our top priority.
Thus our relationship with Bangladesh is built on a partnership which strives to achieve common economic and social goals. Corporate social responsibility, as we see it, is a ‘complementary' combination of ethical and responsible corporate behavior, as well as a commitment towards generating greater good for the society by addressing the development needs of the country. Our core strategy in this area is to be Bangladesh's partner in developing the country, particularly in its promise, as a United Nations Millennium Declaration signatory, to meet the eight targets known as the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
We have consolidated our social investment initiatives in
four core areas related to the Millennium Development Goals namely, * Poverty alleviation, * Healthcare, * Empowerment * Education. We are witness to the endless possibilities and the strength of the people of Bangladesh. We believe every step matters in the journey of hope we are taking together as a nation. With every connection we provide and with every opportunity we create in the community at large, we see the emergence of new possibilities. The Village Phone ladies lead us towards a silent yet powerful social revolution.
The indomitable spirit of acid survivors inspires us, while the confidence of intellectually challenged athletes shows us how to make the word ‘impossible' obsolete. Every step inspires us to move forward and takes us one step closer to our destination. Every step counts. | Social Marketing CampaignCorporate social responsibility, as we see it, is a ‘complementary' combination of ethical and responsible corporate behavior, as well as a commitment towards generating greater good for the society by addressing the development needs of the country.
Like the previous year, banglalink continues its CSR activities for the Hajj pilgrims this year as well. Last year banglalink provided pure drinking water at the Hajj Camp and the Zia International Airport. This year, banglalink has added some extra facilities, such as pure drinking water, necessary medicines, free phone kiosks and buses for shuttle services (airport drop service for the Hajjis), says a press release. Banglalink is doing many other social responsibilities ….. -Agri-solution service * -Special Service at haji camp * -Helping Unpriviliged children * -Decide to make Rajsahi Beautiful * Donates blankets to orphanage| List ; short notes on business portfolioPre-Paid * Smile *
djuicePost Paid * xplore Recharge * Flexi-Load * Scratch Card Hardware * Genuine Handsets * GPRS and EDGE Modem * Accessories ( Charger, Battery etc) ServicesPublic Phone ActivationValue Added Services: * International Roaming * EDGE * Voice Mail Services * Text Messages Bill PaymentYou can pay your post paid bill of any amount at any Grameenphone Center| List ; short notes on business portfolioPrepaid Packages: * desh rang * desh * ladies, first!
Postpaid Packages: * personal package * personal supplementary * personal call and control * enterprise personal * upper classBanglalink enterprise: * enterprise corporate * enterprise SME * enterprise personalValue Added Services: * information based services * entertainment * data based services * call management services * mobile financial services * Recharge * Flexi-Load * Scratch Card | Evaluation of SBU by BCG Matrix StarSmile | Question markdjuice| Cash cowsInternet | DogsCell bazar| Relative market Share High Low Low Smile: High growth rate; share Profit Potential May Need a Heavy investment to FlowDjuice:High Growth rate;low share Build into stars They Require cash to hold the market shareInternet: Low growth and high share Establish successful SBU Produce cash To Hold the market Cell Bazar: Low Growth and Low Share Low Profit Potential| Evaluation of SBU by BCG Matrix Star Desh | Question markSME| Cash cowsRong | Dogsinternet|
Relative market Share High Low Low Desh:High growth rate ;share Profit potential May need a heavy investment to flow SME: High Growth rate and low market share Biuld into stars Require cash to hold the market shareRong:Low Growth and High Share Establish Successful SBUProduce cash to hold the market shareInternet: Low Growth and Low Share Low Profit
Potential| Application of product market expansion grid strategyProduct market expansion grid is marketing tool created by An off. There are 4 possible combination of market expansion grid. Market Penetration| Product Development| Market Development | Diversification| Market penetration :A strategy for company growth by increasing sales of current market without changing their product.
This is not applicable for grameenphone and banglalink. Market development :when current product is launched in a new market and new target customer group. Grameenphone and banglalink both are trying to develop their market. Product development:When a new product is launched in the current market by developing new features, developing different quality levels ,improve the technology etc. GPInternet : Grameenphone provides internet service in its coverage area. As it has EDGE/GPRS enabled network, any subscriber can easily access to internet through this network. Grameenphone was the first mobile operator in Bangladesh to offer EDGE services to its subscribers.
