Church Planting Increases The Intensity Of Light Theology Religion Essay Example
Church Planting Increases The Intensity Of Light Theology Religion Essay Example

Church Planting Increases The Intensity Of Light Theology Religion Essay Example

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  • Pages: 9 (2365 words)
  • Published: September 21, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Church planting is an effective strategy for fostering growth, even in countries with existing churches. I will present several reasons to support this viewpoint. Firstly, our God is a deity of boundless diversity. He has designed a world where each person has their own unique characteristics. It is logical to expect that the church should mirror this variety.

It is a marvelous thing that there are over 22,000 Christian denominations across the globe. This serves as evidence of God's embrace of diversity. Attempting to homogenize all churches contradicts both nature and the nature of God. The Bible does not offer a precise template for what constitutes a church. Rather, it portrays it as an organism, and all organisms vary from one another. Hence, churches should determine how to preserve and exhibit their distinct attributes in the presence of the Lord.



urch traditions can be modified or discarded without any issue. Many aspects of church life that are not natural or inherent can be changed. Thankfully, there are very few scriptural guidelines and examples, allowing us complete freedom to create our own unique expressions of faith. It is foolish to insist on conformity to tradition or other rigid structures when the Lord encourages spontaneity and diversity. The setting of the church provides an opportunity to start fresh and move away from past customs and cultures. Interestingly, even after being involved in church settings for many years, I have observed that we often continue to impose unnecessary old forms and formats.

The book of Revelation discusses the seven churches of Asia (chapters 2-3). In his communications with these churches, the Lord describes their unique qualities and tailors his message accordingly

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Each church has its own situation, assets, and shortcomings, making them distinct from one another. When the Lord assesses a church, he recognizes specific characteristics, both positive and negative. Every individual Christian prioritizes certain factors they consider important, which will ultimately influence the type of church they contribute to. Due to the uniqueness of each leadership group, the churches they oversee will also possess distinctiveness.

The variety of distinctions present in life should be honored and promoted. While we cherish our connections within the church community, our primary aim is to spread God's message to the world. Church environments possess a special ability to convert a collection of individuals into a cohesive team, where bonds are forged alongside one another like soldiers on a battlefield. Interestingly, we have discovered that cell groups emphasizing evangelism often excel in offering pastoral care. This could be attributed to their alternative focus which prevents excessive self-centeredness among members. Additionally, participants in these groups recognize the necessity for everyone to be prepared for their mission, resulting in heightened care and support for one another.

To achieve fitness and demonstrate our fitness, we must actively participate in the endeavor. While sitting around in a pub, it's impossible to determine who is fit and who isn't among football players. However, when they are chasing after a loose ball, it becomes evident. Forming teams with specific tasks is the challenge for church leaders. We must move past our introverted tendencies.

During his discipleship, Jesus did not indulge in self-centered behavior. He didn't waste time trying to coax his followers into opening up and discussing their emotional baggage or past hurts. Instead, he directed them towards serving

others and prioritizing their needs. This was Jesus' fundamental belief and lifestyle, which also shaped his approach with his team. Church planting enhances the impact of righteousness.

The higher the number of churches in a country, the greater the amount of visible radiation emitted in that location. This has the effect of enhancing non-Christians' clarity of truth and increasing their spiritual awareness. The first things a person saw were indeed the churches, and hence they observed Jesus walking amidst these lamps. The depicted scene shows seven candle holders illuminated brightly, and it is the radiation emanating from these candles that enables Jesus to be perceived. He is moving amongst them. Initially, it is implied that his visibility is solely attributable to the illumination provided by these candles.

It is noteworthy that Jesus is not found within the churches but amidst these lights, signifying his active presence in the world and his involvement with the community. The illumination emanating from the churches enables non-Christians to observe Jesus' deeds as he moves past them. The light emitted by candle holders may aid non-Christians in becoming acquainted with this radiance, eventually leading them to witness the resplendence of Jesus' countenance, described as being akin to 'the sun reflecting all its brilliance' (Rev 1:16). Hence, it is rational for us to establish an abundance of churches.

The increase in light will cause an increase in conversions, resulting in the transformation of all churches nationwide. Church Planting is a viable method for evangelism. The idea of establishing a church every 800 meters allows us to evaluate each community's characteristics and develop the most appropriate evangelistic plan accordingly. Similar to Apostle Paul's ability to

adjust himself to diverse audiences, such as by assimilating with the Jews, we should endeavor to adapt ourselves to different individuals and groups.

To effectively engage with the Gentiles, he adjusted his behavior to match theirs. In order to connect with the local residents while living and working in a particular country, it is crucial to identify suitable strategies and approaches for each situation. Moreover, integrating smoothly into the specific community is equally significant. These concepts are widely referred to as 'contextualization'.

Adapting to the customs and cultures of our evangelistic environment is crucial for effectively incorporating the Gospel into the lives of those we reach out to. Some church growth principles suggest that we should only evangelize people who are similar to us because like attracts like. However, I disagree with this as a scriptural strategy for sharing Christ's message. There are times when, for the sake of spreading the Gospel, we should reach out to people who are different from us, just as Paul did when he shared the Good News with the Gentiles.

Homogeneous groups may experience faster growth than diverse ones, but our ultimate challenge is breaking down all divisions - age, gender, social status, religion or race - and building a united family that includes individuals from every background and nation. This serves as a better model for society as a whole.

The next chapter suggests various evangelistic events aimed at bringing non-Christians to the church and allowing them to witness genuine community in action. Creating a community within society also forms the foundation for serving the rest of society. Like the early church, which identified areas where they could support their community, such

as caring for widows and meeting their needs, this task became overwhelming enough that seven deacons were appointed to handle it (Acts 6:1). Understanding and addressing the needs of those in the surrounding community is an integral part of our pastoral role. In any given community of 1,000 people, there are numerous pastoral demands.