BillPay : A service to enable users to pay their utility bills (Electricity, Gas etc) through mobile. CellBazaar : A service to enable users sell or buy products through mobile or internet. Various other services like Stock Information, Instant Messaging, SMS Based Alerts/Services, Voice-based Services, Downloads, Music, Cricket Updates, Web SMS, Mobile Backup etcMarket Segmentation, Targeting ; Positioning (STP) techniquesBases for Segmentation: Consumer markets can be segmented on the following customer characteristics. 1. Geographic2. Demographic3. Psychographic4. Behavioral 1. Geographic- Network: Grameenphone have the widest network coverage in the country.
It has changed the communication structure of the country and it can be compared with communication revolution. It is the first company in the country that has brought the mobile service to the mass level. 2. Demographic * 2. 1 Age: Djuice:
a youth based mobile to mobile connectivity within Bangladesh. Djuice was launched in Bangladesh by Grameenphone on the 14th of April, 2005 i. e. the Bengali New Year. Ever since the launch djuice has seen a big warm response from the crowd. Within two years djuice Bangladesh had enlisted around 2 million subscribers. Smile Package: Smile package which is a mobile to mobile connectivity within Bangladesh. It is the most popular product. * 2. Occupation:Public call office (PCO): a package exclusively designed for people operating public phone booths who basically need low call rate. Business Solution: a complete, quality business communications service designed especially for the business community in Bangladesh. At office or on the move – stay connected through Business Solutions. 3. Psychographic * 3. 1 Social class, Lifestyle, Personality: X-plore product Nationwide and international mobile and landline connectivity. Bangladesh. Grameenphone launched Roaming Services (both GSM and EDGE/GPRS) with CAMEL Phase II for Pre paid In-bound subscribers. upper class that can bear its expenses. 4. Behavioral * 4. Occasion: Greemenphone provide various offer for special occasions, like- Eid Spesial, Grameenphone brings back the popular Nokia 1200 handset, bundled with GP prepaid connections, for its prepaid subscribers at an amazingly affordable price. Target Marketing: Market segmentation reveals the firm’s market segment opportunities. 1. Undifferentiated Marketing- GrameenPhone has merged their pre-paid packages SMILE (with BTTB connectivity). All Easy clients will be updated to SMILE (Mobile to Mobile). And all Easy Gold clients will be updated to SMILE (with BTTB connectivity). 2. Differentiated Marketing- GrameenPhone also follow differentiated marketing strategy.
They offers different product for different segments based on different age, occupation, wants etc. Djuice: a youth based
mobile to mobile connectivity within Bangladesh. Public call office (PCO): a package exclusively designed for people operating public phone booths who basically need low call rate. Business Solution: a complete, quality business communications service designed especially for the business community in Bangladesh. Positioning Strategy : By creating product, service, channel, people ; image differentiation GrameenPhone reach the consumer touch point more effectively ; efficiently in comparing with their competitors in the highly competitive telecommunication sector. 1.
Product Differentiation: Network (best, quality): GrameenPhone has the largest network with the widest coverage around the country, bringing 98 percent of the population under the coverage of its network. 2. Service Differentiation: Business Solutions is a complete, quality business communications service from GrameenPhone – designed especially for the business community in Bangladesh. Messaging Services, SMS, Voice SMS, Cell e-mail, SMS Banking, Priority Service,Prioritized Hotline 121, Value Added Services, Missed Call Alert, Stock Information. 3. People Differentiation: Almost half the total number of employees of GrameenPhone Ltd. today (Tuesday), participated in the company's biggest customer care program to date. "This customer service campaign follows up on the "Stay Close" promise from GrameenPhone. 4.
Channel Differentiation: GP gain competitive advantage through the way they design their channels coverage expertise & performance. 5. Image Differentiation: GrameenPhone logo differentiates from the other companies. For that reason customer easily identify them in the market. SWOT AnalysisSWOT Analysis of Grameenphone:Strength: 1. Strong network 2. Strong Customer 3. Value added services 4. CommunicaionWeakness 1. High call rate 2. Slow internet 3. High production price 4. Less offerings 5. Negative case (illegal VIOP)Opportunities 1. Share 2. Reduce product price 3. CSR 4. Faster internet servicesThreats 1. New another mobile
company 2.
Law call rate from others 3. Faster internet services 4. 3G license | Application of product market expansion grid strategyProduct market expansion grid is marketing tool created by An off. There are 4 possible combination of market expansion grid. Market Penetration| Product Development| Market Development | Diversification| Market penetration :A strategy for company growth by increasing sales of current market without changing their product. This is not applicable for grameenphone and banglalink. Market development :when current product is launched in a new market and new target customer group. Grameenphone and banglalink both are trying to develop their market.
Product development:When a new product is launched in the current market by developing new features, developing different quality levels,improve the technology etc. BLBillPay : A service to enable users to pay their utility bills (Electricity, Gas etc) mobile. mobile remittance: banglalink in collaboration with dhaka bank ltd (dbl) and eastern bank ltd (ebl) jointly launched mobile remittance, the first ever for bangladesh as well as for south asia. this service is a highly secured, convenient, reliable, fast and cost-effective remittance system. friend finder: finding your friends was never so easy! introducing the all new banglalink friend finder. anglalink messenger: banglalink messenger, the ultimate chatting tool on your mobile! it is a user-friendly chat and messaging service that offers three key servicesVarious other services like Stock Information, Instant Messaging, SMS Based Alerts/Services, Voice-based Services, Downloads, Music, Cricket Updates, Web SMS, Mobile Backup etcMarket Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (STP) techniquesTarget marketOrganization that sells to consumer and business markets cannot appeal to all buyers in those markets or at least not to all buyers in the same way. Buyers are too
numerous, too widely scattered and too varied in their needs and buying practices.
In case of BANGLALINK from teenager to any age group: from lower-middle class to upper-upper from Teknuff to Tetulia regardless to race, religion and gender literacy level. Life style or personality any and every single person who is need of a telephone line backed with affordability spend the expense of possessing a mobile phone is their target market. This indicates that in choosing market segment, segmental marketing is appropriate for them. That means company should recognize that buyers differ in their needs, perception and buying behavior. For this BANGLALINK have made a various type of customization in phone lines and phone set along with different prices are charged against each segment of the target market.
Segmentation Below the various types of mobile phone set, line, price and billing system offered by BANGLALINK are discussed related to geographic, demographic and psycho-graphic segmentation. If we look to the segments from geographic angle we find that it started its service from capital of Bangladesh- Dhaka city. Then it extended its coverage area into Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna and gradually the 61 districts of the country. Although BANGLALINK is covering most of the part of the area, still they left 3 more districts. There are government restrictions for the network coverage of those hill traces areas. As to segment the cellular phone consumers’ psychographic segmentation plays the most important role. Psychographic segmentation divides consumers into different segment based on social class, life style or personality.
It is very important to design the products and services of mobile company according to the consumer’s psychographic factors. YOUNG PEOPLE- 44%MIDDLE INCOME GROUP- 31%SERVICE
HOLDER- 17%HOUSE WIVES- 4%OTHERS- 4%SWOT AnalysisSWOT Analysis of Banglalink Bangladesh Ltd:Strength 1. Low cost provider regarding its competitor. 2. Banglalink’s all connections are ISD & EISD. 3. Banglalink is the only indigenous company using GSM service. 4. From the very beginning it is providing free TNT incoming & Outgoing. 5. It has also provided incoming facility up lifetime. 6. Moreover its contribution to our economy can be notable. Weakness 1. The progress of development of network is far below from the subscriber expectation. 2.
Lower number of human resource. 3. Failed to identify difference between developed market and developing market. 4. Banglalink does follow aggressive marketing but it should follow smooth strategy. 5. Banglalink faces coordination problem of Management system. Opportunities 1. Banglalink can use the image of multinational organization. 2. Introduction of new technology and services. 3. Expand the market in the rural area. 4. Banglalink can use the experience strong network facilities. 5. Banglalink can use soft switch networkThreats 1. The invention of technology which is new modern and consumer oriented. 2. Another invisible threat is land phone operator|
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