To effectively meet these needs, there is a need to plant an infinite number of churches. The accessibility of churches increases as more are established. This is particularly crucial in impoverished neighborhoods where many people lack personal transportation. It would be advantageous to have a church within walking distance for everyone. A scriptural Sabbath day's journey, which is around 890 meters, could be used as a reasonable guideline.

Ideally, it would be best to have a church located within half the distance from any given point. This would ensure that people can easily reach the church and return within the allowed boundaries. Imagine a town or estate where churches are strategically placed no more than 890 meters apart. Wouldn't this create an excellent foundation for evangelism? This concept is similar to the Challenge 2000 goal of having one church for every 1,000 members of society. If we were to apply this principle to Hemel Hempstead, for example, each neighborhood would require multiple churches to be established.

Without a doubt, religious forces are manipulating non-Christians in every community. Paul refers to them as individuals who are living in accordance with the ruler of the domain of the air. He further confirms that the spirit is currently active within defiant individuals. Our responsibility is therefore to create an environment in a specific area where people's lives

are influenced by the refreshing presence of the Holy Spirit, essentially bringing the atmosphere of Heaven. We comprehend that our choices play a crucial role in how the realm of supernatural interacts with the earthly realm.

That is why we pray. It is also how devils gain access to possess people's lives. Both individual choices and, more significantly, collective choices, provide opportunities for spiritual activity. Jesus reveals that it only takes two or three people coming together asking for something to happen (Mt 18:19). Presumably, unholy alliances operate in a similar way. If there are two or three people engaging in evil actions in our communities, wicked things will occur.

Our goal should be to take action against these evil alliances, aiming to either convert them or drive them away from the country. For many years, we have employed a prayer scheme to connect with the enemy leaders within our local territories. This strategy is risky as it can potentially cause trouble. However, there have been actual transformations from darkness to light in this area. These transformations have involved criminals, drug dealers, and even self-proclaimed witches. When they become Christians, there is a significant change in the spiritual dynamics of an area.

By praying, we have seen the Lord eliminate enemy agents from our lands. It is vital to assess past and present collective choices that may impact the presence of demonic strongholds in our city. One instance is when a bomb was released at a neighboring school during World War II, resulting in the devastating loss of all children in the community. The profound grief and bitterness experienced by those who lost their children, along with everyone

else affected, should not be underestimated.

It is unsurprising that demons attempt to manipulate these circumstances. Even though this horror occurred over a generation ago, the same spirits of anger and resentment still govern the current population. While the individuals may have changed, these malevolent forces maintain control over the area. Recognizing this reality presents a distinct approach in evangelism – encouraging the present residents to make alternative choices from those made in the past and embrace a contrasting spirit that opposes this dominion. They were taught how to live a life characterized by forgiveness and love.

The choices made by two or three individuals can make a significant impact. Unfortunately, numerous churches are established due to divisions and separations. However, this is not entirely negative, as both factions of a split often continue to thrive independently. Additionally, their differences highlight the diverse and legally permissible range of church culture and existence.

Having valid theological differences is advantageous as it prompts individuals to carefully contemplate their beliefs and assertively adopt their own position. It is essential for believers to have the freedom to prioritize specific practical or theological aspects that hold significance for them, so as to remain faithful to their own convictions. Nonetheless, it is vital that we never show disrespect towards other believers or churches solely based on differing perspectives. Spiritual maturity entails peacefully coexisting with divergent opinions and, if required, functioning independently while still demonstrating love, respect, and understanding towards those who possess contrasting views.

Everyone makes theological decisions based on the information they have access to. The differences in our sources of information lead us to different conclusions. However, these logical processes have no connection

to the unity of an individual's heart or the strength of their love for the Lord. Unfortunately, I believe we often misunderstand the true significance of spirituality.

God embraces, adores, and employs his children, even when they originate from completely divergent ends of the theological spectrum. We have no authority to dismiss what our Father welcomes. This does not imply that certain perspectives are not incorrect or that we should not strive to aid each other in comprehending or adopting different beliefs. The Apostle Paul made an effort to shed as much enlightenment as possible in every sanctuary he visited. He would debate and persuade to the extent that his audience either converted or expelled him.

This text acts as a valuable guide for those enduring in dying or declining institutional environments, but caution is advised! They may forcibly remove you and subject you to public stoning, just like Paul. He would begin anew by establishing a new congregation elsewhere. However, some remained stubborn and chose to reject and publicly defame the teachings of the Christian faith. Establishing churches carries its own risks. Like any form of evangelism, there is no guarantee that people will respond positively to your message. Nevertheless, the world needs trailblazers who are willing to experiment and take necessary risks to bring the gospel to the masses.

Possibly we simply start small, gaining a foothold, like Paul when he encounters a woman in Philippi who embraces his message (Acts 16:14). However, this eventually led to her family being baptized and the establishment of a church there. Exploring our community or neighborhood, similar to Paul's assessment of Athens where he found a strategy for his

message, is how we become meaningful in evangelism and spiritual battles. Gathering insights from history, the general public, local newspapers, and the Lord are the sources for us to develop short-term and long-term goals in creating effective and relevant churches. Ultimately, church planting is no different from starting your own business. I have often encouraged people to venture out on their own and launch their own company.

I have also engaged in this endeavor personally. The act of promoting such free enterprise should be praised throughout the universe. No one enjoys the sight of monopolies; greater variety and options are always preferable. Therefore, why should we resent dynamic, bold innovators who establish new churches? Why should older denominations maintain a monopoly? Free enterprise urges us all to ensure that we are providing the necessary resources to serve the community.

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